They claim to have found Hasib Hussain’s in Tavistock Square. However, they also claim that ID from another of the four, Mohammad Sidique, was found in at least two, some reports say three, separate blast locations. ibid.
Other witnesses also reported a second explosion on the bus. ibid.
Witnesses of the tube-train explosions state that there were no Muslims with backpacks, and no backpacks or bags left unattended, in the trains or the carriages that blew up. And that the floors of the train blew upwards from underneath. ibid.
Explosives under the train floors powerful enough to rupture the carriage floors and bend them upwards would also lift the carriages up off the rails and derail them as did happen. Those explosives were not home-made but military-grade high explosives what would not be available to Muslim suicide bombers. ibid.
‘The prime minister should be out there … We should certainly be talking to the broadcasters about the way in which the coverage is to be organised.’ Ripple Effect II ***** Muad’Dib, Michael Portillo on Panorama 2004, 2012
07/07/05: We were told on TV by Peter Power of Visor Consultants that they and the private company employing them who helped choose the scenario for it were running a mock terrorist drill in the London underground with practically the same scenario as what actually really happened on that day. ibid.
To this day Peter Power refuses to publicly identify the customer who chose the exact scenario. Why? ibid.
On Luton Station Car Park’s CCTV video footage both on the day of the practice run, 28th June, and later on 7/7 there was a dark coloured Jaguar present in the Luton Station car park that appears to have been the car of their handler. Did the Jaguar’s driver provide them with their backpacks? Who was driving that Jaguar? ibid.
Vertint Systems is the security firm that is responsible for the CCTV surveillance cameras in the London Underground rail network. And it is an Israeli company with approximately 1,000 employees [viz Peter’s Power’s remarks]. No CCTV footage of the four Muslims boarding the tube trains has been released by Verint who claimed that their cameras were not working. Why? Because the four Muslims were not on the tube trains that blew up. ibid.
The four Muslims: actors or patsies? We were also told that the training exercise involved 1,000 people. And, of course, among those 1,000 people would have to be the four people who were recruited to play the parts of the mock terrorists. ibid.
These Muslim men would naturally buy return train tickets and not one-way tickets because they would be going home after playing their parts in the training exercise. ibid.
The eldest … asked to make a suicide video prior to 7/7/2005 being told it would form part of the training mock terrorist exercise … The second oldest would also be asked to make a similar video as a backup. ibid.
‘Khan may even have been working as an informant for the security service.’ ibid. Charles Shoebridge
They were British patriots working for MI5 all along … They were set up as patsies and eliminated. ibid.
7/7 was a False Flag psy-op carried out by the security services. ibid.
ICTS also have their UK head office in Tavistock Square right next to where the #30 bus blew up. ibid.
Luton: they can’t show them moving because it has been faked. That’s why they show only one single frame still photo. ibid.
Why do the images of the three on the right looked blurred when compared to Hasib Hussain on the left? ibid.
This image has clearly been fabricated possibly by our intelligence services or police in order to frame these four patsies. ibid.
Lots of video experts have analysed this Luton station photo and all agree that it has been fabricated. ibid.
The train that the four Muslim actors are supposed to catch, the 07.40 a.m. train, to King’s Cross Thameslink has been cancelled, and the next one too. So they cannot possibly make it in time to catch the tube trains that they were supposed to catch as part of the training exercise. ibid.
‘Police shot bombers’ reports New Zealander. ibid. report
Employees at the Stagecoach garage said that on the Saturday before 7/7 a team of people came to service the CCTV system on bus LX03BUF. They were not the usual people. ibid.
There is a photo showing what appears to be an angle-grinder cut as though the bus was cut ready for the roof to blow off. ibid.
All of the CCTV cameras at all four of the blast sites were not working that day. ibid.
There are no credible witnesses who can place Hasib Hussain on that #30 bus. ibid.
The presence of military-grade high explosives was confirmed by Christophe Chaboud, head of the French anti-terrorist co-ordination unit. ibid.
Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli finance minister, said that he was warned by Scotland Yard not to leave his hotel room on the morning of 07/07/2005. ibid.
Was the London bombing a covert MI5 operation, or an Israeli Mossad operation, or a joint operation by both of them? ibid.
A couple of weeks later a Brazilian contract electrician is brutally and publicly murdered on a tube train … What had he been working on in the days leading up to 7th July 2005? Jean-Charles de Menezes: was he hired as part of the terrorist exercise? … Did he see the explosive devices being fastened under the tube train carriage floors and later realised what had really happened and was starting to talk about it? ibid.
There were no autopsies … You can’t have a proper inquest without autopsies. ibid.
The body count reveals no bombers. ibid.
Almost all of the other serious injuries in those coaches were lower limb injuries to feet and legs indicating that the bomb was at floor level, not on someone’s back. ibid.
No-one has ever claimed responsibility for the 7/7/2005 bombings. ibid.
So the scene is set for the ‘training exercise’ to go ahead. The Fake terrorists have been recruited, the suicide videos have been made, and everyone has been given basic instructions for the day the exercise is to be put into operation: 07/07/2005. The four mock terrorist actors were to meet at Luton train station at 07.20 a.m. ibid.
He [Kennedy] had signed the executive order; he was pulling the troops out of Vietnam; he said he was going to abolish the CIA; he’d learnt they were going to stage terror attacks like 9/11. Alex Jones, interview with Jim Marrs and Robert Groden
Fifty minutes into the attack the London police department orders the #30 Hackney to Marble Arch bus to leave its normal route and to park at the corner of Woburn Square and Tavistock Place. At 9:47 a fourth bomb detonates killing thirteen civilians and injuring many others. Note: out of several hundred buses in service that morning it’s the only bus that the police take special control of and direct to Tavistock Square. Alex Jones, 7/7 London Bombings – Government Involvement
All four of the supposed bombers’ identification cards survived unscathed at all four events. But there was just one problem: in one case one the bomber’s ID was found at two separate locations. ibid.
The reason the Netanyahu story is important is it clearly shows that other intelligent agencies were aware of what was going on that morning. ibid.
On February 15th 1898 treason was committed by William McKinley’s Navy when they blew up their own ship in Havana harbor to create a pretext for war with the Spanish government. Alex Jones, 9/11 The Road to Tyranny
I am simply appalled by how much people in this country do not think. We are given to understand that an Arabic guy out in the mountains financed the most elaborate attack on this country ... And when I think about how many Americans were killed in New York City, and believing as I do that this thing is a set-up job – this is a textbook operation that the Nazis used – and they’ve used it over and over again. America has been succoured in one more time. Jordan Maxwell
We can expose 9/11 for what it was. A diversional operation to camouflage mass murder for hire and insurance frauds in a virtual killing field. Hawks Café, 9/11 Pattern of the Times
You would think that given the presidential record of duplicity – Bill Clinton on Monica, Ronald Reagan on Iran Contra, Richard Nixon on Watergate, Lyndon Johnson on the Gulf of Tonkin, John Kennedy on the missile gap, that journalists might catch on one day. Not in America. Lawrence Martin, The Globe and Mail
After 9/11 a climate of fear was created in order to shut down any opposition to the Bush Administration’s new agenda. A week after 9/11 Anthrax began appearing in the mail. The letters were made to look as though they were the work of Muslim extremists, claiming Death to America and Allah is Great ... When the FBI tested the Anthrax it was highly refined and weaponised. Colin Powell would go on CNN and deny these allegations ... The Anthrax used in the attacks ... led the investigation to Fort Detrick. Fabled Enemies documentary