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★ Law & Lawyer (II)

February 11th 2010 Columbia, Missouri: Police [SWAT team raid on family home] discover a grinder, a pipe and a small amount of marijuana.  The Culture High 2014 ***** director Brett Harvey


What our the nuances that define a culture?  It is the way we police ourselves? … 77 years ago marijuana became prohibited in the United States ... It is now the polarising topic … Should marijuana be legalised?  ibid.


It doesn’t cause schizophrenia.  ibid.  Dr Nutt          


A sense of peace, pain relief … That trauma also gives the person then the pain that person tries to escape from … You look at what caused pain their lives.  ibid.  expert


The majority of politicians said alcohol is not a drug.  ibid.  Dr Nutt


Is the rational of protecting people against themselves valid?  ibid.   


Where Is Mr Marks?  ibid.  Daily Mirror front page


The prohibition of marijuana laws makes everything more dangerous.  ibid.  Howard Marks 


We live in a state of politics where legislators seem to regard the passage of laws as much more important than the results of their enforcement.  ibid.  William Taft


I’d make sure there were sensible laws for them [rozzers] to enforce … What creates respect for the law is justice … seeing it done.   ibid.  Howard Marks 


People warring on us.  ibid.  critic  


Private prisons … make it profitable to incarcerate people. ibid.    


You just become a commodity rather than a human being.  ibid.  Annie Machon  


It’s not rational or logical, it’s financial.  ibid.  Snoop Dogg    


Blacks are arrested at X4/X8 that of Whites.  ibid.  critic 


One law for the rich powerful, and one law for the rest of us.  ibid.  Annie Machon  


And yet the War on Drugs continues on.  Only now with medical discoveries.  ibid.  critic


The most non-toxic medicine I have ever encountered.  ibid.  expert  


The number of people who are killed by prescription drugs …  ibid.  Hancock      


We discovered that the most harmful drug of all was alcohol … I got a phone call one after saying you’ve got to resign.  ibid.  Dr Nutt, former UK government drugs czar  


Turns out there’s this thing called lobbying …  ibid.  researcher        



Dopesick ***** 2021 starring Michael Keaton & Peter Sarsgaard & Michael Stuhlbarg & Will Pouter & John Hoogenakker & Kaitlyn Dever & Rosario Dawson & Jake McDorman & Ray McKinnon et al, director Danny Strong



The time has come to redefine the nature of pain.  And for too long the American medical community has been ignoring chronic pain, and this has created an epidemic of suffering.  When we live with we are not living our true selves.  We are not living our best selves.  Dopesick I, Richard Sackler, family meeting, Hulu/Disney+ 2021


You don’t chase a market, you create it.  ibid.


Their sales reps brought it up continuously.  ibid.  doctor’s evidence  


Ten times more than what we’ve spent on anything.  ibid.  Purdue board meeting


They’ve been marketing the drug and pushing it on doctors.  ibid.  investigator’ talk               


It has transformed the entire district.  ibid.


The DEA was investigating Purdue last year.  ibid.      


Purdue has so many levels of deniability.  ibid.   


It takes anxiety away.  You just take the medicine and go.  ibid.  TV advert  


The largest sales force in pharmaceutical history.  ibid.  company sales promotion      


Less than 1% of people become addicted to Oxycontin.  ibid.  


Your most effective talking point is the FDA label.  ibid.


I think I can make this the biggest drug in the world.  ibid.  Richard     


Have there been spikes in crime related to it?  ibid.  rozzer on raid


A bag filled with Oxycontin pills for distribution.  ibid.  


Is there something I should know about the approval process?  ibid.


The [FDA] guy that approved it goes to work for the company.  ibid.  attorney       



A new drug.  The FDA said it’s safe.  Dopsick II: Breakthrough Pain


Let’s hold more weekend seminars to explain to physicians how truly revolutionary this drug really is.  ibid.  Richard 


The drug didn’t always worked as Purdue claimed.  ibid.  evidence      


We’ll figure this out.  It’s an excellent drug.  ibid.  Richard


The greatest painkiller in the history of civilisation … Double the dose.  ibid.


Oh yeah, he was Oxy-cuted.  ibid.  wife reveals death of husband to attorneys


These pills are a lot more dangerous than that video claims.  ibid.  attorney to promotional doctor


The pills stopped working cause my tolerance grew.  ibid.  victim to attorneys      


But a black kid selling weed can go to jail for decades.  ibid.


Emergency Rooms See a Sharp Rise in Overdoses, Prescription Painkillers to Blame.  ibid.  newspaper article


Bridget: How many kids in your school are on Oxycontin?  ibid.  


Kid: I don’t know.  About half.  ibid.


What appears as corruption is just how the system works.  ibid.  investigating attorney  


If it were me I’d charge them with Criminal Misbranding.  ibid.


Overdose rates are so much higher on Oxycontin.  ibid.



It’s time to double the dose again and I present to you the 80 mg pill.  Dopesick III: The 5th Vital Sign, sales promotion 


The medical community must make pain the fifth vital sign.  ibid.  


Individualize the Dose.  ibid.


I want to look into launching OC in Germany.  ibid.  Richard                  


A single prescription drug is filling up jails in rural areas.  ibid.


As we make our family the most philanthropic in America.  ibid.  family party toast  


I try not to sell that stuff …  ibid.  pharmacist to Bridget    


They are lying to doctors and patients about the dangers of the drug.  ibid.  Bridget


Pain societies have infiltrated the hospital rooms.  ibid.  rozzer/patient    


Did you find a Purdue connection with other Pain Societies?  ibid.  rozzer/patient back to work


We’re going to cure the world of its pain.  ibid.  Richard 



Pursue claimed the coating was difficult to get around … They’d just crush it out and snort it.  Dopesick IV: Pseudo-Addition  


We are so proud to be honouring my great brother Arthur Sackler into the Medical Advertising Hall of Fame.  ibid.  Uncle Mortimer


Geezer: This one’s [family photo montage] missing the zombies Valium turned the patients into.  ibid.


Richard: He got away with it.   


Richard: Pseudo-addiction: How did you come up with it?  ibid.


Dissident Quack: … What they need is more medication.  ibid.    


They are available in every pharmacy in the country.  ibid.  Bridget gives evidence to FDA  


The solution is simple, you know, you up the dose.  ibid.  medical rep  


It’s just poison … You ever come back here …  ibid.


Addiction rates, overdoses and crime are on the rise across the country because of this drug.  ibid.


There is an entire school of though espousing opioids as being practically non-addictive.  ibid.  evidence  


It was the first time I felt normal in my whole life.  ibid.  Betsy



