Exactly what happened to the tube trains on the morning of July 7th isn’t at all clear. The number of explosions, when and where they took place and what caused them are all disputed, with official sources often contradicting each other. ibid.
Exactly where in the carriages the explosions took place is difficult to establish. ibid.
Many eye-witness reports are more consistent with an explosion underneath the train. Comments published by the BBC describe a large hole in the floor, manholes blown out and the floor ripped open. ibid.
There are similar problems with the explosion on the Piccadilly Line ... A more recent release shows greater damage to the floor. ibid.
These are not the features of home-made organic peroxide-based explosives. ibid.
The smoke and fire described by witnesses is much more in keeping with plastic explosives like C-4 or RDS as used in the Madrid Plane bombings. ibid.
Number 30 bus: At 9.47, around an hour after the first tube train blast, an explosion tore through an iconic London bus in Tavistock Square. It wasn’t until about an hour after the bus explosion that the story of power surges was replaced by the conclusion that London had suffered a terrorist attack. ibid.
As a terrorist strategy attacking trains and a bus has much more in keeping with Operation Gladio than it does with Al Qaeda. ibid.
The CCTV on the bus was reportedly not working. ibid.
The ID bearing [Germaine] Lindsay’s photograph has a different name on it. And when Shehzad Tanweer’s body was returned to his family for burial they commented it was relatively intact suggesting it wasn’t at the centre of the explosion. ibid.
Was 7/7 an Intelligence failure, or Intelligence fixed to the policy? ibid.
Were they allowed to carry out the attacks? Were they helped to carry them out? Were they set up as patsies? Were they False Flag operatives? ibid.
And it is one such [Nazi] advisory panel that gave birth to the National Security Council. The NSC then combined with the Council on Foreign Relations and spawned its muscle, the CIA ... Working closely with its counterpart, MOSAD, the CIA has managed to undermine nations from within, by using False Flag operations, propaganda and terrorism. And please understand that these organisations were created on the recommendation of top level Nazis, and it was founded and operated on Nazi principles. The CIA has since become the number one trafficker of drugs and human cargo in the world. The CIA are not the good guys; they are anything but. They are a criminal cabal disguised as an Intelligence agency that is based on Nazi principles, has unlimited resources, both financially and militarily, and they are answerable to no-one. The CIA and MOSAD virtually operate as the one organisation. Either they or their agents are responsible for virtually all terrorist bombings the world has seen in the last sixty years. Their prime mandate is to undermine world security and pave the way for a global government controlled by a global monetary system. The Big Picture – FINAL
Within hours of the explosions officials were spreading the word that this was the work of Al Qaeda. 7/7: Crime & Prejudice, 2011
The police identified them almost immediately. ibid.
The record of the British authorities in major murder and terrorism investigations cases is terrible. More often than not either the wrong people have been investigated, prosecuted and convicted, or no-one has been held responsible. ibid.
Other cases that are connected to 7/7 bear the same hallmarks of manipulation and unjust prosecution. ibid.
A litany of false accusations, ridiculous evidence, undercover agents and police violence. ibid.
Witnesses saw more men alongside them. ibid.
The strange editing of the CCTV from Luton obscuring the Jaguar’s arrival ... only adds to the suspicion of a cover-up. ibid.
We have never seen the equivalent coverage for 7/7 ... Truth campaigners and journalists have demanded the release of the 7/7 coverage. ibid.
If only one camera at Kings Cross was working for twenty minutes before the explosions, then why did it take police five days to review the video? ... Why did they view the CCTV from Luton so quickly? ibid.
The authorities would have us believe that the men chose to rent a Nissan Micra, one of the smallest cars available in Britain ... After arriving at Luton, the four men assembled their bombs in the boot of the car in full view of members of the public and CCTV cameras. ibid.
Several holes blown in the floor of the carriage. ibid.
The Sinking of the Lusitania in 1916 purposefully sank in order to generate a public backlash that would pull the United States into war with Germany. The Secret Plan of the New World Order
In 1915 it was the sinking of the USS Lusitania by a German submarine to trigger the crisis that would eventually bring the United States into the First World War. It appears however that the US had secretly slipped to the Germans the information that the ship was carrying a special cargo of weapons headed to England. This provoked a reaction from the German submarine which sunk the vessel on which more than one hundred Americans were also travelling. The New American Century
In 1964 the United States decided to officially declare war on North Vietnam. The war pretext came from the so-called Tonkin Gulf Incident in which North Vietnamese boats were accused of having launched torpedoes against the American Destroyer Maddox. ibid.
A false report, if believed during three days, may be of great service to a government. Catherine de’ Medici, 1518-89
British troops arrested in Basra: Two British soldiers have been arrested in the southern city of Basra, sparking clashes outside a police stations where they are being held. The men, said to have been undercover, reportedly exchanged fire with police after failing to stop at a checkpoint. BBC online news 19th September 2005
Britain ‘apologises’ for terrorist act in Basra: rescue of SAS men who were planning to place bombs in Basra City Square. Global Research.ca online
Deception is a state of mind and the mind of the State. James Jesus Angleton, head of CIA counter-intelligence 1954-1974
A False Flag operation is one in which the attacker carries the flag of someone else. It’s usually a military operation. G Edward Griffin, Invisible Empire: A New World Order Defined, 2010
False Flag is something that happens historically, happens regularly. Perfectly standard thing for intelligence agencies to get involved in. Annie Machon, interview 30th April 2010, MI5 whistleblower
They decide it’s in their interests ... to carry out an atrocity in order to build up a market for things like the arms industry, in order to build up an environment politically where they can get away with taking away our basic rights ... Vested class interests. ibid.
We are dealing with state-sponsored False Flag terrorism. Webster Tarpley, address to international investigation, cited The 9/11 Terror Fraud: A Coup Against Civilisation
In some ways she was far more acute than Winston, and far less susceptible to Party propaganda. Once when he happened in some connection to mention the war against Eurasia, she startled him by saying casually that in her opinion the war was not happening. The rocket bombs which fell daily on London were probably fired by the Government of Oceania itself ‘just to keep the people frightened’. George Orwell, 1984
Once the people are terrorized, you can force a police state on them. The San Francisco Chronicle recently ran an article with the headline, ‘A Constant Watch on Radicals Urged’. The article talks about a report made to a California Senate Subcommittee, based on the recommendations of a 63-page manual. Where did this manual come from? They don’t even know who or what the SLA is yet, but the manual is there, and the report is ready within five weeks of the Hearst kidnapping. They recommend increased security for homes and offices, a constant watch on ‘radicals’ such as blacks, chicanos, and labor organizations, and a neighborhood spy on every block. This is Nazi Germany. Mae Brussell, Inside the Hearst Kidnapping
The Sinking of the Lusitania in 1916 purposefully sank in order to generate a public backlash that would pull the United States into war with Germany. The Secret Plan of the New World Order
72,211. On May 7th 1915 on essentially the suggestion of Sir Edward Grey a ship called the Lusitania was deliberately sent into German-controlled waters where German military vessels were known to be. And as expected German U-boats torpedoed the ship, exploding stored ammunition killing 1,200 people. John Nada, Wake Up Call
September 11th was the jumpstart for what is now an accelerated agenda by the ruthless Elite. It was a staged-war pretext no different to the sinking of the Lusitania, the provoking of Pearl Harbor and the Gulf of Tonkin lie. In fact, if 9/11 wasn’t a planned war pretext, it would be an exception to the rule. ibid.
When they do their terrorist events to blame on someone else they are very ritualistic in nature. David Icke
There’s no doubt that the American government and other governments no doubt the British government as well has been involved in all sorts of operations in the past, False Flag operations. Guy Smith, producer of BBC’s infamous Conspiracy Files, interview Alex Jones