There is considerable evidence however that the full truth is even more terrible; that the reason some officials had foreknowledge of the attacks is because they had planned them ... One feature of the attacks that suggests complicity by US officials is the twofold fact that the US military failed to stop the attacks on 9/11 and that since then they have given us three different stories as to why they failed. These changing stories suggest that the military has been trying to cover up the fact that a stand-down order was given on 9/11 cancelling the military’s own standard operating procedures for dealing with hijacked airplanes. ibid.
The military leaders were admitting therefore that they had left their fighters on the ground for almost ninety minutes after the FAA had first noticed signs of a possible hijacking. This first story suggested to many people that a stand-down order must have been given. ibid.
So if our military leaders were lying to us all that time, why should we believe them now? And if our military is lying to us, must we not assume that it is doing so to cover up its own guilt? In sum, the behaviour of the military both on 9/11 and afterwards combined with the fact that the 9/11 Commission had to resort to lies to make the military appear blameless suggest that US military leaders were complicit in the attacks. ibid.
1998 and 2000: Former President George H W Bush travels to Saudi Arabia on behalf of the privately owned Carlyle Group, the 11th largest defense contractor in the US. While there he meets privately with the Saudi royal family and the bin Laden family. ibid.
We also know that the intention to invade Iraq existed long before 9/11 and that this intention was based on imperial design, not concerned with Saddam’s wickedness. ibid.
This is the value system that is diametrically opposed to the value systems on which all the great religious and moral traditions of the world have been based. These traditional value systems say that we should not covet, steal and murder. That we should make sure that everyone has the necessary means for a decent life. But our government’s project for global domination is carried out in the name of the haves of the world who want still more. Even if it means killing hundreds and thousands of people and letting millions more die every year because of starvation and other poverty related diseases, we can see furthermore that some political and military leaders are so fanatically infected with these perverted values that they are willing to kill thousands of their own citizens, then endlessly use a deceptive account of these terrorist attacks to justify a War on Terror, in the name of which they claim the right to do virtually anything they wish, ignoring all principles of international law and morality. ibid.
If the truth about 9/11 is revealed, it will reveal the values on which this American global domination project is built. David Ray Griffin, cited Improbable Collapse: The Demolition of our Republic
You cannot in the face of these changes simply roll your eyes without exhibiting the very irrationality with which you charge those who you have called conspiracy theorists. David Ray Griffin, lecture Boston University 11th April 2009, ‘Time for a Second Look’
At that time, for example, it was not known that the Bush/Cheney administration would tell the enormous lies that would lead to millions of deaths, including thousands of American deaths. Besides the lies about Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq, the White House after 9/11 ordered the Environmental Protection Agency to lie about the air at the World Trade Center site, saying that it was safe to breathe. They knew otherwise. Two days before, in fact, the Boston Globe had a story reporting that the air had very high levels of asbestos and other dangerous particles – and the EPA was going to say this. The Bush/Cheney White House ordered them to change their statement and tell people the air is safe to breathe. As a result, rescue workers and clean-up workers went out there without even a flimsy cotton mask on – many of them. And as a result, now about 60% of those workers are ill, and if they have not died already the prediction by many people is that more people will die from the rescue and clean-up than died on 9/11 itself. In the face of this information, it would be difficult to claim that the Bush/Cheney administration would have been morally incapable of orchestrating 9/11 and the subsequent cover up. ibid.
As of today, over six hundred licensed architects and engineers have signed the petition saying the official story cannot be true, we need a new investigation. ibid.
Among independent scientists and professionals in the relevant fields who have studied the evidence, the weight of scientific and professional opinion is now overwhelmingly on the side of the 9/11 Truth Movement. ibid.
However, most of the calls were made when Flight 93 was reported at 35,000 or over 40,000 feet. Pilots and scientists in the 9/11 Movement have pointed out that given the cell-phone technology of 2001, successful calls from high altitude airliners were extremely improbable, in fact, impossible. ibid.
In 1999, William Arken, a well-known writer about military theory published an article in the Washington Post reporting an experiment, a demonstration, that he had observed of the new technology of voice morphing, which allows people to simulate the voice of another person, and so well in fact that you could fool the best friend or even the spouse ... He heard the voice of Colin Powell say, ‘I am being treated well by my captors’ ... ibid.
Mr President, the whole world knows 9/11 was a lie. Your credibility is going to be destroyed if you keep saying America was attacked by Muslims on 9/11. David Ray Griffin, ‘Mr President, The Whole World Knows 9/11 Was a Lie’
When they see that people are just lying, that for them is the most convincing thing. David Ray Griffin, interview Alex Jones 20th October 2009
The US military is itself blind being wholly dependent on the FAA to inform it about what is going on in US airspace. David Ray Griffin, cited The Great Conspiracy
Are we to believe that our military’s radar systems which could simultaneously track dozens of missiles could not tract a single airliner headed for New York? ibid.
This preface to the controversial Christian faith and the truth behind 9/11, David Ray Griffin writes, ‘One of our main tasks as theologians is to deal with the current events in light of the fact that our first allegiance must be to God, who created and loves all people. Indeed, all forms of life. If we believe that our political and military leaders are acting on the basis of policies that are diametrically opposed to divine purposes, it is incumbent on us to say so’. David Perkins
To this day the Bush administration has not even confirmed the existence of those flights to Saudi Arabia. Conspiracy Theories
Call it a conspiracy or call it the way of the world but the long relationship between the Bushes, the bin Ladens and the Saudi royal family has shaped the times in which we live before and after September 11th. ibid.
They’ve never even officially revealed the full passenger lists of any of the planes. Andy Thomas, interview On the Edge: Inside Job? The 9/11 Conspiracy Debate
There is an anomaly in the time codes of some of the security videos. ibid.
Why for instance did Atta and a colleague take a car to Boston Airport then drive to Portland Main to get a plane back to Boston? ibid.
There are contradictions shot through the official story. ibid.
One of the biggest works of fiction ever concocted. ibid.
An opinion poll ... ICM ... More people agree than disagree that the official account of what happened on 9/11 might turn out to be wrong in important respects. AlexG, host On the Edge: Inside Job? The 9/11 Conspiracy Debate
Six out of the ten commissioners said they were disappointed in the final report. ibid.
Building 7 ... was emitted entirely from the Report. ibid.
Ten years on, suddenly we get all this audio released. ibid.
Kerosene and planes would not actually allow those Twin Towers to implode at free fall speed. Tony Farrell, UK police intelligence officer, interview On the Edge: Inside Job? The 9/11 Conspiracy Debate
They said, ‘No we don’t want that: your beliefs are incompatible ... We have to dismiss you.’ ibid.
The bin Laden family and the Bush families have been friends and business partners for many years. In 1977 George Bush junior started Arbusto Energy Company in Midland Texas. One of his first and major investors was Salim bin Laden, who at that time had become the president of the Saudi bin Laden group. Salim happened to be the brother of Osama bin Laden. 9/11 The Great Illusion
According to Reuters News Service two of the terrorists went to a topless bar a few nights before the attack. While at the bar they were supposedly obnoxious, had lots of drinks, and each spent over two hundred dollars for lap-dances. ibid.
Construction on the World Trade Centre buildings I and II was commenced on September 11th 1971. ibid.
World Trade Centre Building 6 is an important part of the puzzle. Shortly after World Trade Building II was hit there was a huge explosion that appears to emanate from the centre section of World Trade Business 6. Only later did the building catch fire. ibid.