Seven Signs of the Apocalypse Ancient Aliens TV - Ian Mortimer TV - Jane Burgermeister - Neil Ferguson - Scott Tips - Len Horowitz - John Wood & James Robertson - Eleanor McBean - Samuel Goldwyn - Barack Obama - Daily Express - Ian R Crane - George Kadar - Fox News TV - John Oxford - Horizon TV - The Kids Who Can’t Stay Awake TV - The Corbett Report - The Great War TV - Contagion! The BBC Four Pandemic TV - The Flu That Killed 50 Million TV - Panorama TV - Bill Corgan - Secret History TV -
The deadliest plague of all occurred during the Middle Ages – the Black Death. The Bubonic Plague devastated Europe in the 1340s killing between 25 and 50,000,000 people ... By the year 1400 it’s thought the death toll may have reached 100,000,000 people worldwide, reducing the population of Europe by as much as 50% ... The Spanish Flu was more deadly than the Great War. Seven Signs of the Apocalypse, Apple 2016
The Spanish Influenza eventually disappeared just as quickly as it arrived. Ancient Aliens s3e7: Aliens, Plagues and Epidemics, History 2011
One in twelve of the population dies of flu. Dr Ian Mortimer, The Time Traveller’s Guide to Elizabethan England I: The Common People, BBC 2013
I got involved because in February in Austria Baxter contaminated seventy-two kilos of vaccine material with the live Bird Flu virus and nearly triggered a pandemic ... It could not have been accidental that seventy-two kilos of vaccine material were contaminated like that – it must have been deliberate. The World Health Organisation supplied the live Bird Flu virus that nearly triggered a pandemic. And there was very little coverage in the media ... I decided as a last resort to file criminal charges over the incident here in Austria to try to initiate an investigation ... If people had taken this vaccine material they would have been got the Bird Flu from the vaccine. This would have triggered a pandemic. Baxter on the other hand had the contract already sealed to supply the Bird Flu vaccine. Then a few weeks after this incident the Swine Flu suddenly appeared in Mexico, and Baxter and WHO started declaring Pandemic Six. Jane Burgermeister, freelance journalist
In 1918 Influenza spread around the world in three dreadful waves ... It was the worst epidemic in the world’s history, more lethal even than the Black Death ... As it spread around the world, the three-day flu got a more exotic name: Spanish Flu. Neil Ferguson, Mathematical epidemiologist
Swine Flu vaccinations are an example of a huge mistake that’s going to be made, and is in the process of being made now. First of all, it’s a big lie. You know it has an incredibly low death rate. The death rate is higher from the injections, from the jabs, than it is from actually the swine flu itself ... They want to scare you into taking this jab. They try to tell you it’s harmless, but embedded in each of these jabs is a very dangerous neurotoxin – Mercury. Who’d want to inject Mercury into your body, your bloodstream? Scott Tips, Health Freedom, The European Union and Codex Alimentarius
Special Report ‘Mexican Flu’ – recombination of Swine Flu (H1N1), Avian Flu (H5N1) and Spanish Flu viruses. Dr Len Horowitz, lecture Alternative View II conference
I don’t need to tell you what we’re dealing with is an Anglo-American genocidal operation. The vaccine pipeline runs from Britain to the US. ibid.
Six of the eight genes appeared to come from North America and two others came from Eurasia – ‘It’s clear that all eight genes have speeded up for the last seven years,’ said Gibbs. ‘That really struck me as really, really strange.’ ibid. citing Dr Gillian Gibbs ‘Flu From a Lab’
Specifically, both human and pig vaccine manufacturers use eggs to grow the viruses, and Gibbs notes that studies have shown that this odd avian environment can accelerate their evolution. If these viruses were not properly killed, they could have reassorted in a pig and created the new H1N1 strain. ‘Not killing off the virus could explain the whole thing very neatly,’ Gibbs said. ibid.
If live H5N1 vaccines are used now it would be considered too dangerous, but if a pandemic is imminent the risk may be justified. A stockpile of live vaccine, with the cleavage site removed, could be used to prime the population in advance of the pandemic. Dr John Wood and Dr James Robertson, summary of oral evidence, National Institute for Biological Standards and Control
I was an on-the-spot observer of the 1918 Influenza Epidemic: All the doctors and people who were living at the time of the 1918 Spanish Influenza epidemic say it was the most terrible disease the world has ever had. Strong men hale and hearty one day would be dead the next. The disease had the characteristics of the Black Death, added to typhoid, diphtheria, pneumonia, smallpox, paralysis, and all the diseases the people had been vaccinated with immediately following World War 1. Dr Eleanor McBean, The Flu 1918 and Now
I have been laid up with intentional flu. Samuel Goldwyn
When we think of the major threats to our national security, the first to come to mind are nuclear proliferation, rogue states and global terrorism. But another kind of threat lurks beyond our shores, one from nature, not humans – an avian flu pandemic. Barack Obama
Gulf War toxins in Swine Flu Vaccine. Daily Express online headline 23rd August 2009
The new Fear. Now, I wouldn’t touch Tamiflu with the proverbial barge-poll. Tamiflu is the genetically targeted chemicals that they talk about in the Project for the New American Century. Tamiflu is the symptom suppressant for Bird Flu ... Donald Rumsfeld had been the Chairman and Chief Executive of Gilead between 1995 and 2000 ... And Gilead had developed Tamiflu and sold the marketing rights to De Roche, so all the Tamiflu sold around the world in recent months, this guy has made significant benefit from. Ian R Crane, lecture Glastonbury 2006, ‘Hidden Agenda’
Do you know who the architect was behind the 1976 Swine Flu outbreak? The architect was none other than Donald Rumsfeld ... While he was head of Gilead Sciences the company developed a drug we know today as Tamiflu. Ian R Crane, lecture ‘The Truth Injection’
The FDA has twelve reports from Japan of paediatric deaths in patients taking Tamiflu. The FDA concluded that it was unable to determine if the deaths were caused by Tamiflu and decided to monitor Tamiflu side effects in the 2006 flu season. During the following year, the FDA continued to receive reports of neuro-psychiatry events in patients taking Tamiflu. ibid.
A small team of CDC scientists use material from the bodies [of] Alaskan victims from the 1918 outbreak of Spanish Flu to determine genetics sequencing and replicating the virus. They were successful. ibid.
An informal flu vaccine test carried out on 200 homeless Poles. Five died immediately and twenty others died shortly after. 15.5% of the test population were killed by the vaccination test. The medical staff involved were charged with murder. ibid.
Baxter International’s Austrian laboratory released a contaminated seasonal flu vaccine to 18 European countries. A Czech lab technician discovered contamination ... a highly pathogenic strain of Bird Flu. Many experts have confirmed that this is unlikely to have been accidental. The Austrian Health Ministry have issued assurances that the tainted vaccines have all been destroyed. A WHO investigation found no case of negligence. Baxter is tasked with developing the vaccination for the predicted global Swine Flu pandemic. Baxter was given the ‘seed virus’ for Swine Flu in May 2009. The Company claims it will have a vaccine ready by the end of July 2009. But the government announced vaccines will be rush released ... after just five days! ibid.
Many virologists and other scientists have stated that the Swine Flu is a manufactured virus and could not evolve naturally! ibid.
Two more bio-chemists murdered: two French students, working on the real origins of bird flu, tortured, killed in London. George Kadar, American Free Press, September 2008
Two French Students, both brilliant bio-chemists, were found dead in their apartment. Our sister network Sky News saying that police think the two young men were tortured for hours before they died; one of them stabbed more than a hundred times after he was already dead. Their bodies were then covered with a flammable liquid and the apartment was set on fire ... Detectives say the crime may be linked to a theft at the apartment just six days before the murders – what did they take? A computer. Fox News
A lot of human viruses, particularly most of the important ones – Hepatitis B, for example, HIV, Influenza – they came from the animal or bird reservoirs on this planet. I think Influenza is not basically a human virus. It can be humanised, but basically at heart, it’s a bird virus. Professor John Oxford, Retroscreen Virology
Swine Flu went from a few isolated incidents in Mexico in mid-April 2009 to a world-wide pandemic in just two months. But whilst highly infectious it wasn’t as dangerous as feared. For all our modelling we were still unable to predict the effect of the pandemic with any accuracy. But maybe that shouldn’t have come as much of a surprise. Because the one thing viruses don’t want to do is kill us. Horizon: Why Do Viruses Kill? BBC 2010
This is the story of one of Science’s most significant encounters: pandemic disease born by infectious bacteria, viruses and parasites. Pandemic: A Horizon Guide, BBC 2012
In March 2009 a form of the H1N1 virus called swine flu ... put the globe under the latest threat of a pandemic. ibid.
Poor sanitation during the Second World War drove the reign of infectious disease. ibid.
The long-term effects of vaccines were still unknown. And contaminated supplies had infected many of those they sought to protect. ibid.
Sars claimed just 800 lives worldwide, whereas 5,000 people die from flu in Britain alone. ibid.