Matthew Collings TV - J M W Turner - Pierre-Auguste Renoir - Henry Ford - Edouard Manet - Anton Chekhov - Johnny Cash - Sylvia Plath -
The Rothko Chapel: His paintings here are the grandest, darkest, blackest, most unfathomable ones he ever made. Bloody hell, they’re black. Matthew Collings, What is Modern Art? IV: Nothing Matter
If I could find anything blacker than black, I'd use it. J M W Turner
I’ve been 40 years discovering that the queen of all colours was black. Pierre-Auguste Renoir
Any colour – so long as it's black. Henry Ford
Black is not a colour. Edouard Manet
Medvedenko: Why do you wear black all the time?
Masha: I’m in mourning for my life. I’m unhappy. Anton Chekhov, The Seagull
I wore black because I liked it. I still do, and wearing it still means something to me. It’s still my symbol of rebellion – against a stagnant status quo, against our hypocritical houses of God, against people whose minds are closed to others’ ideas. Johnny Cash
All I want is blackness. Blackness and silence. Sylvia Plath