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★ Black Ops

The dubious suicide of God’s banker: there is one secret society who some conspiracy theorists believe are behind this mysterious death ... of Roberto Calvi, who was a member of the defunct Masonic Lodge P2 ... On the 18th June 1982 Blackfriars Bridge in London became the focus of a murder mystery that put Freemasons in the line of fire.  A discovery is made at dawn: the discovery of a well-dressed body found hanging under the bridge.  His wallet is stuffed full of cash.  A fake passport and his pockets are full of bricks.  Freemasons on Trial    


This was one of the most high-profile deaths of the twentieth century.   Some believe that freemasonry stems from stone-masonry, and for that reason some people thought that the bricks found in Roberto Calvis pockets were a possible link to freemasonry.  And there is London itself which is the spiritual home of freemasonry.  Where the idea of this modern secret brotherhood was born.  Then theres Blackfriars Bridge, just a Tube stop from the Grand Lodge of England and within sight of St Pauls Cathedral.   Built by masons under the supervision of the brotherhoods greatest architect, Sir Christopher Wren.  Roberto Calvi was a member of P2, a renegade Masonic Lodge.  And Friars was apparently a nickname P2 called themselves.  London police soon ruled his death a suicide, a desperate man on the run.  His life collapsing around him.  It could have been possible that Roberto Carlo chose to end it all: but to his son Carlo it all didnt add up.  ibid.  


These allegations whether true or not eventually led the authorities to become suspicious and the scandal was derailed.  P2 was officially shut down in the summer of 1981 after police raided Gellis home and found a list of P2 members.  This had drastic consequences for Roberto Calvi and ultimately lead to his downfall.  ibid.



On the 18th of June 1982 Blackfriars Bridge in London became the focus of a murder mystery that put the Masons in the line of fire.  A grisly discovery is made at dawn: the body of a well-dressed man is found hanging under the bridge.  His wallet stuffed full of cash along with a fake passport and pockets filled with bricks.  The body was identified as Roberto Calvi.  Calvi was the chairman of Banco Ambrosiano, Italys largest private bank with close ties to the Vatican.  The tabloid press exposed a mass of scandal and financial embezzlement.  Calvi was also a member of P2, a clandestine quasi-Masonic Lodge run by a powerful Italian financier Lichio Gelli, a former envoy of Mussolinis.  Lost Symbol: Truth or Fiction, 2009



This is the body of Gods banker.  At 7:30 a.m. June 18th 1982 his body was found swinging from Blackfriars Bridge.  The cause of death  asphyxiation by hanging ... Roberto Calvi was the man people called Gods banker.  Now technically he was more like the Popes banker but that doesnt sound quite as impressive.  Anyway, he earned his rather grand title by becoming head of Italys largest private bank, and more importantly, getting mixed up in the Vaticans complicated finances.  Now he was a powerful and well-connected man.  So why did he end up hanging from scaffolding here under Blackfrairs Bridge in London?  Calvi wasnt just connected to the Vatican.  He also had links with the Mafia and Italian Freemasons.  He had a lot to hide and a lot of secrets to tell.  Conspiracy: The Pope and the Mafia Millions, 2006


Everything really started to go wrong for Calvi when the debts at his bank spiralled out of control.  It got worse: Calvi was arrested for currency fraud.  During his time inside he started to talk.  He committed the ultimate bankers crime and began spilling his clients secrets,  With his bank facing financial collapse Calvi now had every reason to flee Italy ... The Vatican, the Mafia, the Italian Freemasons, he knew all their darkest secrets and was threatening to expose them.  ibid.  


He had enough drugs back at his flat to do the job quietly and probably painlessly.  There was also no suicide note.  Calvis family found it hard to accept the original Inquest verdict of Suicide.  A second Inquest returned an Open verdict ... There were no struggle marks on Calvis body.  ibid.  


There was no shortage of suspects.  When Calvi fled to London he took a briefcase along with him ... It was full of incriminating documents linking Banco Ambrosiano to all sorts of shady dealings.  And the contents were said to be so important to Calvi that he even slept with the briefcase; he never let it out of his sight.  But after Calvis death the briefcase was nowhere to be found.  ibid.


Then in a bizarre twist the briefcase surfaced on Italian television.  The contents were poured over live on Italian national TV.  It had all sorts of interesting stuff in it – Calvis wallet, his driving licence, even a false passport.  But by this stage of course most of the incriminating documents had vanished.  So could Calvi really have been killed for the contents of his briefcase?  ibid.


Calvi was a member of a Masonic lodge in Italy the members of which wore black robes and called each other Friars – Black Friars.  ibid.


The head honcho at the P2 was this man – Lichio Gelli.  Gelli got Calvi to join his P2 lodge so that he could turn Calvis bank into the prefect vehicle for financing the P2s rather questionable activities.  Like backing right-wing dictators in Latin America.  And accepting CIA money to cement terrorism.  And then theres the arms dealing.  P2 were alleged to have supported the Argentine government in the Falklands war, even supplying them with Exocet missiles.  All of these funds passed through Calvis bank.  ibid.  



When hostilities commenced in Europe in 1939 it was realised that the American people had no intention of entering the war.  But they believed that this country could be enticed into the war in very much the same way that it was enticed into the last one.  They planned first, to plan the United States for foreign war under the guise of American defense.  Second, to involve us in the war, step by step, without our realisation.  Third, to create a series of incidents which would force us into the actual conflict.  These plans were of course to be covered and assisted by the full power of their propaganda.  Our theaters soon became filled with plays portraying the glory of war.  Newsreels lost all semblance of objectivity.  And they have used the war to justify the restriction of congressional powers, and the assumption of dictatorial procedures on the part of the President and his appointees.  A fear campaign was inaugurated.  We cannot allow the natural prejudices and passions of other peoples to lead our country to destruction.  Charles Lindbergh, 11th September 1941



I suggest that if you know history, then you might not be so easily fooled by the government when it tells you you must go to war for this or that reason – that history is a protective armor against being misled.  Howard Zinn



Wars are not caused by international conflicts of interest.  Proper logical sequence would make it more often accurate to say that war-making societies require (and thus bring about) such conflicts.  Report From Iron Mountain 1967, Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 67-27553


Nevertheless, an effective political substitute for wars would require alternative enemies some of which might seem equally far-fetched in the context of the current war system.  


It may be, for instance, that gross pollution of the environment can eventually replace the possibility of mass destruction by nuclear weapons as the principle apparent threat to the survival of the species.  


Poisoning of the air, and the principle sources of food and water supply is already well advanced.  ibid.


A viable political substitute for war must posit a generalised external menace to each society of a nature and degree sufficient to require the organisation and acceptance of political authority.  ibid.



The Sinking of the Lusitania in 1916 purposefully sank in order to generate a public backlash that would pull the United States into war with Germany.  The Secret Plan of the New World Order 



In 1915 it was the sinking of the USS Lusitania by a German submarine to trigger the crisis that would eventually bring the United States into the First World War.  It appears however that the US had secretly slipped to the Germans the information that the ship was carrying a special cargo of weapons headed to England.  This provoked a reaction from the German submarine which sunk the vessel on which more than one hundred Americans were also travelling.  The New American Century



Notice!  Travellers intending to embark on the Atlantic voyage are reminded that a state of war exists between Germany and her allies and Great Britain and her allies; that the zone of war includes the waters adjacent to the British Isles; that, in accordance with formal notice given by the Imperial German Government, vessels flying the flag of Great Britain, or any of her allies, are liable to destruction in those waters and that travellers sailing in the war zone on ships of Great Britain or her allies do so at their own risk.  IMPERIAL GERMAN EMBASSY.  The New York Times 1st May 1915



They are top secret mission manned by the specially trained military elite.  Covert operations using unconventional tactics.  America's Book of Secrets s1e10: Black Op, History 2012


Operation Neptune Spear ... The world’s most wanted terrorist – Osama bin Laden – was dead.  Within hours news of the clandestine black operation, or black op, spread across the world.  ibid.  


What exactly makes a mission a black op?  ibid.


Kennedy & Bay of Pigs: His desire for a special fighting force [hundred million dollars] – birth of the Navy Seals.  ibid.


1980 President Jimmy Carter ordered an ultra-clandestine mission Operation Eagle Claw in an effort to rescue fifty-two US embassy employees held captive in Iran for nearly six months.  ibid.


‘You assume you’re under surveillance all the time.’  ibid.  Black Ops guy


The future of American warfare lies largely in black ops.  ibid.



On February 15th 1898 treason was committed by William McKinleys Navy when they blew up their own ship in Havana Harbour to create a pretext for war with the Spanish government.  Alex Jones, 9/11 The Road to Tyranny, 2002



False Flag is something that happens historically, happens regularly.  Perfectly standard thing for intelligence agencies to get involved in.  Annie Machon, MI5 whistleblower, interview 30th April 2010


They decide it’s in their interests ... to carry out an atrocity in order to build up a market for things like the arms industry, in order to build up an environment politically where they can get away with taking away our basic rights ... Vested class interests.  ibid.



US Army Intelligence must have the means of launching special operations which will convince host country governments and public opinion of the reality of the insurgent danger.  US Army Intelligence should seek to penetrate the insurgency by means of agents on special assignment, with the task of forming special actions groups among the most radical elements of the insurgency.  Alleged US Army Intelligence Field Manual