United States’ politicians have demonstrated an almost fanatical zeal in a race against the clock to institute policies asserting US superiority. NWO 2016: The Final Warning, Youtube
False Flags only work when the public are unaware of them … NATO leaders are now known to have murdered their own civilians in False Flag Operations like Gladio: reportedly the operation continues today. ibid. citing RT online The Truthseeker
Gladio Operation Continues With Cooperation With Terrorists: FBI Whistleblower S Edmonds. ibid. caption
The entire globe is politically awakened … The American people and others are waking up to the fact that we have used as the engine of this covert empire. ibid. Alex Jones interview RT online
Right-wing politics has led to at trail of death and destruction and misery as well. ibid.
The Catholic church has infiltrated the highest levels of government of many nations … The Jesuit Order is the right arm of the Catholic church … Illuminati were simply members of the Jesuit Order who were disenfranchised from the Roman Catholic Church … The Illuminati was simply the Jesuits resurrected under a new guise and a new name … The Jesuit war against Protestantism has been going on for centuries. ibid.
In the months leading up to the military intervention he [Gaddafi] called on African and Muslim nations to join together to create this new currency … [A] country’s wealth would depend on how much gold they have, not how many dollars they trade. ibid.
Global Governance … this is Hitler’s dream come true. This is a nightmare. This is the tombstone upon all sovereignty for all nations for all time. The United Nations must fall for freedom to live. Secret Agenda of the Illuminati and New World War III, 2015 Toutube, Hilder
By the end of the 1980s the scandal concerning the Bank of Commerce and Credit International was making the headlines. The BCCI was accused of laundering drug money and financing terrorist operations … George H Bush had blocked the investigation. ibid.
‘Defence Secretary Dick Cheney has approved a revised draft of a policy document on the New World Order. The Pentagon is backing off a controversial earlier draft and has abandoned a one-superpower strategy.’ The Illuminati Exposed (The Movie), Youtube, news report
[Lou] Dobbs, only mainstream anchor to expose the new world order, died shortly after bullets were fired into his home. ibid.
The interests of the American public have no bearing in the direction of the country, in the policy decisions; it doesn’t matter which political party we’re talking about. Who Controls America? aka Shadow Government: Who Rules America? aka The Real Leaders of the World, Youtube, Ben Swann
Multivariate analysis indicates that economic elites and organized groups representing business interests have substantial independent impacts on US government policy, while average citizens and mass-based interest groups have little or no independent influence. ibid. Princeton University study
There’s got to be someone somewhere that creates the agenda that all these people must follow. ibid. Alice Riley
The United States is owned and dominated by a hierarchy of its sixty richest families. ibid. Ferdinand Lunderg
In 1976 Jimmy Carter was elected the president. Seven month before the Democratic convention the Gallop poll reported less than 4% of registered Democrats favoured Carter for president. Outside Georgia where he was governor few people knew who he was. What happened? Carter received a media blitz including adulatory pieces in The New York Times and a Wall Street Journal editorial declaring him the best Democratic candidate. The TV networks inundated the public with his image. Before the nominating Convention his picture appeared on Time cover three times and Newsweek cover twice. ibid.
Washington: There’s no coincidence that these are all Pentagrams. We’re outside the Eastern Star Headquarters – the female equivalent of Freemasonry … There is your link to Egypt. These are the secret societies, my friends. What is this place? Ancient Egypt! New World Order: Order Out of Chaos, Youtube
They seek to destroy God’s Natural Moral Order or ‘Old World Order’, and replace it with a ‘New World Order’ … They plan to eradicate all human liberty and strip away our constitutional rights. ibid.
The greatest conspiracy in world history … The whole premise of the world entering into a peaceful Utopian future is fatally flawed. The Illuminati New Age Masonic World Order, kytekutter Youtube
Pope’s Plea for a New World Order: In his first Christmas address to the world’s 1.1 billion Roman Catholics, Pope Benedict yesterday urged humanity to unite against terrorism, poverty and environmental blight. ibid. Mail article
In a recent speech at an event for the European Forum For New Ideas, former US National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski expressed that popularist activism and the resistance movement were hindering the elite’s march towards a new world order. ibid.
‘We’ve got to give them a stake in creating the kind of world order that I think all of us want to see.’ Truth About the New World Order, Leonard Ulrich Obama, 2017
A one-world government, a one-world economy, a one-world military, a one-world society, a one-world religion, enforced with absolute control: this goal is not democratic. ibid.
Gnosticism [Salvation through knowledge] has always been the primary driver of the New World Order. ibid.
The hand of the Illuminati was shaped by Jewish revolutionary heresy. ibid.
The Italian patriot Giuseppe Mazzini was appointed to be the head of the Illuminati in 1834. ibid.
Donald Trump like his predecessors must work within the system including working towards globalist ambitions. Donald Trump: Illuminati & Zionists & New World Order is Coming, Youtube 2017
Trump will have to make concessions or risk being assassinated. ibid.
Goal of the New World Order is to Divide the World into Ten Regions. ibid.
CIA: Catholics in Action … For decades Jesuit affiliates of the Roman Catholic Church have directed the CIA. ibid.
Those who control the world financially and seek to confiscate the Earth’s resources do not want to let go of their power. And although many rise up against this global establishment we have not seen any significant changes that benefit life and sustainability … There is a vast criminal enterprise that has colluded to gain total control over this planet. NWO: Domino Effect, Youtube 2013
In yesterday’s much-anticipated interview with Oprah, Beyoncé finally admitted she was a member of the New World Order, also known as the Illuminati.
Rumors have swirled since the episode’s taping; many fans wondered why Oprah never questioned the star about her alleged Illuminati ties and commented that it might be due to Oprah’s own participation in Illuminati activities.
Less than three seconds into the interview, Oprah turned to Beyoncé and said, ‘So, you know what I’m gonna say to you ... the Illuminati.’ From there, Bey delved into her beginnings with the group, their assistance in her rise to fame, and her recent promotion to the highest ranks of the order. Huffington Post online blog December 2013 ‘Beyonce Admits to Being a Member of the Illuminati’
‘The limits of debate in this country are established even before the debate begins, then everyone else is marginalised.’ The New World Order: A 6,000 Year History, Youtube UFOTV 1.42.07, George Carlin
This goal is not democratic … It limits their freedom … This goal is being achieved through secrecy and progressive conditioning. ibid.
The alliance between the Rothschild and Illuminised freemasonry continued with this new generation. ibid.
The modern corporate-controlled mass media is being used as a massive vehicle of social engineering to train, condition and mould this current generation’ thinking into the New World Order. What is the New World Order? Evenatthedoors Youtube 2013
As for the rule of law – the guiding principle of the famous New World Order – it requires a certain amount of audacity to take its guardian to be the only head of state in the world that stands condemned before the International Court of Justice for conducting international terrorism – this meaning on a vast scale. Noam Chomsky, lecture Ireland 1993, ‘Creating a New World Order’
There is a basic principle of World Order … The third world … their role is to provide resources, raw materials, cheap labour, markets, investment opportunities … that’s their job. ibid.
That’s one consequence of the globalisation of the economy – the creation of new governing institutions which have the inestimable value that they are not only immune to public pressure … but the public doesn’t even know what’s going on in them. ibid.
The vision of the New World Order of George Bush – who borrowed the same phrase a few months later as part of the rhetorical cover for the US/British war in the Gulf. The new imperial age, as the Financial Times recently called it. Noam Chomsky, lecture London 1993, ‘500 Years of Western Imperialism’