I came to a decision. I’m gonna take that deal … I’d be a fool to pass up that money … Better Call Saul s1e9: Pimento, Saul to Chuck
You’re not a real lawyer! University of American Samoa, for Christ sake! An online course! What a joke! … The law is sacred! ibid. Chuck to Saul
He’s a Nigerian prince. He’s worth conservatively $400 million … The banks have frozen their assets … Better Call Saul s1e10: Marco, Saul in bar
Did I dream it or did I have $1,600,000 on my desk in cash? Better Call Saul s2e1: Switch, Saul to Mike
Do you know what, it’s never stopping me again. ibid.
I’ve been doing the right thing for all these years now and where has it got me? ibid.
Nacho: How did you find me? Why are you here?
Mike: Baseball cards … The name of the stick is Tuco Salamanca. Better Call Saul s2e2: Cobbler
I know a loan shark. Always needs enforcement and recovery. Pay’s good and it’s steady work. Most of the time we’re just talking intimidation, strictly verbal. Better Call Saul s2e3: Amarillo, vet to Mike
Life is not one big game of let’s make a deal. Better Call Saul s2e4: Gloves Off, Chuck to Saul
What do you get when you cross the Godfather with a lawyer? An offer you can’t understand. Better Call Saul s2e5: Rebecca, Saul
Mike: What’s the message?
Salamanca’s heavy: Take the $5,000.
Mike: It took two guys to tell me that? Better Call Saul s2e6: Bali Ha’i
There are wolves and sheep in this world, kid. Wolves and sheep. Figure out which one you’re gonna be. Better Call Saul s2e7: Inflatable, con-man
You’ve got me. Just not as a law partner. bid. Kim
Banking law needs to be exciting. Better Call Saul s2e8: Fifi, Chuck
If we’re wondering if Jimmy’s up to a little casual forgery, you should know in High School he had a thriving business making fake IDs so his buddies could buy beer. Better Call Saul s2e9: Nailed, Saul
We think it’s a state of self-induced catatonia. Better Call Saul s2e10: Klick, doctor’s diagnosis of Chuck
For ten minutes today Chuck didn’t hate me; I’d forgotten what that felt like. Better Call Saul s3e1: Mabel, Saul to Kim
Welcome to Los Pollos Hermanos. May I take your order? Better Call Saul s3e2: Witness, Saul at counter
It’s not in my interests for Hector Salamanca to die at this time. Better Call Saul s3e3: Sunk Costs, Gus
I’m not done with Hector Salamanca. ibid. Mike
Look what Gustavo gave us. It’s impressive, no? Better Call Saul s3e4: Sabrosito, Don Eladio to Salamanca
Gus Fring is a pillar of our business community. ibid. rozzer
A bullet to the head [of Salamanca] would have been far too humane. ibid. Gus to Mike
I recorded my brother to build a case against him. Better Call Saul s3e5: Chicanery, Chuck at bar hearing
The law is too important to be toyed with. It’s mankind’s greatest achievement. ibid.
Jimmy McGill has worked tirelessly to build a practice that helps an under-served and frankly overlooked segment of our community: the elderly. Better Call Saul s3e6: Off Brand, Kim’s closing argument
Is the legal profession better with Jimmy McGill in it? ibid.
I want to hire you again. Hire you. As my back up man. Better Call Saul s3e7: Expenses, Daniel to Mike
We are not going to pay you $6,500 for something we can do ourselves. Better Call Saul s3e8: Slip, music shop owners to Saul, re advertising package
We do have an issue we need to discuss. It concerns your malpractice insurance. ibid. Howard to Chuck
Hector Salamanca. I’ve been working for them again … Whatever happens, you must do what he says. Better Call Saul s3e9: Fall, Nacho to dad
Law suits. Threats. Recriminations. This is a situation no firm ever wants to be in … I spent decades building this firm. I don’t want to be the agent of its destruction. Better Call Saul s3e10: Lantern, Chuck to board
The truth is, you’ve never mattered all that much to me. ibid. Chuck to Saul
Don Bolsa wants to see you. You drive. Better Call Saul s4e1: Smoke, Gus to Nacho
Someone will move against the Salamancas. Which brings war. Which brings chaos. Which brings the DEA. ibid. Gus to Don Bolsa
No, I’m not taking the job. Suckers. I feel sorry for you. Better Call Saul s4e2: Breathe, Jimmy rejects job offer
Look at me. From now on you are mine. ibid. Gus to Nacho
I never want to see you again. This cartel shit is too hot for me. Better Call Saul s4e3: Something Beautiful, vet/surgeon to Nacho
Movies are the only place where those once-in-a-lifetime cases exist. Better Call Saul s4e4: Talk, judge to Kim
In nine months and twenty-four days I will get my law licence back. My partner and I will get a new office. It’ll be like it was but bigger and better … I’ll be a damned good lawyer and people will know about it. Better Call Saul s4e5: Quite a Ride
Get rich quick schemes never work. Better Call Saul s4e6: Pinata, Mrs Nguyen
Is it him? Is it the Hector Salamanca you knew? Better Call Saul s4e7: Something Stupid, doctor’s update to Gus
The man we’re working for is very serious … Think about what happens if something goes wrong. Better Call Saul s4e8: Coushatta, Mike to Ziegler
I am humbled by the sheer stupidity of my actions. Better Call Saul s4e9: Wiedersehen, Saul to reinstatement panel
We will find a way to make you look sincere. ibid. Kim to Jimmy
If Ziegler disappears, you are left with the most expensive hole in the ground this side of the Mississippi. Better Call Saul s4e10: Winner, Mike to Gus
French toast didn’t work out, huh? Better Call Saul s5e1: Magic Man, diner waitress to Saul, Netflix 2020
I can’t go back to being Jimmy McGill. Jimmy McGill the lawyer is always going to be Chuck McGill’s loser brother. I’m done with that. That name is burned. This is a fresh start. ibid. him to her
You can keep your goddamn retainer. ibid. Mike to Gus
Lalo Salamanca. I need to know where he is going. What he is thinking. What he is planning. I need to know what he does before he does it. Better Call Saul s5e2: 50% Off, Gus to Nacho
Saul: I’ll talk. I have a feeling I know what this is about …
Lalo: You have business with my cousin Tuco … He got a temper, hah? You know, Tuco told me about you. You the guy with the mouth. Better Call Saul s5e3: The Guy For This
Put it on the register and pour me another. ibid. Mike in bar