Richard D Hall TV - 7/7 Ripple Effect TV - 7/7 Ripple Effect II - 3/11 The Ripple Effect TV - Michael Portillo - Peter Power - Eye on Britain: The Search For Truth TV - David Shayler - Sunday Mail & Wishmal Whitehead - Daniel Obachike - Bruce Lait - News Report - Michael Meacher - BBC Online - Tony Blair - Ludicrous Diversion: 7/7 Bombings TV - Andy Hayman - BBC Radio - The Conspiracy Files TV - Nick Kollerstrom - Kollerstrom & Farrell TV - Andy Simpson - David Davis - 7/7 The Big Picture - Alex Jones - Associated Press - Bomb report - Mark Honigsbaum - The Independent online - Israel National News online - The Sunday Times - Peter Taylor TV - Horizon TV - Daily Mirror & Mirror online - Newsnight TV - June Kelly & 7/7: The Real Story TV - Lady Justice Hallett - 7/7: The Angels of Edgware Road - Joseph Martoccia - Guardian online - Neil Flewitt - Cambridge News online - Lizzy Kenworthy - Sky News TV - Katy Benton & Sister - Susanna Pell - Richard South - Ian - Krishnakumar Nair - CNN News TV - ITN News TV - Ian R Crane - 7/7: Crime & Prejudice - Conspiracy Road Trip TV - 7/7 Institutional Denial & Tony Farrell TV - Muriel Gray - 7/7: What Did They Know? - Dispatches TV - The Corbett Report - 7/7 A Strange Occurrence - 7/7: Seeds of Destruction - 7/7: The London Bombings TV -
Utter bunk: 9/11 was utter bunk, and 7/7 was utter bunk – organised and carried out by Western intelligence agencies, and they are using the fake history of 9/11 and 7/7 to solidify fake threats of terrorism at this time during the Olympics. Richard D Hall, RichPlanet online July 2012
7/7 Ripple Effect: set up by intelligence services: see also Mind the Gap, Ludicrous Diversion & Seeds of Deconstruction … 7/7: The evidence points to a false flag terrorist attack ... Our own intelligence services, who are supposed to protect us, are perpetrating acts of terrorism and murdering their own people. Richplanet TV 4th March 2011
Reasons why [Raoul] Moat could have been a programmed killer: Lisa French [Government’s 7/7 witness dating PC blinded by Moat] was the most important bus bomb witness at the sham inquest which propped up the government’s false narrative about 7/7. Richplanet TV: Mind Control & Raoul Moat
They [Waheed Ali, Sadeer Saleem and Mohammed Shakil] were put on trial in Kingston Crown Court in 2008. Richplanet TV: Ireland end of tour, interview Muad’Dib aka Anthony John Hill
Your trial in the UK for allegedly trying to Pervert the Course of Justice was held in May 2011. ibid. RDH
How can you have an inquest with no post-mortems? ibid. MD
The holes in the carriages were inconsistent with the narrative … consistent with military-grade high explosives. ibid. RDH
When the police and the courts have no concept of what’s right and what’s wrong, the country is in a very bad state. bid. MD
Lisa French here – she was on the #30 bus in 2005 involving the London bombings which blew up. Now her testimony at the government inquest in 2011 in my opinion was extremely dubious because nobody on that #30 bus saw Hasib Hussain, the supposed terrorist, because he wasn’t on the bus. Richard D Hall, Richplanet TV: 2013 Tour Southampton
We reviewed the clearly fabricated CCTV image at Luton Station, and the as yet unidentified Jaguar car taking part in the operation; there was no recognizable CCTV pictures of the alleged bombers at Kings Cross before bombs were detonated. We learnt also that alleged bombers Mohammad Sidique Khan and Shehzad Tanweer were MI5 assets, working for the security services during Operation Crevice. RichPlanet online, Richard D Hall
On 16 May 2004 an edition of the BBC1 Panorama programme broadcasted a mock exercise imagining what would happen if a terrorist attack was executed in London in the near future consisting of three explosions on tube trains on the London underground and one explosion on a road vehicle. 7/7 Ripple Effect ***** Muad’Dib
In the days leading up to 7/7/2005 there were hoax bomb scares in Nottingham and Sheffield. Were these hoax bomb scares meant not only to cause panic and confusion but also to lure everyone into a false sense of security? ibid.
Peter Power: Dupe or Accomplice? … What are the odds of all that [same day mock exercises] happening by chance? ibid.
Transport Security firm ICTS, another Israeli company, has an office just a mile away from Luton train station, which is suspected to be where the Muslim actors received their final instructions before setting off for the train station – the details of which trains to board, which carriages to get into, where to sit, and which bus to catch, where to sit on it and at what time. ibid.
The first available train the Muslim actors can catch gets them to Kings Cross after the tube trains have already left without them. Hasib Hussain splits off from the other three at Kings Cross Thames-link station because he still has time to catch the number 30 bus as his part in the mock-terror exercise. When the tube trains they were supposed to catch are blown up the other three smell a rat and realise they had have been duped and are Muslim patsies who will be blamed for the attacks, and everyone knows what happened to Lee Harvey Oswald. The Muslims are not from London ... They have no idea what to do ... They cannot phone anyone to tell them what has happened. What can they do? ibid.
On one of the early TV news broadcasts that day, a newsreader announced that a report has come that three of the terrorists involved in the bombings have been shot and killed by the anti-terrorist branch of the police at Canary Wharf in the Docklands area of London’s East End. The announcement was made only once and never repeated. ibid.
The fourth Muslim backpacker, Hasib Hussain, who has been blamed for the #30 bus bombing is reported to have been wandering around London, going into McDonald’s and eating a beefburger. He is reported to have tried unsuccessfully to contact the other three by phone … but the phones were not working. ibid.
A double-decker upon which a large advertisement for a play had been placed on one side reading: Outright Terror, Bold and Brilliant. ibid.
Hasib Hussain started from Kings Cross Thameslink Station and was seen on a #91 bus travelling west along Euston Road to Euston Station. Where he caught the #30 bus that would have then travelled east back along Euston Road retracing his steps back to where he started from at Kings Cross. ibid.
If he wanted to get to Tavistock Square he could just have stayed on the #91 bus and been sure of getting directly to Tavistock Square [Kings Cross to Tavistock Square]. ibid.
That particular number 30 bus, registration LX03BUF, was part of Peter Power’ and his customer’s mock-terrorist drill, pre-rigged with explosives like the three tube trains, and was pre-planned to be diverted into and blown up in Tavistock Square. ibid.
Kingstar, whose white van was parked next to the bus, is a company that specialises in controlled demolitions. ibid.
All of the CCTV cameras at all four of the blast sites were not working that day. ibid.
They claim to have found Hasib Hussain’s in Tavistock Square. However, they also claim that ID from another of the four, Mohammad Sidique, was found in at least two, some reports say three, separate blast locations. ibid.
Other witnesses also reported a second explosion on the bus. ibid.
Witnesses of the tube-train explosions state that there were no Muslims with backpacks, and no backpacks or bags left unattended, in the trains or the carriages that blew up. And that the floors of the train blew upwards from underneath. ibid.
Explosives under the train floors powerful enough to rupture the carriage floors and bend them upwards would also lift the carriages up off the rails and derail them as did happen. Those explosives were not home-made but military-grade high explosives what would not be available to Muslim suicide bombers. ibid.
‘The prime minister should be out there … We should certainly be talking to the broadcasters about the way in which the coverage is to be organised.’ Ripple Effect II ***** Muad’Dib, Michael Portillo on Panorama 2004, 2012
07/07/05: We were told on TV by Peter Power of Visor Consultants that they and the private company employing them who helped choose the scenario for it were running a mock terrorist drill in the London underground with practically the same scenario as what actually really happened on that day. ibid.
To this day Peter Power refuses to publicly identify the customer who chose the exact scenario. Why? ibid.
On Luton Station Car Park’s CCTV video footage both on the day of the practice run, 28th June, and later on 7/7 there was a dark coloured Jaguar present in the Luton Station car park that appears to have been the car of their handler. Did the Jaguar’s driver provide them with their backpacks? Who was driving that Jaguar? ibid.
Vertint Systems is the security firm that is responsible for the CCTV surveillance cameras in the London Underground rail network. And it is an Israeli company with approximately 1,000 employees [viz Peter’s Power’s remarks]. No CCTV footage of the four Muslims boarding the tube trains has been released by Verint who claimed that their cameras were not working. Why? Because the four Muslims were not on the tube trains that blew up. ibid.
The four Muslims: actors or patsies? We were also told that the training exercise involved 1,000 people. And, of course, among those 1,000 people would have to be the four people who were recruited to play the parts of the mock terrorists. ibid.
These Muslim men would naturally buy return train tickets and not one-way tickets because they would be going home after playing their parts in the training exercise. ibid.
The eldest … asked to make a suicide video prior to 7/7/2005 being told it would form part of the training mock terrorist exercise … The second oldest would also be asked to make a similar video as a backup. ibid.
‘Khan may even have been working as an informant for the security service.’ ibid. Charles Shoebridge