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★ 9/11 & 11th September 2001 New York Attacks (II)

9/11 & 11th September 2001 New York Attacks (II): see 9/11 (I) & 9/11: Twin Towers & 9/11: Flight 11 & 9/11: Flight 93 & 9/11: Flight 175 & 9/11: Building 7 & 9/11: Pentagon & United States of America & New York & Terror & War on Terror & 3/11 & 7/7 & Security & US Empire & US Foreign Relations

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The attack on the World Trade Centre was an assault by political Islamism on American power.  And on what the Islamists believe was the destructive force that drove that power: radical individualism.  When the World Trade Centre Towers collapsed, everyone knew that everything had changed.  But then it didn’t.  The system returned to normal.  Adam Curtis, All Watched Over By Machines of Loving Grace, BBC 2011



1st June 2001: the White House removes shootdown authority from military field commanders of wayward aircraft over US airspace.  In the ten months prior, interceptors are scrambled successfully on 67 different occasions.  After this change, US interceptors fail to stop four hijacked planes on 9/11 for 1 hour 52 minutes.  Empire of Oil: The Hidden History of 9/11 



9/11 was an inside job orchestrated by forces in our own government.  It was a false-flag attack with evidence planted to make it appear to have been planned and carried out by Arab Muslims.  Professor David Ray Griffin, interview Guns and Butter 7th January 2009 


There are reasons why the Bush-Cheney administration and its Pentagon would have staged the 9/11 attacks to make them appear to have been orchestrated by Muslim terrorists from the Middle East.  This administration wanted to control this oil from the Caspian Sea area, had made plans to go to war in Afghanistan months before 9/11.  It also, as is now well known, had an attack on Iraq at the top of the agenda when it came to office.  Finally, General Wesley Clark has revealed the Pentagon under this administration was planning on attacking six more predominantly Muslims countries: Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Iran.  Accordingly, the idea that 9/11 was an inside job with evidence planted to make it appear to be the work of Middle Eastern Muslims should not be ruled out a priori.  Indeed, those with responsibility to discover what really happened including our major media should have been alert to evidence that it was a false-flag attack.  ibid.


However, the main evidence for hijackers was phone-calls from the planes in which passengers on the airliners reported that their planes had been hijacked.  Many of these calls especially from United 93 were believed to have been made on cell phones ... The FBI presented a report on phone-calls from all the airliners.  According to this report there were only two cell-phone calls from United 93, and one of these was from a passenger who dialed 911 ... Most of the cell-phone calls were reportedly made when the flight was at thirty thousand or even forty thousand feet ... She and the others were duped.  The calls were faked.  The technology of voice-morphing had been sufficiently developed prior to 9/11 to fool peoples best friends, even their spouses.  ibid.       


Too often Christian faith is less important to Christians in America than their American faith.  The evidence that 9/11 was an inside job I have argued is overwhelming to anyone with eyes to see.  And Christian faith at its best serves to open people’s eyes to this evidence.  When Christian faith is subordinated to faith in American goodness, however, it becomes a blinding faith.  Producing Christians with eyes wide shut.  In working so long to expose the truth about 9/11 one of my central hopes is that this exposure will lead American Christians to repent of this idolatrous subordination.  And once Christians see 9/11 for what it was, in the pretext to extend the American Empire, in predominantly Muslim countries, I hope they will realise that to be loyal to Jesus, I preach an anti-Imperial gospel.  They will need to oppose American imperialism as they have opposed previous types of imperialism.  Our country needs, our world needs, our leadership in exposing the truth about 9/11.  Let’s do it!  ibid.



Thou shalt not covert thy neighbours oil.  David Ray Griffin



9/11 was not Bushs incompetence: it was his plan.  (9/11 & Bush)  David Ray Griffin



The evidence that 9/11 was an inside job is overwhelming.  Most people who examine this evidence with an open mind find it convincing.  David Ray Griffin, author Debunking 9/11 Debunking, lecture Washington, ‘Lets Get Empirical’


Equally unempirical is the treatment by NIST and Popular Mechanics of explosions before and during the collapses.  Both documents pretend there were no explosions, although the last time I checked Google for Testimonies of Explosions in the World Trade Center, I found there were close to 300,000 items.  ibid.



Although we are told that four or five of the alleged hijackers were on each on the flights, so the names should have been on the flight manifests, but the flight manifests that have been released contain neither the names of the alleged hijackers or any Arab names whatsoever … Evidence was also apparently planted.  The passport of one of the hijackers on Flight 11 was allegedly found in the rubble … Several of these nineteen men are still alive … Great quantities of molten steel were produced … According to many firefighters, medical workers, journalists and World Trade Centre employees many explosions went off both before and during the collapses … The production of large quantities of dust … The idea that US officials have given a satisfactory, or even close to satisfactory, explanation of the collapse of the World Trade Center is a myth.  David Ray Griffin, 9/11: The Myth and the Reality


Another relevant fact is the evidence was destroyed.  An examination of the buildings steel beams and columns could have shown whether explosives had been used to slice them.  But virtually all of the steel was removed before it could be properly investigated, then put on ships to Asia to be melted down.  It is usually a federal offence to remove anything from a crime scene, even a matchbook.  But here the removal of over a hundred tons of steel  the biggest destruction of evidence in history  was carried out under the supervision of federal officials.  ibid.


Evidence was also apparently planted.  The passport of one of the hijackers on Flight 11 was allegedly found in the rubble, having survived the fiery inferno … The magic passport!  ibid.



The 9/11 Commission does not tell you that Marvin Bush, the Presidents brother, and their cousin, Wirt Walker III, were the principles of the company that was in charge of security for the World Trade Center … There were many reports … You know, there was a shutdown order so for three days we couldnt go in the World Trade Center; there were engineers coming in and out.  David Ray Griffin, 9/11 Commission Report, Distortions and Omissions


Is there anything in the 9/11 Commission Report that is untrue?  Now that Ive finished the book, my big question is, Can I find a true sentence in the book?  ibid. 



In sum, the collapses and the cover up  like the strike on the Pentagon, the militarys failure to prevent the attack and its ever-changing stories, show that the attacks must have been planned and executed by our own people  our military and political leaders.  Professor David Ray Griffin, 9/11 Fraud


David Chivers … two days after 9/11 Chivers declared he had received warnings from FBI agents about the attacks six weeks earlier - warnings that included both the … dates and the targets … FBI headquarters had blocked their investigations and had threatened them with prosecution if they want public.  ibid.


The government also would have had foreknowledge of the attacks because a extraordinary level of put options purchased in the three days before 9/11.  To buy put options for a particular company is to bet that its stock price is going to go down.  These purchases were for two, and only two, airlines  American and United  the two airlines whose planes were used in the attacks and also for Morgan Stanley Dean Witter which occupied twenty-two storeys of the World Trade Center.  The price of these shares did of course plummet after 9/11.  ibid.


We can see through the claim that the US Project of creating the first truly global empire is a benevolent or even benign enterprise.  However, we can fully grasp the extent to which this project is propelled by fanaticism based on a deeply perverted value system only when we realise that the terrorist attacks of 9/11 were orchestrated by our own leaders, and that they did this to provide the justification, the fear and the funding for the so-called War on Terror which would be used as the pretext for enlarging the empire.  ibid.


US Intelligence agencies monitor the market looking for signs for imminent untoward events.  These extraordinary purchases therefore would have suggested to Intelligence agencies that in the next few days United and American Airlines airliners were going to be used in attacks on the World Trade Center.  That is fairly specific knowledge.  ibid.