Princes of the Yen 2014 - Chris Hedges - Vladimir Putin - James Robison - Margaret Thatcher - Black Caesar TV - Richard Nixon - Paul Foot - David Starkey TV - Robert Winston - William Gladstone - Whitfield & Scott - Christopher Hitchens - Samuel Johnson - David Steel - John Pilger - Goerge Dangerfield - Lenny Bruce - George Orwell - Steve Biko - Jo Grimmond - Proverbs 11:25 - Isaiah 32:5&8 - William F Buckley - Robert Frost - Hunter S Thompson - Stephen Colbert - Friedrich Engels - Brian Garfield - Michael Lind - Willis Player - Michael Savage - John F Kennedy - Fyodor Dostoyevsky - Tom Wolfe - Rush Limbaugh - Henry David Thoreau - Thomas Sowell - George C Wallace - Leo Tolstoy - Dan Snow TV - Spitting Image TV - Ann Coulter - Noam Chomsky - A Very English Scandal TV - Tom Mangold: The Jeremy Thorpe Scandal TV - Sacha Baron Cohen: Who is America? TV - Adam Curtis TV - Second Thought online - Four Corners TV - Malcolm X - Robert Tressell - Secret Lives: Jeremy Thorpe TV - David Graeber -
With money from crime syndicates, industrial corporations and CIA slush funds, Kishi built the Liberal Democratic Party into a powerful political machine. Princes of the Yen: Central Banks and the Transformation of the Economy, 2014
The liberal class functions as a kind of safety valve in moment of distress … They never critique the system. Chris Hedges, lecture Seattle University 2018, ‘Corporate Totalitarianism: The End Game’ *****
Power-elites tolerate liberal institutions and tolerate the liberal class so that they’re not completely tone-deaf to the suffering of those outside the power-elite, but at the same time they are used to discredit radical movements that challenge traditional structures and assumptions. Chris Hedges, lecture Portland Oregon, CSpan 2010
The failure of the liberal class to stand up on behalf of the weak and the sick, to challenge the perverted idea nothing is sacred, that everything is a commodity. ibid.
Liberals are a useless lot … They talk about peace and do nothing to challenge our permanent war economy. They claim to support the working class, and vote for candidates that glibly defend the North American Free Trade Agreement. They insist they believe in welfare, the right to organize, universal health care and a host of other socially progressive causes, and will not risk stepping out of the mainstream to fight for them. The only talent they seem to possess is the ability to write abject, cloying letters to Barack Obama — as if he reads them — asking the president to come back to his ‘true’ self. This sterile moral posturing, which is not only useless but humiliating, has made America’s liberal class an object of public derision. Chris Hedges, TruthDig online & CommonDreams online December 2009
The liberal idea has become obsolete. Vladimir Putin, cited Financial Times 28 June 2019
I’m sick and tired of hearing about all of the radicals and the perverts and the liberals and the leftists and the communists coming out of the closet. It’s time for God’s people to come out of the closet, out of the churches and change America. James Robison, Christian televangelist, with Ronald Reagan in attendance
Now, that brings me to the Liberal Party. I gather that during the last few days there have been some ill-natured jokes about their new symbol, a bird of some kind, adopted by the Liberal Democrats at Blackpool. Politics is a serious business, and one should not lower the tone unduly. So I will say only this of the Liberal Democrat symbol and of the party it symbolises. This is an ex-parrot. It is not merely stunned. It has ceased to be, expired and gone to meet its maker. It is a parrot no more. It has rung down the curtain and joined the choir invisible. This is a late parrot. And now for something completely different. Margaret Thatcher, speech conference October 1990
Everybody’s a liberal these days ... Get with it. Black Caesar 1973 starring Fred Williamson & Art Lund & Julius W Harris & Gloria Hendry & D’Urville Martin & Minnie Gentry & Philip Roye & William Wellman junior & Don Predro Colley, director Larry Cohen, dude to bent rozzer
One day we will get them. We’ll get them on the ground where we want them. And we’ll stick our heels in. Step on them hard and twist – right, Chuck, right? Henry knows what I mean. Get them on the floor and step on them, crush them, show no mercy. Richard Nixon
Social democracy, in short, is its own grave-digger, and the pit is now deep and black. It is worth dwelling at length on the careers of illusionists like Herbert Morrison if only to harden our resolve to build socialism on the rocks of workplace organisation and direct action which Morrison so detested. Paul Foot, article ‘Portrait of an Appalling Man’
The Church of England now condemned all the doctrines of Whigism as false, seditious and impious, and declared most of them heretical and blasphemous as well. Monarchy by David Starkey s3e1: The Return of the King, Channel 4 2006
That Britain today is a liberal society is largely because of the philosophy and outlook of the Anglican Church, which did so much to shape our core values in the past few centuries. Robert Winston
Liberalism is trust of the people tempered by prudence. Conservatism is distrust of the people tempered by fear. William E Gladstone
June Whitfield: I’m a liberal.
Terry Scott: Good God. Terry & June, BBC 1979-1987
I still find the word liberal very smug and disappointing. Christopher Hitchens, In Confidence
Liberals are getting mushier all the time. Christopher Hitchens, interview C-Span 1983
I have always said, the first Whig was the Devil. Samuel Johnson, cited James Boswell’s Life of Samuel Johnson
I have the good fortune to be the first Liberal leader for over half a century who is able to say to you at the end of our annual assembly: go back to your constituencies and prepare for government. David Steel, conference speech 18th September 1981
This may well be the most powerful and most dangerous ideology we have ever known because it’s open-ended. This is liberalism. I’m not denying the virtues of liberalism, far from it. We are all beneficiaries of them. But if we deny its dangers, its open-ended project, and the all-consuming power of its propaganda, then we deny our right to the true democracy. Because liberalism and true democracy are not the same. Liberalism began as a cult of the elite in the nineteenth century, and true democracy is never handed down by elites. It is always fought for and struggled for. John Pilger, author Freedom Next Time, Socialism Chicago 2007
The Liberal government was dying with extreme reluctance and considerable skill; you might almost consider it healthy, unless you took a very close look, and it had erected such a fence around it of procrastination and promises that a close look was almost impossible to obtain.
The workers were simply dissatisfied with it, they could hardly tell why; and indeed that fine old Liberal Hegelianism of at once believing in freedom and not believing in freedom was beyond the understanding of all but the elect. To interfere in the questions of pensions, of health, strikes, education, conditions of labour – ah yes this could be done; to destroy the absolute powers of the Lords, to cripple the vast landed estates – such actions were highly desirable; but to insist that employers should pay a living wage? That was a frightful impairment of freedom. George Dangerfield, The Strange Death of Liberal England
The liberals can understand everything but people who don’t understand them. Lenny Bruce
Liberal: a power worshipper without power. George Orwell
The liberals must realize that they themselves are oppressed if they are true liberals and therefore must fight for their own freedom and not that of the nebulous ‘they’ with whom they can hardly claim identification. The liberal must apply himself with absolute dedication to the idea of educating his white brothers. Steve Biko
In bygone days, commanders were taught that when in doubt, they should march their troops towards the sound of gunfire. I intend to march my troops towards the sound of gunfire. Jo Grimmond, Liberal Party leader 14th September 1963
The liberal soul shall be made fat: and he that watereth shall be watered also himself. Proverbs 11:25
The vile person shall be no more called liberal, nor the churl said to be bountiful.
But the liberal deviseth liberal things; and by liberal things shall he stand. Isaiah 32:5&8