Dan Quayle - Ken Loach TV - Monty Python's Life of Brian 1979 - The Venerable Bede -
I was recently on a tour of Latin America, and the only regret I have was that I didn't study Latin harder in school so I could converse with those people. Dan Quayle
What’s he doing down pit then if he knows Latin? Ken Loach, The Price of Coal I: Meet The People: A Film for the Silver Jubilee, miner to miner, BBC 1977
CENTURION: What’s this, then? Romanes Eunt Domus? People called Romanes they go the house? ... What’s Latin for Roman? Come on! ... Come on! ... Goes like? ... Vocative plural of ‘annus’ is...? ... Romani. Eunt? What is eunt? ... Conjugate the verb ‘to go’ ... So ‘eunt’ is? ... But ‘Romans, go home’ is an order, so you must use the...? Which is...? ... How many Romans? ... Ite ... Domus? ... Nominative? ... Go home? This is motion towards. Isn’t it, boy? ... Except that ‘domus’ takes the...? ... Which is...? ... Domum ... Um. Understand? ... Now, write it out a hundred times. Monty Python’s Life of Brian 1979 ***** starring Graham Chapman & John Cleese & Terry Gilliam & Eric Idle & Terry Jones & Michael Palin & Kenneth Colley & Neil Innes & Gwen Taylor & Terence barler & Carol Cleveland & Spike Milligan et al, director Terry Jones
I would let the clever ones learn Latin as an honour, and Greek as a treat. Winston Churchill
Latin – which is the language that links us in communis. The Venerable Bede