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New World Order (II)
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★ New World Order (II)

We are aware that the path which must lead to the coming of a new international order cannot in any case be as short as we would like ... Disarmament, a New World Order and development of three obligations that are inseparately bound together ...  Pope Paul VI, address to United Nations 24th May 1978


All of you must realise that you have your part to play in the construction of a New World Order.  ibid.



By the end of this decade we will live under the first One World Government that has ever existed in the society of nations ... a government with absolute authority to decide the basic issues of survival.  One world government is inevitable.  Pope John Paul II, Karl Wojtyla



Pope calls for New World Order.  CNN online news 1st January 2004



It’s a fraternity.  They have a common objective ... to maintain control.  Dr Larry Bates, author The New Economic Disorder



America is the target.  And once they finally get us subdued the rest of the world would fall very quickly.  William Still, author On the Horns of the Beast



After their recent exposures in Bavaria, The Illuminati had been driven even further underground, taking on a variety of names, such as the French Revolutionary Club.  As radicals flocked into these new varieties of Illuminism, a larger meeting hall was needed.  The Hall of the Jacobins Convent was leased, and it was from this hall that they eventually derived their new name, the Jacobin Club.

The Jacobin Club met in secret and eventually boasted of having some of the best-educated and most influential men in France among its 1,300 members.  The Jacobins vowed to destroy the monarchy, as well as other existing institutions, and sought to establish what they called a New World Order or Universal Republic.


The famous magician and occultist Cagliostro was initiated into the Illuminati in 1783.  Many years later, he told Catholic priests about his initiation.  The initiation took place in an underground room near Frankfurt, Germany.  William T Still, New World Order



The decade of the 1990s was meant to have been one in which a new international order, free of the bipolar rivalry of earlier days, was to have been established.  Jonathan Winston Howard, address to Australians 13th March 2003



There is indeed a global conspiracy going on, and why it is being carried out and concealed is to control the global money system, and hence control of all other subsequent systems of importance down the food chain.  Such as governance and media.  It is important to understand that control of the global money system has been achieved through control of the global central banking system.   And this system is a privately run enterprise.  It is a private business that runs for a profit, and is owned and operated by wealthy international banking dynasties such as the Rothschilds, the Morgans and the Rockefellers.  The Big Picture  FINAL  



In the Left Behind series the Anti-Christ will be the head of the United Nations, a popular peace-promising charismatic leader from Romania.  Who gets control of the United Nations and then moves it to the new Babylon in Iraq.  Where he begins to oversee a New World Order.  Dr Timothy Weber



The New World Order is a more palatable name for the Anglo-American world empire.  Its the planetary domination of London, New York, Washington, over the rest of the world ... The US/British World Empire is what you are going to get.  Professor Webster Tarpley, historian and author



One world currency and one world financial system is the end game.  Glenn Beck



The time has come for the world to move in a new direction.  We must embrace a new era of engagement based on mutual interest and mutual respect, and our work must begin now.  Barack Obama, United Nations address 23rd September 2009



In this new world such dangerous currents have swept along faster than our efforts to contain them.  And that is why we cannot afford to be divided.  No one nation no matter how large or powerful can defeat such challenges alone.  But the burdens of global citizenship continue to bind us together.  Barack Obama, Berlin address



2009 is also the first year of global governance with the establishment of the G20 in the middle of the financial crisis.  Herman van Rompuy, EU President



Gods plan is dedicated to the unification of all races, religions and creeds.  This plan, dedicated to the new order of things, is to make all things new – a new nation, a non-sectarian religion, that has already been called the religion of the Great Light ... To unfold the New Age of the world – a Novus Ordo Seclorum.  C William Smith, New Age Magazine, Gods Plan In America, September 1950 



Mankind has used deception as its most powerful and reliable instrument to carry out the plan set in motion by an ancient hate.  Age of Deceit: Fallen Angels and the New World Order


The Biblical Worldview of the New World Order ... The idea that man will become God.  ibid.


The ancient mystery school teachings is an esoteric spiritual wisdom and philosophy passed down by the initiated elite.  It is one and the same as the Luciferian doctrine.  ibid.  


Both the New Age Movement and the New World Order are about a coming evolution of mankind ... The elite believe that they are the only ones that will attain this utopia.  ibid.


So ultimately Satan, the fallen cherub, is the culprit behind the world of the New World Order and all of its facets.  ibid.



We are talking about a constitution for the world written by people who don’t care about our freedoms as individuals ... The freedoms and rights we take for granted will cease to exist when the New World Order is put in motion.  Keith Thompson, New World Order Facts



The powerful but misguided esoteric movements of today such as Freemasonry and the Illuminati hold to the belief that the Jesus of Christianity is in reality a representation of the Sun or astrological personification, and that Christianity is a later distortion or forgery that plagiarised from previous cults.  This is why you see so many attacks upon Christianity in our day.  Keith Thompson, Where the Rabbit Hole Ends



Many of the leading anti-New-World Order researchers are actually deceivers and liars working with the New World Order to further the plan to make a one-world new-age religion, humanist utopia – removing Christianity from the face of the earth.  However, this utopia that is promised will result in a one-world fascist dictatorship.  Keith Thompson, The Coming New-Age One-World Religion  



Theosophy is heavily associated with the United Nations and thus the New World Order.  Keith Thompson, The New Age Infiltration of the Truth Movement final cut, 2009


After Fritz Springmeier was framed and Bill Cooper was murdered by the Illuminati in 2001 many new-age operatives and disinformation agents have infected the anti-new-world-order movement.  ibid.


He [Jordan Maxwell] is doing the very thing the New World Order wants him to do: externalise the mysteries, externalise the hierarchy, and induct people into the Theosophic ideas.  ibid.


Ladies and gentlemen, the New World Order has no intention of creating a better world.  They are just baiting the public with empty promises of a New Age utopia.  In reality the elite are vicious.  They are the ones who caused the wars.  They’re the ones who assassinate the real truth seekers.  They are the ones with the wealth and the power who attend Bohemian Grove and do the satanic rituals.  It’s time to wake up and know your enemy.  ibid.



This organisation [Theosophy] in particular among others is largely responsible for the modern New Age movement and the political doctrine known as the New World Order.  The founder of this organisation was a woman named Madame Blavatsky.  Keith Thompson, Aquarius: The Age of Evil



Political globalisation is the creation of a world government which regulates the relationships among governments.  Dr Francesco Stipo, US Club of Rome



Acquisition of power and wealth by selfish elites, bent on enslavement of the masses and depopulation?  Or is there a deeper meaning to the challenge the New World Order presents to human freedom and evolution?  Terry Boardman, The New World Order and the Esoteric Dimension of the 21st Century, lecture Alternative View III



In the old days it wasn’t necessary to be nice to people … but today it is … that kind of casual insincerity.  Terry Boardman, lecture Glastonbury Symposium, ‘What is the New World Order?’


An attack on our feeling through global terrorism … thinking … our willing … we’ve been under attack … [through] this three-fold archetype.  ibid. 


‘It is a legitimate American national objective to see removed from all nations – including the United States – the right to use substantial military force to pursue their own interests.  Since this residual right is the root of national sovereignty, and the basis for existence for an international arena of power, it is, therefore, an American interests to see an end to nationhood as it has been historically defined.’  ibid.  Walt Whitman Rostow, The United States in the World Arena, 1960 


This [United Nations] is overwhelmingly driven by the Rockefellers … David Rockefeller … and his two leading acolytes Henry Kissinger and Zbigniew Brzezinski.  ibid.