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★ Bush Family (I)

Bush Family (I): see Bush Family (II) & United States of America & 9/11 & Carlyle Group & Afghanistan & Iraq & Saudi Arabia & Election & New World Order & US Presidents & Globalisation & Nazis & CIA

George Carlin - Bill Hicks - Patti Davis - Presidents at War TV - Osama bin Laden - Larry King & Bandar bin Sultan - Thomas Sheridan - The Guardian & Guardian online - JFK II: The Bush Connection - Mike Ruppert - John Buchanan - The Secret Plan of the New World Order - Chris Everard - Ring of Power 2008 - Anthony J Hilder - Bianca Jagger - John Pilger - America’s Book of Secrets TV -  Barbara Bush - George H W Bush - George H W Bush (documentary) TV - Ann Richards - Invisible Empire - Alex Jones - Brit Hume - Chip Berlet - Dark Legacy TV - Ralph Epperson - Conspiracy Theory 1997 - The Washington Times - Alex Jones - Jordan Maxwell - Daniel Ellsberg - Robert Jensen - Howard Zinn - Fabled Enemies - T D Allman - Oliver Stone’s Untold History of the United States TV - Richard A Falk - Frontline: Bush’s War TV - Lawrence Klayman - Jack Rasmus - Dan Briody - Protest Placard - Cynthia McKinney - Michael Moore TV - George W Bush - Rory Bremner TV - Will Forte -  




Even the name Bush.  Even the name Bush is related to the genitals without being the genitals.  A Bush is a kind of secondary sex characteristic ... Fuck ’em to death! ... He said this time we’re going all the way ... Just remember the names of the two men who were running that war – Dick Cheney and Colin Powell.  Somebody got fucked in the arse.  George Carlin, We Like War, on stage New York



It’s not that I disagree with Bush’s economic policy or his foreign policy, it’s that I believe he was a child of Satan here to destroy the planet Earth ... There’s a quote from Saddam Hussein, ‘We have nothing against America, we just want to see George Bush beheaded and his head kicked down the road like a soccer ball.’  I’m thinking, that’s what I want to see!  Bill Hicks, 1993



Laura Bush went on national television during the week of my father’s funeral and spoke out against embryonic stem-cell research, pointing out that where Alzheimer’s is concerned, we don’t have proof that stem-cell treatment would be effective.  Patti Davis



December 1941: The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor plunged the United States head-first into World War II.  Fought not just against Japan but against Hitler’s Nazi Germany.  Over the course of the War sixteen million Americans would serve in active duty in the armed forces.  Eight of them would become US presidents.  Presidents at War: A Call to Valor I, History 2019


The eagerness to serve even hit young boys.  In Massachusetts a high school prep student decided to enlist: George H W Bush.  ibid.    


‘He doesn’t just enlist in the war; he signs up for the most dangerous job in the war.’  ibid.  historian



The US had been at war for two years.  Among the sixteen million Americans who served in active duty were eight future American presidents: Nixon, Eisenhower, Ford, Bush, Johnson, Carter, Reagan, Kennedy.  Presidents at War II: Their Finest Hours



Bush the father did well in placing his sons as governors and did not forget to pass on the expertise in fraud from the leaders of the region to Florida to use it in critical moments.  Osama bin Laden 



Larry King: Bandar, do you know the Bin Laden family?


Prince Bandar bin Sultan: I do very well.


Larry King: What are they like?


Prince Bandar bin Sultan: They are really lovely human beings.  Larry King Live



The Bush family is a cactus because everyone on it is a prick.  Thomas Sheridan



George Bush’s administration yesterday blasted another lethal hole in the vital structure of multilateral arms agreements that has so far protected most of the world from the worst dangers of the modern military age.  America’s lone, wanton wrecking of long-running negotiations to enforce the 1972 treaty banning biological or germ weapons is an insult to the pact’s 142 other signatories, a body-blow for the treaty itself and a major setback for international efforts to agree practical curbs on the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.


By this action, the US suggests that its national security interests, narrowly defined, and the commercial interests of its dominant biotechnology sector should take precedence over responsible global collaboration to meet a common threat.  By rejecting the proposed inspection regime, it further, dangerously, suggests to others that the US is not really worried about germ-warfare controls and wants to develop its own, advanced biological weapons.


This in turn could have a serious impact on continuing efforts to bolster the equally important chemical weapons convention.  Since Tony Blair’s government has been particularly active in promoting the BWC enforcement protocol, it may now be expected to be particularly active in condemning this latest piece of Bush vandalism.  Jack Straw should summon the US ambassador, a Bush appointee, to the Foreign Office and demand an explanation.


The US move confirms a pattern of reckless, unilateralist behaviour on arms control, as on environmental and other issues.  Since taking office, Mr Bush has spoken in grandiose terms of the need for ‘new thinking’ and for a ‘new strategic framework’.  But to date, this supposed post-cold war global security vision has largely amounted to trashing existing agreements without any clear idea of what to put in their place.  The Guardian 2001



How Bushs grandfather helped Hitler rise to power ... George Bushs grandfather, the late US Senator Prescott Bush, was a director and shareholder of companies that profited from their involvement with the financial backers of Nazi Germany ... More tantalising are Bushs links to Consolidated Siberian Steel Company (CSSC), based in mineral rich Siberia on the German-Polish border.  During the war the company made use of Nazi slave labour from the concentration camps including Auschwitz.  Guardian online news report Aris & Campbell 25th September 2004



Dulles worked closely with Nazi bankers during World War II.  That somehow qualified him to be the director of the newly formed Central Intelligence Agency, the CIA.  He was the architect of the Bay of Pigs Invasion of Cuba ... In the 1930s and 1940s Allen Dulles was a close business associate on a first name basis with both Prescott Bush and Averell Harriman.  JFKII: The Bush Connection, 2003 


Hoover investigated the Nazi connections of Union Bank of New York.  And in 1942, the year the US entered the war, the bank was seized as a Nazi asset.  Prescott Bush, the Presidents grandfather, was a director and chief executive officer of that bank.  And when the US government grabbed the bank he protested: he said, Wait a minute; thats my bank.  Hoover said, Thats right, no mistake, youre a Nazi; you run a Nazi bank.  ibid.


Four short years later he [Prescott Bush] found another young man to sponsor in politics: Nixon, who is documented as employing Jack Ruby a year after this photo was taken.  Nixon, who hired Hunt, who hired Connally, was created and sponsored from the very beginning by Prescott Bush.  ibid.


At the same time that Hunt moved from working inside Harriman’s office to go to the CIA where he’s supervised at the Bay of Pigs invasion, at the same time that Richard Bissell moved from working inside Harriman’s office to go to work for the CIA where he became the director of planning for the Bay of Pigs operation, at the very same time the oldest son of Harriman’s closest associate [George H W Bush] went to work in the exact same outdoor office where Hunt and Bissell were now operating, Hoover’s memo names Bush as a CIA supervisor of the Bay of Pigs invaders, the anti-Castro Cubans; there can be no reasonable doubt about this connection – George Bush was working for the CIA assisting in their operations at the Bay of Pigs, working for Bissell, working with Hunt, working with Sturgess, supervising the CIA’s misguided anti-Castro Cubans.  His supervision of Hunt and the others at the Bay of Pigs is a key piece of evidence linking him to the assassination.  But it is not Bush’s only connection to Hunt and the other suspects.  ibid.    


This guy [George H W Bush] was everywhere connected to every single aspect of the assassination: planning, execution and cover up.  No-one, not Hunt, not Connally, not Nixon, no-one on the face of the Earth could possibly have better credentials as a suspect as George Herbert Walker Bush.  ibid.  


Hoover was forced by Kennedy to go head to head with the CIA.  Although no arrests were made, Hoover located the camps and shut them down.  The question remains: how did Hoover locate these camps?  Their location was secret even to the president of the United States ... Oswald was in fact Hoover’s most important agent in the field.  So that on November 22nd Hoover not only learnt that the CIA had murdered the president of the United States, but that they had framed his top agent, Lee Harvey Oswald, as the lone assassin for the murder.  This news sent a very direct and personal message to Hoover from the CIA: mess with us and you die ... Oswald had infiltrated the CIA’s Operation 40 ... Oswald was in the room with Hunt as he was passing out the money.  Oswald was reporting to Hoover, so Hoover knew that the misguided anti-Castro Cubans were working with Hunt and helped to kill the President.  ibid.



George Herbert Walker Bush created the enemy which he fought in 1991.  Mike Ruppert, The Truth & Lies of 9/11


George Herbert Walkers father Prescott Bush was the managing director of a firm called Brown Brothers Harriman during the 30s and 40s.  Brown Brothers Harriman financed Adolf Hitler before and during World War II.  ibid.