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Blair, Tony
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★ Blair, Tony

You can now be fined for disagreeing with the government anywhere in the country.  You don’t even have to voice your concerns if you are the long arm of the law.  ibid.


It is now illegal to demonstration within a kilometre of parliament unless you get an authorisation from the police.  ibid.


Mia and Milan held a memorial service outside Downing Street.  They were reading out the names of Iraqi civilians and British soldiers who had died since the invasion of Iraq.  Luckily, fourteen policemen were on hand.  ibid.


In June 2001 Brian Haw started his peaceful protest against sanctions placed on Iraq.  Over the next four years the government repeatedly arrested Brian and took him to court.  But Brian won every time.  So the Home Secretary David Blunkett changed the law ... 78 police paid Brian a visit.  ibid. 


The Home Secretary now has the power to make anywhere in Britain a protest free zone … The first people to be arrested under the new law were two grandmothers.  ibid. 


The police have used the Terrorism Act to stop and search over 100,000 people.  ibid. 


The Suffragettes felt that Civil Disobedience was the only way to get their message across.  And it worked.  ibid. 


For the first time since he came to power Tony Blair lost a vote in the House of Commons.  But he still managed to increase the pre-charge detention to twenty-eight days.  ibid. 


Tony Blair’s most expensive legacy will have been to turn over the entire country into a perfect prison.  ibid.


The War on Terror kept David Blunkett very busy.  In 2003 he got to fly to the USA and signed an extradition treaty which puts your liberty at the mercy of American justice.  ibid.  


The British prime minister who helped to destroy the one liberty that is supposed to be non-negotiable: the ban on torture.   ibid.  



Unborn babies targeted in crackdown on criminality: Blair launches policy imported from the US to intervene during pregnancy to head off anti-social behaviour.  Guardian online article Lucy Ward 16th May 2007



The phrase Problem Families was used by the Eugenics Society in the 1950s … In 2006 Tony Blair said problem families were a menace to society.  Eugenics: Science’s Greatest Scandal II, BBC 2019  



Tony Blair proposed a huge increase in the powers of the European Union's key institutions yesterday in an effort to soothe allies and regain the initiative in the Convention on the Future of Europe.  The Telegraph online article Ambrose Evans-Pritchard 1st March 2003



Treachery ... Traitor Tony Blair is to let Britain be run by ten UNELECTED bodies in his EU surrender.  The Sun article Keith Gladdis



We too in Britain have got rid of his [George Bush] comrade in arms, comrade in faith, Tony Blair.  You might wonder what has happened to Tony Blair since he disappeared.  Well, he has founded the Tony Blair Faith Foundation.  He is now showing up in his true colours which explains his great affinity with George W Bush.  Professor Richard Dawkins, American Atheists Conference 2009



Robin Butler fell out with Blair over the new prime minister’s plans to give No 10 much greater power and control over cabinet ministers.  Michael Cockerell, The Secret World of Whitehall 1/3: The Real Sir Humphrey, BBC 2011


‘Sources close to the prime minister’ told the media that Tony Blair had lost confidence in his cabinet secretary.  ibid.



Tony Blair was determined greatly to strengthen the political side of the Number Ten private officer.  He brought in a record number of thirty advisers.  Michael Cockerell, The Secret World of Whitehall 3/3: The Network



Immigrants?  We sent out search parties to get them to come … and made it hard for Britons to get work, says Mandelson: former minister admits Labour deliberately engineered mass immigration; Between 1997 and 2010 net migration to Britain totalled 2.2 million … Labour sent out ‘search parties’ for immigrants to get them to come to the UK, Lord Mandelson has admitted.  In a stunning confirmation that the Blair and Brown governments deliberately engineered mass immigration, the former Cabinet Minister and spin doctor said New Labour sought out foreign workers.  He also conceded that the influx of new arrivals meant the party’s traditional supporters are now unable to find work.  Daily Mail online new article Tim Shipman 14 May 2013



The paramount war criminal Blair: it was announced after the holocaust which was rained on Gaza that he’d been awarded the Dan David Prize for leadership.  David Halpin, The Vortex Sucks Ever Louder, Alternative View II conference 31st May 2009



Press question: Have you got blood on your hands, prime minister?  Are you going to resign over this?


Tony Blair: ... [silence]  press conference



Dr David Kelly: The damning new evidence that points to a cover-up by Tony Blair’s government.  Online news article Miles Goslett and Stephen Frost 26 June 2010



Tony Blair had already secretly committed Britain to war in 2002.  The Death of Dr Kelly: An Open Case I


The Hutton Inquiry’s findings were widely regarded by experts as a whitewash and a government cover-up.  ibid. 



He was outed by the Ministry Of Defence itself after a meeting ... involving Tony Blair ... David Kelly was being used as a pawn in a game between the BBC and the government.  Norman Baker, interview Press TV: Death of Dr David Kelly



I had a deep respect for him and affection for him that no amount of squabbling could ever erase.  Blair & Brown: The New Labour Revolution I, Blair, BBC 2021


I defy people to say this was not a constructive partnership.  ibid.  Brown


There was a sense that a new type of progressive politics could shape the future.  ibid.  Blair  


It was a tragedy.  It was a story as old as the hills.  The prince couldn’t wait for the king to die.  ibid.  John Reid


1985: Neil Kinnock appoints television producer Peter Mandelson as director of communications.  ibid.  caption


After just four years in Westminster, Gordon Brown becomes deputy to shadow chancellor John Smith.  ibid.


John Smith’s death leaves Labour seeking a new leader.  ibid.



May 1997: Labour is on course to win its first general election since 1974.  Blair & Brown: The New Labour Revolution II  


It was never ever going to last, was it?  ibid.  Blair


5 months later, a story breaks accusing Peter Mandelson of taking an undisclosed loan from a cabinet colleague.  ibid.  caption  



I was increasingly becoming a sort of radical within my own government.  Blair & Brown: The New Labour Revolution III


Tony and Thatcher is an interesting relationship.  He was always keen to analyse who she was, where she came from, what she was doing.  ibid.  Peter Mandelson


I think he was the centre of his universe.  Except that Gordon was always competing and pushing him out of territory, getting in the way.  ibid.  civil servant


An opportunity to serve.  That is all we ask.  ibid.  Gordon Brown, Labour conference


There were genuine policy differences.  ibid.