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New World Order (II)
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★ New World Order (II)

The first in-depth publication of note was Samuel Zane Batten’s work The New World Order, which was published in 1919.  Jason Bermas, Invisible Empire: A New World Order Defined, Infowars 2010


Hitler had his own vision of a New World Order.  Hitler had been promoted by the establishment.  He graced the cover of Time magazine many times and was their Man of the Year twice.  ibid.


George H W Bush would campaign for a New World Order like no other president before him.  He would openly discuss it during his State of the Union address.  ibid.


Round Table Groups – its roots go way way back in history.  They go back to the formation of a secret society, a secret organisation that was created by Cecil Rhodes.  A very powerful and very wealthy individual.  And people have heard about about him in history and they know about the Rhodes Scholarship and they think, Wasn’t that nice, but they don’t understand at all what that was about.  Cecil Rhodes when he died left his great fortune not to his family, not to his heirs but for the creation of a secret society – the Rhodes Trust.  And we know about this because there was some people very intimately involved with this organisation who wrote about it.  One of the best authors on this topic is Professor Carroll Quigley and he wrote several books and Tragedy & Hope is the best known of his.  He described in detail the secret organisation created by Cecil Rhodes ... He was invited by the organisation into its inner circle.  He was never a member of it but he was invited in as their historian and he was allowed to see their secret papers … They were the major players in all of the big international events since and including World War I ... They created in all of the British dependencies what they call Round Tables groups, and then around those little round table groups they created front groups ... to penetrate into the social fabric, the power centres of society and literally take them over from the inside without anyone being aware they are a controlling influence.’  ibid.  G Edward Griffin 


Meet the Bilderberg Group.  This elite group meet annually around the globe.  There is a core group of members who have attended every year for decades including David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger and Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands ... Each year around 140 people are in attendance.  ibid.


In the New World Order the people are the enemy.  ibid.



Is there a New World Order?  We know certainly that George Bush has copyright on the term at this point ... Is it the appropriate term to use?  Is it going to be a New World Order, or will disorder be just as significant in this process as we look ahead?  Norman Ornstein



You have these private groups that are run and created by the elite, by the ultra-rich wealthy families that have been manipulating global markets from behind the scenes for generations.  Mark Dice, author & activist



The New World Order wants a global system where one small central authority of individuals can then dictate a policy.  Mark Dice 



To achieve world government it is necessary to remove from the minds of men their individualism, loyalty to family traditions, national patriotism and religious dogmas.  Brock Adam, director UN Health Organisation



Behind the scenes and beyond view of the world’s uninitiated members, the alchemy and rituals of the occult masters – Illumanists, Masons, Bonesmen, Bilderbergers and Bohemians, have combined to harmonise so completely within recent US foreign and domestic policies as to clearly point to a terrifying Sibyl’s conjecture, a near-future horizon upon which a leader of indescribable brutality will appear.  Tom Horn, Apollyon Rising



A New World Order and the United Nations would mean among other things an end to our God-given rights given us and secured by the Constitution.  Charles Wassum



They have been accused of just about every heinous act in history ... They are the New World Order.  And some say their goal is simple: total control of the human race.  Conspiracy Files Unsealed: New World Order



We are part of a New World Order.  Admiral Michael Mullen



Financial Groups: World Bank, Federal Reserve, IMF, Central Bank, Bank of International Settlements.  


Secret Societies: Freemasonry, Skull & Bones, Bohemian Club, Opus Dei, The Knights of Malta, Rosicrucians.


Political: Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg Group, US Supreme Court & Electoral College, NATO, United Nations, Club of Rome, government leaders.  Rob Bedard, Elucidation: Exposing the New World Order, 2010


The Council on Foreign Relations is a promotional arm of the ruling elite in the United States of America.  Most influential politicians, academics and media personalities are members.  And it uses influence to infiltrate the New World Order into scholarly life.  And its experts write scholarly pieces to be used in decision matters.  ibid.



What is the plan?  It includes the installation of a new world government, a new world religion under Maitreya.  Benjamin Creme, newspaper advertisements 25th April 1982



There are several problems with a conspiratorial view that dont fit with what we know about power structures.  First, it assumes that a small handful of wealthy and highly educated people somehow develop an extreme psychological desire for power that leads them to do things that don’t fit with the roles they seem to have.  For example, that rich capitalists are no longer out to make a profit, but to create a one-world government.  Or that elected officials are trying to get the constitution suspended so they can assume dictatorial powers.  These kinds of claims go back many decades now, and it is always said that it is really going to happen this time, but it never does.  Since these claims have proved wrong dozens of times by now, it makes more sense to assume that leaders act for their usual reasons, such as profit-seeking motives and institutionalized roles as elected officials.  Of course they want to make as much money as they can, and be elected by huge margins every time, and that can lead them to do many unsavory things, but nothing in the ballpark of creating a one-world government or suspending the constitution.  William G Domhoff, There Are No Conspiracies



I am skeptical that ‘global governance’ could ‘come much sooner than that [200 years]’ as [journalist Gideon Rachman] posits.  For one thing, nationalism – the natural counterpoint to global government – is rising ... Another point is that attempts at global government and global agreements have been categorical failures.  The WTO’s Doha Round is dead in the water, Kyoto excluded many of the leading polluters and a conference to establish a deal was a failure, and there is a race to the bottom in terms of corporate taxes – rather than an existing global framework.  And, where supranational governance structures exist, they are noted for their bureaucracy and inefficiency: The UN has been unable to stop an American-led invasion of Iraq, genocide in Darfur, the slow collapse of Zimbabwe, or Iran's continued uranium enrichment.  That is not to belittle the structure, as I deem it essential, but the system’s flaws are there for all to see.  Mark C Partridge, One World Government: Conspiracy Theory or Inevitable Future?   



There are two rules of war that have not yet been invalidated by the new world order.  The first rule is that the belligerent nation must be fairly sure that its actions will make things better; the second rule is that the belligerent nation must be more or less certain that its actions wont make things worse.  Martin Amis, article The Guardian 4th March 2003, ‘The Palace of the End’



There is something extremely dangerous and alluring about the combination of secrecy and world ambition.  What could be more threatening than a group that it is the shadows and trying to dominate your life?  Daniel Pipes, author Conspiracy



The Black Nobility are the founders of the Committee of 300 which is also known as the Illuminati or illuminated ones.  Queen Elizabeth II is head of the committee of these 300 ruling families.  The Illuminati was formed to achieve one main objective: one-world government called the New World Order.  Ring of Power, 2008



He begins his Masonic career as the natural man; he ends it by becoming through its discipline a regenerated man ... The evolution of man into superman – was always the purpose of the ancient Mysteries, and the real purpose of modern Masonry is, not the social and charitable purposes to which so much attention is paid, but the expediting of the spiritual evolution of those who aspire to perfect their own nature and transform it into a more god-like quality.


Freemasonry, through its mysteries, will soon usher in a New World Religion for the New World Order.  A modern day Tower of Babel and the ultimate unification of the world's religions.  The New Age welcomes these goals and looks to the light of Masonry as its esoteric basis for occult initiation into the New World Order.  W L Wilmshurst, The Meaning of Freemasonry p46



Let us first consider the Restoration of the Mysteries.  It is well known among members of the co-Masonic movement that its work has been faithfully continued up to the present and that its number of Lodges has steadily increased.  I imagine that at such an auspicious time when the inner and outer worlds will have come much nearer together, some of the great leaders of the Hierarchy might take part in the outer work of reconstruction and will then become the recognised leaders of the new World Government.  N Sri Ram, Lucifer Theosophist Magazine January-August 1960



The plan for the future includes the installation of a new world messiah, the implementation of a new world government, a new world religion under Maitreya, a universal credit card system will be implemented as a cashless society, a world food authority will control all of the worlds food supply, a universal tax, a universal draft, they intend on utterly rooting out people who believe the Bible and worship God and completely stamp out Christianity from the face of the Earth.  Constance Cumbey



The intent of bringing about a New World Order.  An Order that writes God out of the picture and deifies Lucifer.  Constance Cumbey 



What we do hear coming out of those meetings is incredible – about the plans of the New World Order to consolidate power – political power and economic power coming together at the highest level.  But what I call the lapdog media ... the silence is deafening.  Dr Larry Bates, economist & author



If one group is effectively in control of national governments and multinational corporations, promotes world government through control of the media, foundation grants and education, and controls and guides the issues of the day, then they control most options available.  The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and the financial powers behind it have done all these things, and promote the New World Order, as they have for over seventy years.  Secret Societies of the Illuminati NWO: The Hidden Power of the World