‘It was surreal in a sense … We didn’t really know who the enemy was …’ ibid. George W Bush
A window into the improvised nature of America’s military response, and raised a deeply troubling question about the President’s ability to command at 40,000 feet. ibid.
We heard someone say that Condoleezza Rice was waiting on a secure line to talk to the president when he got to the school … Suddenly, there was this palpable element of tension in the air.’ 9/11: Inside the President’s War Room, dude, BBC 2021
What turned out to be a psychological tsunami. ibid. Bush
The president needs to deal with the sadness but to move forward in a determined fashion to deal with the enemy. ibid.
One week after 9/11 an FBI special agent interviewed a prisoner in a New York city jail. Immediately after the terrorist attacks, authorities placed the prisoner in twenty-four-hour lockdown; for a week he’d been in total isolation with no access to TV, radio or newspapers … ‘What he laid out was the attack as if he knew every detail. It was just kind of eerie’ … The prisoner was this man [Ali Mohamed]. He was Osama bin Laden’s spy in America. He worked for and betrayed three arms of the US government. Bin Laden’s Spy in America, National Geographic 2021
What was 9/11? A terrorist atrocity? An attack on America? The first salvo in a new war? A day that changed everything? The Corbett Report: 9/11 Trillions: Follow the Money, James Corbett online 2015
Silverstein had insisted on doubling that amount, insuring the buildings for $3.55 billion … and walked away with $4.55 billion. ibid.
‘An unexpected surge in transactions was recorded prior to the attacks, leading to speculation that someone might have profited from previous knowledge of the terrorist plot by moving sums of money’. ibid. CNN article December 2001
The scale of the SEE investigation was unprecedented … Who had that advance knowledge? ibid.
The unusual trading in the weeks to 9/11 were ‘consistent with insiders anticipating the 9/11 attacks’. The Corbett Report: The Markets are Rigged, James Corbett online 2021
At least I got to live half my live in the old world … Now there is an entire generation who have grown up in the shadow of those Towers, who have never known a world that is not haunted by the hobgoblin of terrorism. The Corbett Report: 9/11 Truth: Lessons Learned, James Corbett online 2021
We were lied to about 9/11. ibid.
What a beautiful Tuesday morning it was. The sky was blue. Turning Point: 9/11 and the War on Terror I, air traffic control lady, Netflix 2021
When they [Twin Towers] were first built, architecture critics didn’t like them … but they grew on people. ibid. dude
The loudest noise I have ever head. Then it went dark. It was so dark in the room you could not see your hand in front of your face. Turning Point: 9/11 and the War on Terror II: A Place of Danger, Pentagon worker
It was as if someone stuffed a sock in my throat. ibid. FDNY hero
I knew the biggest task at hand for the police department was going to be recovering, identifying, and then notifying people’s families that we’d found their loved ones. Turning Point: 9/11 and the War on Terror III: The Dark Side, rozzer
Today there’s 40% of people who have never been identified. ibid.
The secret decisions that are made at the highest levels of government. And what the government was willing to do under the blanket of national security. What they are willing to do in going way outside the law. ibid. man in the know
It was not clear directionally what we wanted to do and when we wanted to do it. Turning Point: 9/11 and the War on Terror IV: The Good War, former Afghanistan ambassador
More than 4,400 US service members and approximately 200,000 Iraqi citizens have died in the Iraq War. ibid. caption
We don’t know who are the good guys and who are the bad guys. ibid. soldier in Afghanistan
We’re winning: you speak to Afghans and that’s not the case at all. ibid.
There’s a part of me that died in Afghanistan that I will never get back. ibid.
They were having to carry it out inside of Pakistan, a sovereign nation where the US was not supposed to be, added an immense level of complexity to this. Turning Point: 9/11 and the War on Terror V: Graveyard of Empires
The 9/11 attack on America was so much like a formula action-packed Hollywood disaster movie that it had Made in the USA written all over it. The only difference is it used real props and real people. Ring of Power I: 9/11: The Untold Story, 2008
Put options bet on the decline of 9/11-related airline and insurance stocks sky-rocketed by a whopping 600% just before 9/11. ibid.
When George W Bush started his first oil company, who helped fund it? Osama bin Laden’s brother and brother-in-law. ibid.
The Bush administration ignored all of the advance warnings of the 9/11 attack. ibid.
Why were they in Florida instead of Boston the night before their suicide flight? ibid.
In less than forty-eight hours the names and mugshots of nineteen accused Muslims were flashed across TV screens. ibid.
More incriminating evidence of flight manuals written in Arabic were found within hours of the attacks in parked rental cars at the airports. Why didn’t the terrorists take a taxi to the airport? ... The conspicuous trail of planted evidence continued three weeks after the 9/11 attacks. ibid.
It has since been proven that the Anthrax came from a US Army lab and was never mailed by Muslims. ibid.
Since 9/11, FBI Director [Robert] Mueller, BBC News and ABC have confirmed that 7 of the 19 Muslims whose mug-shots were flashed around the world did not die in the 9/11 crashes. They are alive and well. And are victims of identity theft. An 8th accused Muslim died one year before the 9/11 hijackings even occurred. Who stole their identities? And why isn’t the FBI looking for them? ibid.
60 Eastern-looking Israel men who were also taken into custody and held under great secrecy. ibid.
These detained Israelis failed polygraph tests about their surveillance activities against the US, and were caught video-taping the 9/11 attacks from different angles. ibid.
Carrying counterfeit visas and green-cards, the Israelis admitted that they served in the Israeli army in explosives, electronics and military intelligence units. ibid.
George W Bush’s brother Martin Bush just happened to be the director of Securicom which provided electronic security for the World Trade Centre. ibid.
The Twin Towers were rigged with explosives which caused the buildings to implode vertically in a typically controlled demolition. ibid.
Another suspicious company occupied the 16th and 17th floors of the North Tower. That company called Zim-Israel-American-Shipping suddenly broke their lease, paid a $50,000 penalty and moved out of the World Trade Centre only weeks before 9/11. ibid.
Silverstein is demanding a 200% payout by claiming payouts for two separate 9/11 attacks instead of one. Silverstein’s insurance companies called Swiss Re and Munich Re are the same companies under investigation for advanced knowledge of 9/11 and profiting from 9/11 on the stock market. ibid.
9/11/2001: Four planes change America and the world for ever. 19 men armed with boxcutter knives strike a stunning blow against the mightiest superpower on the planet. Seconds from Disaster s4e1: 9/11, National Geographic 2011
In the space of 102 minutes, the four hijacked planes have claimed the lives of almost 3,000 people. ibid.