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Blair, Tony
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★ Blair, Tony

Above all we’re in denial about the fact that the invasion of Iraq as conceived by President Bush and Tony Blair has failed.  Dispatches: Iraq: The Reckoning, Peter Oborne reporting, Channel 4 2005


Tony Blair did not just dismiss academic experts.  Astonishingly, he even ignored the concerns of his own policy advisers.  ibid.


George Bush and Tony Blair are just deluding themselves if they really think Iraq is on course to become a unified liberal democracy.  ibid.



When the government fights terror it should have just one purpose: the safety of the British people.  This film will show how Tony Blair has used terror for his own political advantage.  Even as the bodies were being pulled from the wreckage of the London bombings the authorities were started to spin.  Dispatches: Spinning Terror, Channel 4 2006


Tony Blair and his ministers have not always told us the truth about terror.  ibid.  


Another Blair proposal brought even greater controversy.  Tear up Habeas Corpus, Britain’s most fundamental civil right, and let the police retain terror suspects for ninety days without charging them with an offence.  ibid.


The government had misled us about the very nature of the threat we face … Almost everything Colin Powell said and Tony Blair supported was wrong; no Al Qaeda factory was ever found in Iraq.  ibid.    


The Ricin trial provides powerful evidence of way government ministers have deceived the British people over terror.  ibid. 



It was seven o’clock when they came for me.  Cherie was putting the children to bed and I was upstairs signing another pile of my memoirs.  Little realising that a new and final chapter was about to begin.  Comic Strip: The Hunt For Tony Blair ***** Channel 4 2011


Look, it’s no big deal OK but I’ve been charged with murder.  ibid.  Tony to Cherie


Probably the first Labour prime minister ever to be on the run from the law.  ibid.


In the end only God and history could judge me.  [rain pours on park bench]  ibid.


Look, Peter, if John dies I will be leader not Gordon, and I think somehow this will happen.  ibid.


Moments later the Labour leader was dead and soon after that Blair was on his way to Downing Street.  ibid.  Peter Mandelson’s commentary


I’m going to fuck Iraq.  ibid.  George Bush to Tony Blair


This is a proper war, with tanks and everything.  ibid.  Tony Blair to Robin Cook


Tell George I need a plane or an aircraft carrier to get me out of here.  ibid.  Tony Blair to phone operator


Of course it’s sad when someone gives up their life for a cause however misguided, but in the end the decision I made to kill him was the right one.  ibid.  Tony Blair’s commentary


What friends, Tony?  You don’t have any.  ibid.  Carole Caplin to Blair


What fucking prick wrote this dossier?  ibid.  Alastair Campbell


Tony, what are we going to do about Robin Cook?  He’s threatening to resign.  ibid.  Peter Mandelson to Blair


Yet again another unavoidable death, but hey shit happens.  ibid.  Blair’s commentary


Sorry, sir.  Blair’s killed again.  This time on the A4.  ibid.  rozzer to boss


Yes, yes of course.  General Pinochet hid out here when he too was on the run for mass murder.  ibid.  Mandelson to rozzer


I’m only human.  And that’s what people really like about me.  ibid.  Blair’s commentary


Obviously one doesn’t enjoy throttling light entertainment performers even if their material is weak.  ibid.


Peter Mandelson was given a peerage and retired gracefully.  Gordon Brown became Prime Minister for a short while and has returned to Kirkcaldy in Scotland.  Tony Blair is still at large.  ibid.  caption



31st May 1994: I’ve called because I think we should meet.  I want to know your decision.  Also I think it’s important you and I to resolve this somehow.  The Deal, Tony to Gordon, Channel 4 2003


Nellis and I fell out because with respect, he and his Militant Tendency friends were entirely responsible for this election defeat.  ibid.


Deep down, you won’t change the world until you have the big job.  ibid.  Gordon to Tony


But significant gains were made in a number of areas.  ibid.  Tony re third election defeat  


Only one of us can go all the way.  ibid.  Tony to Gordon


I think you should stand for the leadership, Gordon.  Me as your deputy.  ibid.  Tony


You alienate people, Gordon.  ibid.  Mandelson  


I’m sorry it’s come to this.  ibid.  Tony to Gordon


I propose as chancellor you will have complete control …  ibid.



It’s Ma’m as in ham, not Ma’am as in farm.  The Queen 2006 starring Helen Mirren & Michael Sheen & James Cromwell & Helen McCrory & Alex Jennings & Roger Allam & Sylvia Syms & Tim McCullan & Douglas Reith & et al, director Stephen Frears, official to Blair


Our constitutional responsibility: to advise, guide and warn the government of the day.  ibid.  Queen to Blair


This is a family funeral, Mr Blair, not a fairground attraction.  ibid.  Queen, re Diana’s funeral


Will someone please save these people from themselves?  ibid.  Blair


A bunch of freeloading, emotionally retarded nutters.  ibid.  Cherie to Blair


It’s unimaginable this country being a republic.  ibid.  Blair to Cherie


I think there’s something ugly about the way everyone’s started to bully her.  ibid.  Blair to Cherie  


Heart.  What heart?  ibid.  Cherie to Blair


All Labour prime ministers go ga-ga for the Queen.  ibid.  


I’ve never been hated like that before.  ibid.  Queen to Blair



Washington 1992: It’s a hell of a lot easier to change what your party stands for than to change what people want.  The Special Relationship, US analyst, 2010  


I will always be European.  ibid.  Blair in France


Bill, how great of you to call.  ibid.  Blair on dog-n-bone to Clinton


I suppose you know the awful term Special Relationship?  ibid.  Blair to Clinton


A new kind of politics for a new millennium.  ibid.


So you’re telling me you did nothing that can be misinterpreted?  ibid.  Hill to Bill


The is a battle between God and Evil.  ibid.  Blair to Clinton  


What are you going to do with Bush?  ibid.  Clinton to Blair


Did you decide which way to jump yet?  ibid.



Tony Blair: He’s been cunted many times, but he needs a special Christmas cunting for polluting the airwaves on Radio 4 (The World at One) yesterday – he is an overpaid, underworked dishonest, fantasizing, lazy, decrepit, greedy, troublemaking oily heap of shit.  He still wants Brexit reversed because he is as much up the arse of Juncker as he was George W Bush.  He seems to believe he is some sort of Messiah (when he is more than just a naughty boy).  He is a self-serving, opportunistic motherfucker who would grovel to anybody who could help him get power again.


He looks, sounds and behaves like a raddled old queen.


Blair you cunt fuck off back to your dictators to give your shit advice to, and take your group of ageing crawling cocksuckers with you.  is a cunt online post, W C Boggs 6th December 2017



In 2003 Tony Blair and George Bush started to spread this freedom to Iraq.  Three coaches of day trippers set off for the US military base in Fairford, Gloucester, to protest against the war.  On the way there they were pulled over for a routine traffic stop by over a hundred police in riot gear.  The officers held them for two hours and searched every nook and cranny.  The operation unearthed some paper masks, scissors, and several toy soldiers.  Taking Liberties, 2007 


New Labour started to pass more laws than any other government in history … To protect the nation from terror the Blair government passed a series of laws that also undermined our basic liberties.  ibid.


Freedom of Speech means sometimes having to listen to things you don’t want to hear.  Tony Blair got round this problem at the Labour Party conference by banning any mention of the Iraq war.  ibid.