Wars are not ‘caused’ by international conflicts of interest. Proper logical sequence would make it more often accurate to say that war-making societies require (and thus bring about) such conflicts. Report from Iron Mountain 1967, Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 67-27553
Nevertheless, an effective political substitute for wars would require ‘alternative enemies’ some of which might seem equally far-fetched in the context of the current war system.
It may be, for instance, that gross pollution of the environment can eventually replace the possibility of mass destruction by nuclear weapons as the principle apparent threat to the survival of the species.
Poisoning of the air, and the principle sources of food and water supply is already well advanced. ibid.
A viable political substitute for war must posit a generalised external menace to each society of a nature and degree sufficient to require the organisation and acceptance of political authority. ibid.
Reichstag: a cunning act of deception and sabotage, a False Flag operation. Edge of War, Discovery History Channel 2013
February 27th 1933 at 9.37 p.m. a massive fire erupts inside the Reichstag, Germany’s house of parliament. Loose Change 9/11: An American Coup, 2009
September 11 was not the first time American was drawn into a war by an ambiguous incident ... In 1898 the United States went to war against Spain in order to take control of the Caribbean area. The pretext came from the sinking of USS Maine ... Only in 1980, almost a century later, would America recognise that the Spanish were not responsible for the attack. PSTV.tv – The New American Century
In 1915 it was the sinking of the USS Lusitania ... It appears however that the US had secretly slipped to the Germans the information. ibid.
In 1941 there was the infamous Pearl Harbor attack to generate a wave of indignation large enough for President Roosevelt to declare war on Japan ... History would later reveal that the administration knew of the attack in advance. ibid.
In 1964 the United States decided to officially declare war on North Vietnam ... The so-called Tonkin Gulf incident ... But [Robert] McNamara forty years later would openly confess that the attack on the Maddox never took place. ibid.
Operation Northwoods unclassified documents: A) We could blow up a US ship in Guantanamo Bay and blame Cuba; B) We could blow up a drone (unmanned) vessel anywhere ... 8) It is possible to create an incident which will demonstrate convincingly that a Cuban aircraft has attacked and shot down a chartered civil airliner en route from the United States ... The actual registered aircraft would be converted to a drone. ibid.
September 11th was the jumpstart for what is now an accelerated agenda by the ruthless elite: it was a staged war pretext no different from the sinking of the Lusitania, the provoking of Pearl Harbor and the Gulf of Tonkin lie. In fact if 9/11 wasn’t a planned war pretext, it would be the exception to the rule. It has been used to launch two unprovoked illegal wars – one against Iraq and one against Afghanistan. However, 9/11 was a pretext for another war as well: the War against You. The Patriot Act, Homeland Security, the Military Tribunals Act and other legislations are all completely and entirely designed to destroy your civil liberties and limit your ability to fight back against what is coming. Currently in the United States unannounced to most brainwashed Americans your home can be searched without a warrant without you being home, you can in turn be arrested with no charges revealed to you, detained indefinitely with no access to a lawyer, and legally tortured all under the suspicion that you might be a terrorist ... Let’s recognise how history repeats itself. Zeitgeist, 2007
Genetic fingerprinting studies indicate that the Anthrax spores mailed to Capitol Hill are identical to stocks of the deadly bacteria maintained by the US Army since 1980. Those labs can trace back their samples to a single military source ... Fort Detrick in Maryland. Washington Post article
It would take years for the American people to discover the false origins of the Vietnam War. In August of 1964 Johnson and McNamara used a fabricated incident in North Vietnam's Bay of Tonkin. Oliver Stone’s Untold History of the United States VII: Johnson, Nixon and Vietnam: Reversal of Fortune, Showtime 2012
I met Rockefeller through a female attorney I knew who called me up one day and said one of the Rockefellers would like to meet you. I had made a video called Mad as Hell, and he’d seen the video and wanted to meet me. He knew I was running for governor of Nevada. Sure, I’d love to meet him. And I met him and I liked him and he was a very very smart man. And we used to talk and share ideas and thoughts. And he’s the one who told me eleven months before 9/11 ever happened that there was going to be an event. Never told me what the event was going to be. But there was going to be an event. And out of that event we were going to invade Afghanistan. To run pipelines from the Caspian Sea. We were going to invade Iraq. To take over the oil-fields and establish a base in the Middle East and make it a part of the New World Order. We’ll go after Chavez in Venezuela. And sure enough later 9/11 happened ... I mean, why do you think 9/11 happened? And nothing’s happened since then. Do you think that our security is so great here that these people who pulled off 9/11 who are able to knock down another plane? Come on, it’s ridiculous! 9/11 was done by people in our own government and our own banking system to perpetuate the fear of the American people and subordinating themselves to anything the government wants them to do. That’s what it’s about. And to create this endless War on Terror. This whole War on Terror is a fraud, it’s a farce ... it’s a joke. And until we discover what really happened on 9/11 and who was responsible for 9/11 because that’s where the War on Terror emanated from. Aaron Russo, interview Alex Jones
7/7 Ripple Effect: set up by intelligence services: see also Mind the Gap, Ludicrous Diversion & Seeds of Deconstruction … 7/7: The evidence points to a false flag terrorist attack … Our own intelligence services, who are supposed to protect us, are perpetrating acts of terrorism and murdering their own people. Richplanet TV: 4th March 2011
Without the control of the media, False Flag attacks can’t happen ... Intelligence agencies are involved in controlling the media. Richard D Hall, Richplanet: Western Super Mare 23rd June 2011
Utter bunk: 9/11 was utter bunk, and 7/7 was utter bunk – organised and carried out by Western intelligence agencies, and they are using the fake history of 9/11 and 7/7 to solidify fake threats of terrorism at this time during the Olympics. Richard D Hall, RichPlanet online July 2012
62,041. We reviewed the clearly fabricated CCTV image at Luton Station, and the as yet unidentified Jaguar car taking part in the operation; there was no recognisable CCTV pictures of the alleged bombers at Kings Cross before bombs were detonated. We learnt also that alleged bombers Mohammad Sidique Khan and Shehzad Tanweer were MI5 assets, working for the security services during Operation Crevice. RichPlanet TV summary of 7/7 Ripple Effect
On 16 May 2004 an edition of the BBC1 Panorama programme broadcasted a mock exercise imagining what would happen if a terrorist attack was executed in London in the near future consisting of three explosions on tube trains on the London underground and one explosion on a road vehicle. 7/7 Ripple Effect ***** Muad’Dib , 2007
In the days leading up to 7/7/2005 there were hoax bomb scares in Nottingham and Sheffield. Were these hoax bomb scares meant not only to cause panic and confusion but also to lure everyone into a false sense of security? ibid.
Peter Power: Dupe or Accomplice? … What are the odds of all that [same day mock exercises] happening by chance? ibid.
Transport Security firm ICTS, another Israeli company, has an office just a mile away from Luton train station, which is suspected to be where the Muslim actors received their final instructions before setting off for the train station – the details of which trains to board, which carriages to get into, where to sit, and which bus to catch, where to sit on it and at what time. ibid.
The first available train the Muslim actors can catch gets them to Kings Cross after the tube trains have already left without them. Hasib Hussain splits off from the other three at Kings Cross Thames-link station because he still has time to catch the number 30 bus as his part in the mock-terror exercise. When the tube trains they were supposed to catch are blown up the other three smell a rat and realise they had have been duped and are Muslim patsies who will be blamed for the attacks, and everyone knows what happened to Lee Harvey Oswald. The Muslims are not from London ... They have no idea what to do ... They cannot phone anyone to tell them what has happened. What can they do? ibid.
On one of the early TV news broadcasts that day, a newsreader announced that a report has come that three of the terrorists involved in the bombings have been shot and killed by the anti-terrorist branch of the police at Canary Wharf in the Docklands area of London’s East End. The announcement was made only once and never repeated. ibid.
The fourth Muslim backpacker, Hasib Hussain, who has been blamed for the #30 bus bombing is reported to have been wandering around London, going into McDonald’s and eating a beefburger. He is reported to have tried unsuccessfully to contact the other three by phone … but the phones were not working. ibid.
A double-decker upon which a large advertisement for a play had been placed on one side reading: Outright Terror, Bold and Brilliant. ibid.
Hasib Hussain started from Kings Cross Thameslink Station and was seen on a #91 bus travelling west along Euston Road to Euston Station. Where he caught the #30 bus that would have then travelled east back along Euston Road retracing his steps back to where he started from at Kings Cross. ibid.
If he wanted to get to Tavistock Square he could just have stayed on the #91 bus and been sure of getting directly to Tavistock Square [Kings Cross to Tavistock Square]. ibid.
That particular number 30 bus, registration LX03BUF, was part of Peter Power’s and his customer’s mock-terrorist drill, pre-rigged with explosives like the three tube trains, and was pre-planned to be diverted into and blown up in Tavistock Square. ibid.
Kingstar, whose white van was parked next to the bus, is a company that specialises in controlled demolitions. ibid.
All of the CCTV cameras at all four of the blast sites were not working that day. ibid.