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Blair, Tony
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★ Blair, Tony

Brown would direct much of his resentment towards Blair on to the third man in the New Labour triangle  Peter Mandelson.  The intensity of the bond between Mandelson and Blair was matched by a fierce mutual dislike and suspicion between Mandelson and Brown.  ibid.



In the eyes of his Cabinet colleagues a lack of interest in the grinding detail of practical politics.  The Blair Decade II


February of 2001 when Blair travelled to Camp David to meet George Bush face to face for the first time.  ibid.


Blair was the only foreign leader at the emergency joint session of Congress.  ibid.


In the spring of 2002 Tony Blair was telling Britain and his Cabinet that no decision had been made to invade Iraq; secretly his aides were learning from their American counterparts about plans for a pre-emptive attack.  ibid.


Blair’s bridge was crumbling as Chirac led fierce European opposition to war.  ibid.


The failure to get a second UN resolution would come to define the road to war and haunt Tony Blair for the rest of his premiership.  ibid.


He could see no way out of the long dark tunnel that was Iraq: he considered resigning.  It wasn’t just Iraq that was dragging Blair down, the Gordon Brown problem was surfacing yet again.  ibid.


He did not enjoy the 2005 campaign.  ibid.


Now he was confronted by home-grown suicide bombers.  ibid.


Supporters of Gordon Brown wanted a date ... It looked like a Labour Party callous coup ... He was served with an eviction notice by his own party.  ibid.



Blair from the first moment I became aware of him there was something about him that really really irritated me ... Fuck off!  Martin Rowson, cartoonist



Brown: At last we’ve got a policy.  But we don’t know what it means …


Blair: It’s going backwards to go forwards to go back to a better Britain …  Spitting Image s18e3, ITV 1996  



Mr Blair, even more than Mrs Thatcher, though she in a sense began the process, of transforming Britain Mr Blair gave an impetus to the transformation of Britain from a post-imperial power back into an imperial power again.  George Gallaway, address Oxford Union, Youtube 2013 39.03



The years of brutality, oppression, fear and coming to an end.  The Killings of Tony Blair, 2016


In the spirit of friendship and goodwill that we offer our help.  ibid.  


But one thing nobody predicted was the horror story yet to come: the Blair Rich Project.  ibid.  George Galloway


Tony Blair Associates is a very very secretive operation that makes a very large amount of money all over the world.  ibid.  Francis Beckett, author Blair Inc: The Man Behind the Mask


The ruler of Kazakhstan for instance … Blair was soon staring in a Kazak propaganda film.  ibid.  Galloway


The rescue of a nation.  ibid.  Blair, re Egypt’s military coup


Advising torturers, dictators, murders in return for hard cash.  ibid.  Peter Oborne


Once you can fake the sincerity the rest is easy.  ibid.  Galloway


For us the party had been hijacked and was being flown to ruin.  ibid.


All of Murdoch’s papers backed Blair to the hilt.  ibid.  


Smile at everybody and get somebody else to stab their back.  ibid.  Blair’s advice to Miliband, cited Chris Mullins


Bernie Ecclestone’s Formula One continue to pedal tobacco.  ibid.  Galloway


When it came to hawking weapons around the world Blair took his cue from Mrs Thatcher.  ibid.


Tony Blair set out to kill the Labour Party … accelerated a form of corruption formerly rare in Britain: a revolving door.  ibid.


He needs a [taxpayer-funded] armed guard for a reason.  ibid.


Kosovo: to stop one massacre Blair convinced Clinton to launch another.  ibid.  


Tonight he stands as a larger man and a stronger prime minister as a result.  ibid.  Andrew Marr  


Iraq descended into a sectarian bloodbath.  ibid.  Galloway


If Tony Blair isn’t a war criminal, who is?  ibid.  Craig Murray


Tony Blair ‘visited Libya to lobby for J P Morgan’.  ibid.  newspaper online article


Now lingers at the edge of Labour politics like a bad smell.  ibid.  Galloway


His most damning legacy is in the Middle East.  ibid.



Ten years in power.  Three election victories.  Tony Blair has been the most successful leader ever in the history of the Labour Party.  But has he fulfilled the expectations that carried him to Number Ten?  Or does he depart having disappointed both the nation and himself?  What manner of man has ruled Britain for the last decade?  Andrew Rawnsley, The Rise and Fall of Tony Blair I & II, Channel 4 2007  


‘We were pretty sparse if we’re truthful about what the policies were going to be.’  ibid.  David Blunkett


Brown would displace much of his resentment towards Blair on to the third side of the new Labour triangle  Peter Mandelson.  ibid.


Relations between the government and the civil service turned sour.  ibid.


He secured the prize that obsessed him most  a second general election victory.  ibid. 


Blair travelled to Camp David to meet Bush for the first time.  ibid.


The danger was that Tony Blair was committing himself and Britain to limitless and indefinite conflict against any regimes that America regarded as a threat.  And he already knew where George Bush wanted to go next.  ibid.  


There was bafflement and anger about the nature of Tony Blair’s relationship [with Bush].  ibid.


When Blair really needed to make his voice felt he failed.  ibid.


Now he thought Campbell had to go.  ibid.


Did Tony Blair bring himself down or was he pushed by his best friend turned deadliest rival George Brown?  ibid.  


Clarke and Brown fought ferociously over top-up fees.  ibid.  


Not all that money has been spent effectively.  ibid.


Now he was a prime minister who didn’t seem to give a damn what anyone thought.  ibid.    



Messianic yet mellifluous ... Baron Bellicose, the war guy in a beautiful suit.  Quentin Letts



The Prime Minister is set to use the ‘dossier of death’ to convince Britain to join the US in attacking Iraq.  Daily Mirror 12 March 2003



I think the real dishonesty of the government’s position is that Tony Blair could not be frank with the British people about the real reason why he believed Britain had to be part of invasion, which was to prove to the United States president that we were his most reliable, most sound ally.  That was why he committed himself to President Bush.  I don’t deny that Tony Blair genuinely believed there were weapons of mass destruction inside Iraq but the evidence for it was always very thin.  The reality is he believed in the evidence because he needed to believe the evidence.  Robin Cook, Foreign Secretary 1997-2001, Leader of the House 2001-2003, televised interview



Tony Blair probably committed himself the invasion back in the Spring of 2002.  Robin Cook



Blair was too optimistic, too naive, too idealistic, too self-confident.  Professor Tony Judt, New York University  



This was December the 9th in Canada ... And you see behind Blair – Faith – the Blair Faith Foundation ... This is the face of a hypocrite ... He’s a psychopath, like so many of his ilk.  Because he’s grinning like a Cheshire cat, and yet he has helped to put to death one point two million people in Iraq.  He’s done nothing at all to stop the killing in Palestine, and he’s maimed at least two million people in Iraq, again about a third will be children, and four million displaced ... The look of confidence and happiness on his face.  David Halpin, Make War History; viz Blair War Crimes Foundation