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New World Order (II)
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★ New World Order (II)

A supranational establishment in this country that really would like to see the United States of America, Europe and Japan sort of merge as the core of a New World Order in which American sovereignty is diminished and America’s freedom of action is circumscribed.  Pat Buchanan, with Christopher Hitchens, CSpan 1993   



The one thing I will say that the past fifty years has given me  I would say that nothing in this world works the way you think it does.  Nothing.  Governments do not operate the way you think they do, banks do not do what you think they do, the police department is not here for what you think it is.  Nothing in your world works the way you think it does.  There’s a far higher bigger picture.  Shade: The Motion Picture, 2013, Jordan Maxwell 


In 1954 a group of industrialists, political elites and even royalty set out to form an organisation that would essentially pull the strings of society from behind the scenes.  ibid.  Jason Bermas


Yes, we can elect our leaders but you can’t select your leaders.  You don’t select anyone.  Your masters who own you will select who will run.  That’s all they want to know: which one do you like best?  ibid.  Jordan 



‘Thousands of government-sponsored experiments did take place at hospitals, universities and military bases around our nation; the goal was to understand the effects of radiation exposure on the human body.’  Overlords of Humanity/New World Order, Youtube 1.41.38, Clinton


‘I have in my possession a secret map made in Germany by Hitler’s government  by the planners of the New World Order.’  ibid.  Roosevelt  


‘These institutions play a crucial role in our quest for a New World Order.’  ibid.  George H W Bush  



This New World Order is centuries in the making … The agenda is all that matters, and no-one is more important than the agenda.  The Illuminati New World Order documentary, Youtube 1.15.33  



It is whether there are persons in positions of power in society that can actually manifest those beliefs believe in that.  The Corbett Report, 101 New World Order, James Corbett online 2009


A system of control driven by an underlying ideology.  ibid.



Outrage is one thing, hatred is quite another.  Hatred is when your heart is filled and blinded by such rage that it starts to act out in ways that are even detrimental to the interests you seek.  The Corbett Report, Radio Report 277, Hatred is the Heart of the New World Order, 2012



The chaos that they’re going to have to bring about in order to change us over into the New World Order system they want is the only thing that will in some way free things up for a change to happen in a different direction.  The Corbett Report online 2018 ‘Can Chaos Be Good?’  



An uncontentious claim: There is a world order that exists … There is a rich pedigree to this phrase.  The Corbett Report, Interview 1370 James Corbett on the New World Order, James Corbett online 2018    



Three of the most important men of the age …. The group that springs from this meeting will go on to leverage the wealth and power of its members to shape the course of history, and 23 years later will drive the world into the truly global war.  Their plan reads like outlandish historical fiction: they will form a secret organisation dedicated to the ‘extension of British rule throughout the world’ … William T Stead … Reginald Brett … and Cecil Rhodes … This secret society was not a secret at all.  The Corbett Report: The WWI Conspiracy, James Corbett online 2018  


November 11th 1918: All across the Western Front the clocks that were lucky enough to escape the four years of shelling chimed the eleventh hour.  And with that, the First World War came to an end.  ibid.  


World War I was an explosion, a breaking point in history.  In the smouldering shell-hole of that cataclysm lay the industrial era optimism of never-ending progress.  ibid.


What was World War I about?  How did it start?  Who won?  And what did they win?  ibid.



It is to this clique, not to the doings of any conspiracy in Sarajevo, that we can attribute the real origins of the First World War … For this cabal, 1914 was just the start of the story.  The Corbett Report: The WWI Conspiracy II: The American Front


Across the Atlantic, the next chapter in this hidden history was just getting underway … The Secret Society’s years-long campaign to draw the United States into World War I.  ibid.



House, the Milner Group, the Pilgrims, the Wall Street financiers and all of those who had worked so diligently for so many years to bring Uncle Sam into the War had got their wish.  The Corbett Report: The WWI Conspiracy III: A New World Order  


The First World War tore apart all the verities of the Old World leaving a smouldering wasteland in its wake, a wasteland that could be shaped into a New World Order.  ibid.    


Control of the economy, control of populations, control of territory, control of information, World War I was a boon for all of those who wanted to consolidate the control of the many in the hands of the few.  ibid.   


The very same conspirators that had brought about this nightmare were already converging in Paris for the next stage of their conspiracy: there, behind closed doors, they would begin their process of carving up the world to suit their interests, laying the ground work and preparing the public consciousness for a new international order, setting the stage for even more conflict in the future.  ibid.   



The phrase New World Order is a political codeword employed by the globalists for their dream of erecting a global superstate.  The Corbett Report: 369 Globalisation is Dead.  Long Live the New World Order, Youtube 39.02, 2019


The Economist: ‘Globalisation is dead and we need to invent a new world order’.  ibid.


Michael O’Sullivan: The Levelling: What’s Next After Globalization … and calls for a world treaty on risk.  ibid.   


Reuters 10 June 2007: Russia calls for a new economic world order.  ibid.  



I am 100% against the globalist world order as we know it in the Kissinger/Rockefeller/Brzezinksi … It is the same coin: the multi-polar world order … or whatever formula they come up with.  The Corbett Report: 1508 Declare Your Independence form the New World Order, interviewed by Ernest Hancock, James Corbett online 2019


And now they are talking about the threats to the global, liberal world order … what threat?  ibid.


It is going to be bad for us.  ibid.  



Klaus Schwab, the founder and executive director of the World Economic Forum, who announced the Great Reset initiative from the World Economic Forum in June of this year.  The Corbett Report: Your Guide to the Great Reset, James Corbett online 2020


The Great Reset is nothing more and nothing less a great propaganda rollout campaign for a new brand that the would-be global elite are trying to shove down the public’s throats.  ibid.


Things get pretty weird pretty quick here.  ibid.  


This has nothing to do with a virus.  ibid.  


This is a coordinated agenda that has been years in the making.  ibid.


This is the New World Order redefined.  ibid.  


This is not the end of globalisation.  ibid.


There has to be one unitary power enforcing order.  ibid.


This process isn’t meant to end.  ibid.


And open conspiracy to bring about this transformation of humanity.  ibid.


The truth is that this highly influential figure, at the centre of the new global order currently being established, is an out and out transhumanist who dreams of an end to natural healthy human life and community.  ibid.



Every part of this new normal Build Back Better agenda that this playing out right now bears the hallmarks and the fingerprints of the World Economic Forum and its associated cronies.  The Corbett Report: Meet the World Economic Forum, James Corbett online 2021


The World Economic Forum rebranding of that very old idea for a New World Order  the Great Reset.  ibid.


The nexus of private/public cooperation = Fascism.  ibid.  



‘There’ll be a New World Order out there and we’ve got to lead it.’  The Corbett Report: The New World Order & How to Oppose It with Iain Davis, Biden, 2022


Technocracy: The Operating System for the New International Rules-Based Order.  ibid.  Iain Davis, In-this-together online


Those leading the transformation have no allegiance to any nation state, only to their own globalist network and collective aspirations.  In their hands, international law is of no more impediment to their ambitions than a vague commitment to ‘rules’.  ibid.   Davis online  


IRBO = International Rules Based Order … viz Stewart Patrick The Washington Quarterly Spring 2016, ‘What Exactly are the Rules?’