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7/7 & 7th July 2005 London Bombings
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★ 7/7 & 7th July 2005 London Bombings

This floor panel came up underneath my feet.  Sky News interview of Aldgate survivor



There’s a big crater in the floor, like the bottom of the train was just rubble.  Katy Benton, Edgware Road



We felt like we were being electrocuted.  Benton Sisters, Piccadilly Line



And nearly fell down a hole in the bottom of the tube.  Susanna Pell, Radio London, Edgware Road



The explosion didn’t sound like a bomb, more a loud power surge.  Richard South, Piccadilly Line



The next thing I remember was reading a paper and then getting a sharp feeling of electrocution, like I imagine anyone who'd been struck by lightning gets.  Ian, Piccadilly Line, BBC interview



So we took number 59 bus to reach Holborn.  As the bus passed a bit after Tavistock Square park, we heard an explosion  something like a big bang, sort of muffled inside a metal container.  We looked back from the upper deck  saw a huge metal scrap thing on the road, with a few fumes coming out; someone was on the road trying to pull something out of it.  Krishnakumar Nair



Multiple Explosions On London Tube System: ‘We’re hearing news of a controlled explosion there as well.’  CNN News report live



Nearly six in ten of those polled believe that the government has not told the whole truth about the July 7th bombings.  And more than half say the intelligence services have made up evidence in order to convict terrorist suspects.  ITN News report



The Exercises are absolutely critical in providing the cover.  Ian R Crane:  On the Edge: Inside Job? The 9/11 Conspiracy Debate



The behaviour and attitude of Bridget Dunne is becoming increasingly similar to that of Rachel North, in the anger and vitriol dished out to anyone who has the audacity to take any initiative which might serve to raise the profile of events and/or issues relating to the fateful day of 7th July 2005.  Ian R Crane



There is more evidence to support the hypothesis that the three young men were assassinated at Canary Wharf that morning than they got anywhere near the Tubes.  Ian R Crane, lecture Birmingham 2016, ‘The EU Hokey-Cokey’



Within hours of the explosions officials were spreading the word that this was the work of Al Qaeda.  7/7: Crime & Prejudice


The police identified them almost immediately.  ibid.


The record of the British authorities in major murder and terrorism investigations cases is terrible.  More often than not either the wrong people have been investigated, prosecuted and convicted, or no-one has been held responsible.  ibid.


Other cases that are connected to 7/7 bear the same hallmarks of manipulation and unjust prosecution.  ibid.


A litany of false accusations, ridiculous evidence, undercover agents and police violence.  ibid.


Witnesses saw more men alongside them.  ibid.


The strange editing of the CCTV from Luton obscuring the Jaguar’s arrival ... only adds to the suspicion of a cover-up.  ibid.


We have never seen the equivalent coverage for 7/7 ... Truth campaigners and journalists have demanded the release of the 7/7 coverage.  ibid.


If only one camera at Kings Cross was working for twenty minutes before the explosions, then why did it take police five days to review the video? ... Why did they view the CCTV from Luton so quickly?  ibid.


The authorities would have us believe that the men chose to rent a Nissan Micra, one of the smallest cars available in Britain ... After arriving at Luton, the four men assembled their bombs in the boot of the car in full view of members of the public and CCTV cameras.  ibid.


Several holes blown in the floor of the carriage.  ibid.



Conspiracy 1: The personalities don’t fit.  Andrew Maxwell, 7/7 Bombings: Conspiracy Road Trip 1/3, BBC 2012


They are seen entering the station at 7.22 which gave them only three minutes to buy their tickets and catch the 7.25.  ibid.


Conspiracy 3: CCTV deliberately missing.  ibid.


Could a home-made explosive blow up a bus?  Yes.  ibid.



I was expected to go along with the government narrative ... I made a stand against it.  PSTV: 7/7 Institutional Denial, Tony Farrell, former police intelligence officer


The terror effect is perpetrated by our government to heighten the fear in the public.  ibid.



Everyone is being blamed, from the obvious villainous duo of George W Bush and Tony Blair, to the inaction of Muslim ‘communities’.  But it has never been clearer that there is only one place to lay the blame and it has ever been thus.  The cause of all this misery, mayhem, violence, terror and ignorance is of course religion itself, and if it seems ludicrous to have to state such an obvious reality, the fact is that the government and the media are doing a pretty good job of pretending that it isnt so.  Muriel Gray, Herald 24th July 2005  



MI5 had no inkling …  7/7: What Did They Know? Youtube, news report


‘MI5 are once again trying to have forthcoming intelligence evidence heard in secret.’  ibid.  BBC news  


A full-scale mock attack was staged in September 03.  ibid.  


On July 1st and July 2nd just days before the bombings there was another anti-terror exercise … 3 simultaneous explosions at tube stations.  ibid.



When the government fights terror it should have just one purpose: the safety of the British people.  This film will show how Tony Blair has used terror for his own political advantage.  Even as the bodies were being pulled from the wreckage of the London bombings the authorities were started to spin.  Dispatches: Spinning Terror, Channel 4 2006


Tony Blair and his ministers have not always told us the truth about terror.  ibid.  



The official government sources and the media acting in a feedback loop to hype the event.  The Corbett Report, 007 Investigate 7/7, James Corbett online 2007  


The bombs were in fact incredibly primitive … They were simply incendiaries: if they had even worked, they would have just caused a large fire.  ibid.



Given the scale and the scope of what had just happened, it was the following Monday July 11th that Tony Blair, the British prime minister, already came out to announce that there would be no Inquiry.  The Corbett Report, 178: 7/7 is Still the Issue, James Corbett online 2011


What’s the point of an Inquest?  ibid.


The narrative that supposedly describes what happened on that day is in fact extremely full of holes.  ibid.



John Anthony Hill: the creator of the highly influential documentary 7/7: Ripple Effect and someone who’s been extradited from Ireland to the UK to face charges of attempted to pervert the course of justice.  The Corbett Report, interview John Anthony Hill Maud’Dib 9/11 & 7/7, James Corbett online 2011


‘The four young men who have been accused and blamed and been tried and found guilty by the media … they were patsies who were set up … They were shot dead in Canary Wharf.’  ibid.  Hill


‘I was striving to prevent them [court] from perverting the course of justice.’  ibid.


‘I was immediately taken into custody again … Taken to Dublin docks and driven on to a ferry.’  ibid.


‘151 days in custody before I managed to get bail in the UK.’  ibid.



All four had probably been photoshopped in.  7/7: A Strange Occurrence, Youtube 1.06.07


Haroon Rashid Aswat: Aswat is believed to be the mastermind of all the bombings in London … one wing of the British government, MI6, the British secret service, has been hiding him.  ibid.  John Loftus, interview Fox News


They were clocked, recorded and followed.  ibid.  Peter Taylor  



Blair initially said that any such enquiry would be a ludicrous diversion in the struggle against terrorism.  7/7: Seeds of Destruction, Vimeo 2:27:25


Accounts of what happened on July 7th are contrasting and varied.  Nothing we’ve been officially told makes any sense.  ibid.


The four British Muslim men allegedly responsible may have themselves been victims of a much larger conspiracy.  ibid.


What is supported by solid evidence is that history has shown that western governments have made a consistent policy of engaging in covert operations including false flag terrorist attacks.  ibid.


Arbenz was a popular president elected on a platform of reforming the land ownership to help the largely peasant population of Guatemala.  ibid.