Robert Southwell - William Shakespeare - Eliza Cook - Hayley Atwell - George R R Martin -
When Fortune smiles, I smile to think how quickly she will frown. Robert Southwell
O that your frowns would teach my smiles such skill! William Shakespeare, A Midsummer Night’s Dream I i 195, Helena to Hermia
Why should we strive, with cynic frown, to knock their fairy castles down? Eliza Cook
I am often lost in my own world, with a frown on my face. Hayley Atwell
His mouth would have given despair to even the drollest of fools; it was a mouth made for frowns and scowls and sharply worded commands, all thin pale lips and clenched muscles, a mouth that had forgotten how to smile and had never known how to laugh. George R R Martin, A Clash of Kings