The New World Order will have to be built from the bottom up rather than from the top down ... but in the end run around national sovereignty, eroding it piece by piece will accomplish much more than the old fashioned frontal assault. Richard Gardner, CFR Journal April 1974
A careful examination of what is happening behind the scenes reveals that all of these interests are working in concert with the masters of the Kremlin in order to create what some refer to as a New World Order. Private organizations such as the Council on Foreign Relations, the Royal Institute of International Affairs, the Trilateral Commission, the Dartmouth Conference, the Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies, the Atlantic Institute, and the Bilderberg Group serve to disseminate and to coordinate the plans for this so-called new world order in powerful business, financial, academic, and official circles. Jesse Helms
The creation of the Federal Reserve system was about more than just money. Some refer to it as the secret birth of a criminal conspiracy to rob the American middle class of its hard-earned wealth. Others believe it to be part of an attempt to bring the world under the control of a shadowy international elite that calls itself the New World Order. Monopoly Men: Federal Reserve Fraud, 1999
Viacom will hand all our personal data over to FEMA and their satanic New World Order friends to complete their blue red and yellow list ... Red List: These people are the enemies of the New World Order. They are the leaders of patriot groups, outspoken ministries ... These people will be dragged out of their homes and will be taken to FEMA Detention Centres and Killed ... Blue List: These are also enemies of the New World Order but are followers of the Red List folks ... Yellow List: These are citizens who know nothing about the New World Order and don’t want to know. They are considered to be no threat at all and will be instructed as to how to behave and will most likely do whatever they are told. New World Order Plans to Kill 90% of the World’s Population, kalamata777
Hatred is a very negative emotion and negativity can only ever produce more negativity. And the people who are carrying out this madness in the world want you to hate them. They don’t care who your hatred is directed at, even if it is directed at them, just so long as you hate something or someone. They just want the negative energy to keep flowing. Do not hate your enemies. George W Bush is a genocidal maniac, but don't hate him for it, love him and pity him for being so misguided. Don't hate him and show anger born from hatred or blood lust.
Hatred empowers your enemies against you and such demonstrations only provoke retaliation.
In attempting to deal with the NWO many talk of an armed uprising but that is not the way. They WANT an armed uprising, you MUST see that and so you must NOT give them that. An armed uprising will only result in Martial Law and the NWO will never be defeated with weapons. They have technology to defeat any armed uprising that you cannot even imagine. The whole issue needs to be approached with a state of love. Maxwell Igan, article The Final Solution – Humanity’s Greatest Challenge - Hate or Love
Such ‘offenders’ are essentially deemed resisters of the New World Order. Pam Schuffert, dprogram online
All of us in the CIA know all about the concentration camps in America and their purpose. We know that their purpose is to terminate ‘resisters of the New World Order’ under martial law. Michael Maholey, CIA Naval Intelligence
The term Internationalism has been popularized in recent years to cover an interlocking financial, political, and economic world force for the purpose of establishing a World Government. Today Internationalism is heralded from pulpit and platform as a ‘League of Nations’ or a ‘Federated Union’ to which the United States must surrender a definite part of its National Sovereignty. The World Government plan is being advocated under such alluring names as the ‘New International Order’, ‘The New World Order’, ‘World Union Now’, ‘World Commonwealth of Nations’, ‘World Community’ etc. All the terms have the same objective; however, the line of approach may be religious or political according to the taste or training of the individual. Memorial addressed to House of Bishops & House of Clerical & Lay Deputies of Protestant Episcopal Church General Convention October 1940
Just a lullaby for the New World Order. Matthew Good, Lullaby for the New World Order
We are slowly being slaughtered. So be prepared for the New World Order. Black-Eyed Peas, Say Goodbye
It’s time for security services of the world to unite. Spectre 2015 starring Daniel Craig & Lea Seydoux & Christolph Waltz & Naomie Harris & Andrew Scott & Ralph Fiennes & Monica Bellucci & Ben Whishaw & Jesper Christensen et al, director Sam Mendes, Tokyo conference
Scumbag! We don’t want your new world order! … You’re killing a lot of people … leave, Chile, OK? … You’re a traitor to Chile! Illuminati Plans 2016, Anunnaki Truth, viz Youtube, protester to David Rockefeller rocking up at Chile airport in wheelchair to do his NWO/fascist ting
A one-world government, a one-world economy, a one-world military, a one-world society, a one-world religion. New World Order: One World Government Conspiracy aka Illuminati: Illuminati Plans 2016, End of the World Youtube
The Rothschilds were busy funding both sides of the war of 1812. The modern financial system, started by the Rothschilds, has been funding both sides of every war for 200 years. ibid.
Soon after Adam Weisphaupt died, Italian patriot Giuseppe Mazzini was appointed to be the head of the Illuminati in 1834. Mazzini became a 33rd degree mason while attending Genoa University. The most important thing about Mazzini is that he formulated the Mafia. ibid.
While attending university, Lenin became a Mason. ibid.
Luciferianism: the religion of the elite. The Power Behind the New World Order, caption
The mystery religions have continued today in Freemasonry, Skull & Bones and through the Jesuit and the Catholic Church. ibid.
‘You must wake up now or be enslaved.’ ibid. Bill Cooper
Luciferianism is and continues to be the ruling class religion. ibid.
Johanna Michaelsen: The Beautiful Side of Evil … Society is embracing wholeheartedly the occult. ibid.
‘The new world order wants to create a world currency, a world government, a world army, a world religion. And it’s not of Christ … it is a Satanic order … Their agenda is control. The New World Order, Isis: The Secret Agenda of the Elite, Youtube, Hilder
George W Bush named eleven Bonesman officials in his first government. ibid.
Giuliani would later help to destroy all the crime scene evidence from Group Zero. Giuliani’s side-kick on 9/11 was police commissioner Bernard Kerik who appeared to be coaching some of Rudi’s actions that day, keeping him away from the media, and even answering questions for him about explosions in the buildings. In fact Bernard Kerik gave us the first official government pronouncement that no explosives were involved in the destruction of the world trade centre buildings. Kelik’s department was also the same one that found that pristine completely undamaged hijacker’s passport which survived the plane impact and fireball … Kelik would later receive receive the nomination from President Bush to become director of homeland security which he declined … ibid.
The idea of global governance and a new world order has been around for centuries. Welcome to Truth: Satanic New World Order Illuminati Conspiracy, Youtube
Historically, this five-pointed star was man, it meant man, meant man, it was a good thing … the upside-down five-pointed start with the goat was the sign of Satan-worshippers … Around the year 2000 the Republican party changed their logo from the stars being right up to the stars being upside down, coinciding with coming on the scene George Bush … ibid.
It was after Johnson made his alleged pact with Satan that he became king of the Delta Blues. ibid.
[Mohammad] Qasim disappeared after being arrested by American [Afghanistan] forces … More and more bodies were soon found just outside the base … Ten Afghan men all of whom disappeared after being arrested by US special forces. ibid.
The net even now is closing around you and your children … persecuted as enemies of the state, as bigots, as narrow-minded stupid people … You’re suffering will not be noble. Age of Deceit II, The Real Truth About the World II Illuminati New World Order, Ginzo Shimura, Youtube
The Three Big Ideas: Most of the Evil in this World is Highly Coordinated … Historical and current events are being influence by evil … The forces of historical evil affect us all now. Proof NWO & Illuminati are Real and History is a Lie, Youtube
All secret societies trace their origins back to the ancient mystery religions of practised in Sumeria, Egypt and Babylon. ibid.
Gnosticism has always been the primary driver behind the new world order. ibid.