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9/11 & 11th September 2001 New York Attacks: Flight 93
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★ 9/11 & 11th September 2001 New York Attacks: Flight 93

9/11 & 11th September 2001 New York Attacks: Flight 93: see 9/11 (I) & (II) & 9/11: Twin Towers & 9/11: Flight 11 & 9/11: Flight 175 & 9/11: Building 7 & 9/11: Pentagon & United States of America & New York & Terror & War on Terror & 3/11 & 7/7 & Security & US Empire & US Foreign Relations & Hijack

Cockpit Recordings - FAA & Command Centre - FAA & Neads - Alex Jones - Donald Rumsfeld - WCPO-TV Cincinnati - Loose Change 2nd edition TV - Fox News TV - Deena Burnett - Channel 5 - CNN News TV - ABC News TV - NBC News TV - Ernie Stuhl - Paula Pluta - Wally Miller - Lyz Glick - Laura Temyer - Inside 9/11: Zero Hour TV - September 11: The New Pearl Harbor 2013 - 9/11: The Final Moments of Flight 93 TV -            




09:31:57:  Ladies and gentlemen, here the captain, please sit down, keep remaining seating.  We have a bomb on board.  So sit.  cockpit recording



09:39:11:  Ah here’s the captain.  I would like to tell you all to remain seated.  We have a bomb aboard, and we are going back to the airport, and we have our demands.  So, please remain quiet.  cockpit recording



10:01:18: Cut off the oxygen.  Cut off the oxygen.  Cut off the oxygen.  cockpit recording



35,617.  FAA Headquarters: They’re pulling Jeff away to go talk about United 93.


Command Center: Uh, do we want to think about uh scrambling aircraft?


FAA Headquarters: Uh, God, I don't know.


Command Center: Uh, that’s a decision somebody’s gonna have to make probably in the next 10 minutes.


FAA Headquarters: Uh, ya know everybody just left the room.



FAA (DC): Go ahead.


NEADS: United Nine Three, have you got information on that yet?


FAA: Yeah, he’s down.


NEADS: He’s down?


FAA: Yes.


NEADS: When did he land?  ’Cause we have got confirmation ...


FAA: He did not land.



It was in the local Pennsylvania newspapers that the witnesses including police and firemen  people that know what they’re looking for  saw F-16s chasing Flight 93, and that they saw two missiles fired and that they saw explosions at a high altitude.  And then the material evidence supports that.  Alex Jones, interview Conspiracies  9/11 And the Evil in America



The people who attacked the United States in New York shot down the plane over Pennsylvania that attacked the Pentagon.  Donald Rumsfeld, cited The Explosive Reality



[Mayor] White said the plane had been moved to a secure area of [Hopkins] Airport, and was evacuated.  United identified the plane as Flight 93.  WCPO-TV Cincinnati 11:43 September 11th



According to the official story Flight 93 was en route to Washington DC when it was overpowered by a group of passengers and crashed into an abandoned strip-mine in Shanksville, Pennsylvania ... It was shot down; it wasnt shot down.  However, evidence suggests that perhaps Flight 93 was nowhere near Shanksville.  Loose Change 2nd edition


Cleveland: at 11:43 on September 11th WCPO, a local TV station in Cincinnati Ohio, reported that two planes landed at Cleveland Hawkins Airport due to a bomb threat.  United Airlines identified one of the planes as Flight 93 ... At approximately 10 a.m. Cleveland Hawkins Airport was evacuated amidst rumours that a hijacked plane was going to land.  Passengers had to leave, but couldn’t drive.  They had to walk or hitchhike.  Buses weren’t allowed to leave.  People were sent home.  ibid.  also cited Illuminati Project  


What’s on the last three minutes of Flight 93’s cockpit voice recorder?  ibid.


What about the cell-phone calls?  For starters, the calls themselves are extremely peculiar.  Most of them are only a couple of sentences long ...  The caller says, ‘Mum, this is Mark Bingham.’  When was the last time you called your mother and used your full name? ...‘You believe me Mum, don’t you?’  ibid.  


The cell-phone calls could not possibly have taken place.  ibid.



Presenter: Chris, I’ve seen the pictures.  It looks like there’s nothing there except for a hole in the ground.


Chris: Basically, that’s right.  The only thing you could see from where we were was a big gauge in the earth and some broken trees.  We could see some people down working, walking around in the area but from where we could see there wasn’t much left.  No, there was nothing.  Nothing that you could distinguish that a plane had crashed there.  Nothing.  It was absolutely quiet; it was actually very quiet.  Nothing going on down there, no smoke, no fire, just a couple of people walking around  they looked like part of the NPSP crew walking around looking at the pieces.  From my estimates [the hole was] I would guess it was probably about twenty to fifteen feet long, and probably about ten feet wide.  You couldn’t see anything.  Fox News, cited Loose Change 9/11: An American Coup & New World Order Facts



United Airlines confirms Flight 93 crashed near Pittsburgh.  Fox News live



He told me he was putting a plan together to take back the aeroplane.  Deena Burnett, 9/11 widow, interview Inside 9/11: Zero Hour



Thomas Burnett made four calls to his wife.  Fox News Channel 5, cited Between the Lies



The debris here is spread over a three-to-four-mile radius which has now been completely sealed off and is being treated according to the FBI as a crime scene ... The most horrifying aspect of this particular crash scene is how little debris is visible.  There is a large crater in the ground ... Tiny tiny bits of debris, there are reports from the investigators out there and there are hundreds of them as I said tonight have found nothing larger than a phone book.  Attack on America, cited Face the Facts & New World Order Facts, Channel 5



In the last hour or so the FBI and the state police here have confirmed that they have cordoned off a second area about six to eight miles away from the crater here where the plane went down.  CNN News, Brian Cabell, cited Between the Lies & Loose Change 9/11: An American Coup



We also know today that there is another debris field between two and six miles to the north of that crash site.  CNN News, cited Between the Lies



A Boeing 767 out of Boston made an emergency landing Tuesday at Cleveland Hopkins International Airport due to concerns that it may have a bomb on board... United identified the plane as Flight 93.  ABC Channel 9, posted 11:43 a.m. 11th September 2001 Liz Foreman



All that you really see there is a huge crater ... a huge black gaping hole, as investigators are describing it.  ABC News, cited Between the Lies



Additional pieces have now been found two and a half miles away in a place called Indian Lake.  ABC News, cited Between the Lies



The debris here is spread over a three to four mile radius which has now been completely sealed off.  NBC News, Edie Magnus, cited Between the Lies & The Explosive Reality



I know of two people  I will not mention names  that heard a missile.  They both live very close, within a couple of hundred yards ... This one fellow’s served in Vietnam and he says he heard them, and he heard one that day.  Ernie Stuhl, Shanksville mayor



Little pieces of metal.  There wasn’t anything there but little pieces of metal.  Paula Pluta, interview Channel 9, cited Between the Lines



I stopped being Coroner after about twenty minutes because there were no bodies there.  Wally Miller, Somerset County coroner



I have not to this day seen a single drop of blood.  Not a drop.  Wally Miller, Pittsburgh Review



It looked like somebody just dropped a bunch of metal out of the sky.  Wally Miller