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★ Black Ops

There may be times when HC [Host Country] governments show passivity or indecision in face of Communist or Communist-inspired subversion, and react with inadequate vigor to intelligence estimates transmitted by US agencies.  Such situations are particularly likely to arise when the insurgency seeks to achieve tactical advantage by temporarily refraining from violence, thus lulling MC authorities into a state of false security.  In such cases, US Army Intelligence must have the means of launching special operation which will convince HC government and public opinion of the reality of the insurgent danger and of the necessity of counteraction.  ibid.  30-31: Appendix E



UK soldiers ‘freed from militia’: Two British soldiers whose imprisonment prompted UK troops to storm a Basra police station were later rescued from militia, the Ministry of Defence says.  BBC online article 20th September 2005



Britain apologises for terrorist act in Basra: rescue of SAS men who were planning to plant bombs … news article 15th October 2005



Were British Special Forces Soldiers Planting Bombs in Basra? ... Sophisticated devices used for bombs ... Shooting at civilians while dressed up as Arabs.  Global Research feature article 25th September 2005



How the CIA’s black operations compromised the office of President and subverted the authority of Congress and the American judicial system.  The Mena Connection, Youtube 2012


Activities set at a remote airport in western Arkansas while Clinton was Arkansas’s commander in chief … Clinton once again demonstrated his trademark talent … He Lied!  ibid.


‘The local prosecutor did conduct an investigation …’  cf.  Letter from Polk County Deputy Prosecutor Charles Black to Governor Bill Clinton requesting state assistance to fund the Mena investigation.  ibid.  Bill    


The Arkansas Committee gathered thousands of signatures and went directly to Clinton demanding he lead the investigation … Continued lies, deceit and cover-up.  ibid.


Gunrunning, mysterious CIA flights, Contra military training, guerrilla pilot training, clandestine air drops, tons of illegal drugs, millions of dollars in dirty money: covert activity in some third-world banana republic, right?  Wrong.  Arkansas: America’s own Banana Republic.  ibid.  


Drug smuggler, undercover agent for the FBI, DEA, US Customs & the Central Intelligence Agency: Barry Seal who was ruthlessly assassinated in Baton Rogue Louisiana in February 1986 plays a pivotal role.  ibid.


A small backward state Arkansas became the epicentre of a CIA black operation … we will expose the ongoing cover-up.  ibid. 


[Theresa] Dickie was able to film Fred Hampton junior and Joseph Evans, Seal’s trusted mechanics, both of whom were assets of the CIA & DEA.  ibid. 


A probe into a money-laundering operation in Mena seems to have gone nowhere.  ibid.  


Here in Washington there are investigators in both the House and the Senate who would like to know what’s going on at the little airport.  ibid.  Carol White, WMAQ ch5 Chicago reporter


The NSC has blocked recent Congressional requests to examine the relationship of drug smuggling to American foreign policy in Central America.  ibid.  


So why did Time magazine use its vast resources to protect Bill Clinton?  Maybe the fact the Bill Clinton’s friend and former Oxford roommate Strobe Talbott who was then Time’s editor at large played a role.  ibid.  



Lasater: Bill Clinton’s old friend … Locke plead guilty to drugs charges’ [newspaper article] … Dan Lasater who employed Roger Clinton as well … Barry Seal running the CIA’s money through Lasater … Arkansas Development Finance Authority, a state agency, was created by Bill Clinton as a way to launder CIA money.  ibid.



Pressure came from the CIA to get rid of the Labour government.  They fed information to MI5 claiming that Prime Minister Wilson was a KGB agent.  It was joint CIA/MI5 operation supported by others in Whitehall.  Yeah, the whole bag of dirty ticks was used: smears, break-ins, burglaries, phone-tapping, blackmail, disinformation.  Hidden Agenda 1990 starring Frances McDormand & Brian Cox & Brad Dourif & Maurice Roeves & Ian McElhinney & Mai Zetterling & Michelle Fairley et al, director Ken Loach, Harris  



Lies have always been used to sell war to a public that would otherwise be leery about sending their sons off to fight and die on foreign soil … A pretence for war is required to rally the nation around the flag and motivate the public to fight.  The Corbett Report, Debunking a Century of War Lies, James Corbett online 2018   


World War I: RMS Lusitania: Every facet of the story of the Lusitania as it has been presented to the public was a deliberate lie or a lie by omission.  The boat was not a purely civilian vessel …  ibid.


World War II: Pearl Harbor is best understood as a conspiracy to motivate the American public for war.  ibid.


1931: Japan was looking for a pretext to invade Manchuria.  ibid.


Korea was arbitrarily divided along the 38th parallel … Neither was the war itself the organic result of decisions taken by the Korean people. ibid.  


Vietnam: In August 1964 President Johnson was preoccupied in finding an excuse to justify a formal escalation of American military involvement in in Vietnam.  That excuse came on August 2nd when the USS Maddox  a destroyer supposedly on a peaceful mission in international waters  reported a surprise attack … The story of the Maddox too had been a tissue of lies.  ibid.   


The 6 Day War in 1967 between Israel and Egypt, Syria and Jordan is yet another example of a war which was justified for reasons that were later exposed as lies.  ibid.  


Gulf War I: They hired a literal PR firm to sell an even more brazen set of lies to Joe-6-Pack and Jane-Soccer-Mum.  ibid.


Gulf War II: Also built on lies ... The rest of the media quickly fell into line.  ibid.


Libya Intervention: Human rights and protecting the innocent is a more effective lie.  ibid.



On Saturday the President of the United States took to Twitter to announce that something very big just happened … ‘Last night the United States brought the world’s number one terrorist leader to justice: Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is dead.  He was the founder and leader of Isis.’  The Corbett Report: Something Big Has Happened, James Corbett online 2019, Trump


This message does seem oddly familiar … we’ve just had Obama 2.0.  ibid.


‘The Russian Defence Ministry has no reliable information about US servicemen conducting an operation to ‘yet another’ elimination of the former Daesh leader.’  ibid.  Major-General Igor Konashenkov


Zarqawi [mainstream sources]: 2003 Killed in bombing raid; 2004 Arrested in Falllujah; 2005 Arrested in Baakuba; 2005 Evacuated from Iraq; 2005 Killed in Fighting; 2006 Killed Again.  ibid.  caption



This is the story of the secret armies funded by the United States, trained by Britain, and left behind in post-war Europe to fight the rise of communism.  This is also the story of how they turned against their own people.  Nato’s Secret Armies, Military Channel 2009


Milan 12th December 1969 a bomb exploded … 17 people were killed and 80 seriously wounded … Munich 26th September 1980: killed 13 people and injured over 200 … Brussels 9th November 1985 a gang of men opened fire … ‘8 killed and 8 injured’ … one of a staggering 16 similar attacks carried out between 1982 and ’85 that came to be known as the Brabant massacres.  ibid. 


Over a period of about 15 years Europe was rocked by a series of terror attacks; the lives of thousands of people were turned upside down.  ibid.


Documents that connected this mysterious force to Nato … The secret orgnisation Gladio existed … part of a much wider network of secret stay-behind armies coordinated by Nato throughout Western Europe during the Cold War.  ibid.



Western Europe possessed each a particular branch but to these cells are discovered suspicions of terrorist activities, of fascist ideology.  Retour aux Sources: Gladio, RTBF 2014        


During the Cold War thousands of sleeping agents were ready to enter into action in case the Red Army would have occupied Western Europe.  ibid.  


Belgium too has known in the ’80s a wave of terror through a series of heist of extreme violence that caused 28 deaths between 1983 to 1985.  ibid.


Stay behind networks are independent but interconnected … They are in radio contact.  ibid.



It’s always been thought that violence and corruption during elections in Nigeria are home-grown problems.  Ones that Britain tried hard to prevent.  Bequeathing a system of fair and honest democracy before granting the country independence in 1960.  But according to our document, the unpublished memoirs of a former British colonial officer, London’s parting gift was in reality a lesson in how to rig the polls and deceive the people.  Document: The Gift of Democracy, BBC Radio 4 2007  



On January 30th 1972 thirteen people died when paratroopers opened fire during the civil rights march in Londonderry.  The tragic events of Bloody Sunday had been mired in controversy for almost 40 years.  At the time the army claimed they came under sustained fire, that some of the dead were carrying nail bombs and were members of the IRA.  Document: Propaganda in Northern Ireland, BBC Radio 4 2010  


How was it that an army spokesman could make such categoric claims?  Was this an example of the truth being lost in a fog of war?  Or was it a more sustained attempt at media manipulation in those early days of the struggles?  ibid.  


Later on these black propaganda activities became increasingly outlandish, sometimes veering on the comical.  ibid.



Welcome to the world of British espionage, a top secret world of smoke and mirrors.  Spy Secrets: Playing Dirty, 2003  


An increasing amount of the intelligence services’ work is becoming public.  ibid.