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★ Extraterrestrials (II)

Massive stone structures built to reach for the heavens.  Strange figures buried deep in the earth.  And globally connected spheres creating the energy to travel to another world.  Are ancient monoliths simply the product of historic man’s hard labour?  Or are they the manifestation of a more profound power?  Ancient Aliens s5e12: Monoliths


Single-standing massive stones are known as monoliths.  And millions of them were used to construct monuments all over the ancient world.  ibid.


90 miles west of London in the English countryside.  Stonehenge: Here on the Salisbury plains stands the most sophisticated prehistoric stone circle in the world.  According to radio-carbon-dating this striking arrangement of monoliths was placed here more than 4 thousand years ago.  It consists of more than 100 stone blocks.  And these monoliths create a larger structure known as a megalith.  ibid.


South-west England: Just 17 miles north of Stonehenge is Avebury, the largest megalithic stone circle in the world.  ibid.


Easter Island, isolated in the Pacific Ocean and more than 2,000 miles west of Chile, this tiny landmass is home nearly 900 monolithic stone statues.  ibid.   


Palmar Sur, Costa Rica: Crews discovered hundred of monolithic stone spheres.  ibid.



The 3 Jewels of Buddhism.  The Hindu Trimurti.  And the Christian Holy Trinity.  Throughout history the number 3 seems to have held a unique significance.  But why?  Ancient Aliens s6e1: The Power of Three


Newgrange in Ireland: The walls of this 5,000-year-old passage tomb are decorated with the mysterious designs made up of 3 connected spirals.  ibid.


China: The 3 pagodas form a triangle thought to provide protection from natural disasters.  ibid.


Ancient Greece: According to myth, the destiny of gods and men was contolled by all-powerful beings known as the 3 Fates.  ibid.  



Luminous relics in the shape of human skulls.  Other-wordly artefacts believed by some to hold many secrets.  Are they an elaborate hoax?  Or could they reveal extraterrestrial secrets?  Ancient Aliens s6e2: The Crystal Skulls


These mysterious crystal artefacts continue to draw large crowds.  ibid.


Hundreds of crystal skulls found around the world – according to legend there are only 13 believed to possess mystical power.  ibid.


According to Crystal Skull enthusiasts, as many as 12 of the 13 authentic skulls have been discovered, and are in private collections.  ibid.


Most mainstream scientists now argue they are all modern creations.  ibid.



Ancient tales of strange other-worldly creatures.  Stories of gods who came from the skies to create mankind.  And clay tablets revealing more of the intricate details.  Could alien visitors really have changed the course of humanity in the distant past?  Ancient Aliens s6e3: Anunnaki Connection


Iraq, 2003: ‘Looters forced their way into the National Museum and stole all kinds of artefacts, including musical instruments and cuneiform tablets that told the history of ancient Sumeria going back 6,000 years or more.  The geneologies and histories of the gods were there and stories of the flood.  But now many of these texts are missing from us.’  ibid.  David Childress


Many of the missing or damaged Iraqi artefacts dated back to the time of the Sumerians, an ancient civilisation and one of the oldest in all of Mesopotamia.  ibid.


The discovery of thousands of tablets at an Assyrian palace in March of 1843.  ibid. 


Descriptions of divine beings called the Anunnaki.  The so-called princely offspring of God who according to the Sumerians descended from the sky.  ibid.


Alien visitors who possessed a highly advanced knowledge of genetics.  ibid.


Could these so-called ancient kings have been our extraterrestrial ancestors?  ibid.


According to Sitchen’s translations, the Anunnaki both created human beings and played a part in their downfall when a great flood nearly destroyed all life on Earth.  ibid.


Zecharia Sitchen’s hypothesis that the Anunnaki came to Earth to mine gold and then created humans to perform the task was both bold and controversial.  ibid.


Do the descriptions of Niburu offer any evidence of the Anunnaki’s extraterrestrial origins?  ibid.  


According to some, answers may lie in the Hebrew Bible story of the Nephilim.  ibid.



Wanderers, wizards, mysterious sorcerers, and heavenly beings with unimaginary power.  Throughout the ancient world magic was used for everything from healing to communicating with the gods.  But what if it was more than trickery.  What if it had come from an other-wordly source.  Ancient Aliens s6e4: Magic of the Gods


The grand wizard Merlin … He launched a quest to install the young Arthur as king using his formidable powers … But who or what was Merlin?  ibid.



The personification of evil.  The ruler of Hell.  The commander of an army of demons united on a vengeful quest to destroy mankind.  But is the character known as the Prince of Darkness merely a myth or could he be something more? … Could there really be a Satan conspiracy?  Ancient Aliens s6e5: Satan Conspiracy


He is called Satan.  Lucifer.  The devil.  And his name conjures up horrifying images of a horned demon whose sole purpose is to corrupt and destroy mankind.  But are these perceptions of Satan correct?  Is he really the master of all things evil?  ibid.  


Who or what is Satan?  And why is he determined to corrupt mankind?  ibid.


1949: Archaeologists unearth hundreds of ancient scrolls.  They are believed to have been written by a Hebrew sect known as the Essenes nearly 2,000 years ago.  Several of the scrolls contained fragements of what has become known as the Book of Enoch, and the account of a rebellion launched by a group of angels called The Watchers.  ibid.


Here is the jungles of southern Mexico lie the ruins of the great Mayan city of Chichen Itza.  Constructed more than a thousand years ago Chichen Itza was one of the largest and most powerful cities in the Mayan world.  ibid.   


Prometheus sinned against the gods by stealing the secret of fire and giving it to man.  ibid.



Mysterious surgery performed by early humans.  Strange beings with miraculous powers.  And the cover-up destroying centuries of scientific knowledge.  Are recent breakthroughs in medicine really the result of years of research?  Or does the knowledge of healing actually come from an other-worldly source?  Ancient Aliens s6e6: Alien Operations


Ancient Alien scholars believe that Thoth might have been not a divine being but an alien visitor.  ibid.



Powerful monarchs.  Ruling by divine right.  Centuries-old dynasties amassing enormous wealth.  And legendary leaders weilding powerful weapons of mass destruction.  Did the power and authority of the world's great leaders come from mortal endeavour, or did it originate from other-worldly sources?  Ancient Aliens s6e7: Emperors, Kings & Pharaohs



A mysterious cloth bearing a divine image.  Gold hats worn by strange mystical beings.  And powerful stones believed to have other-worldly origins.  Could these mysterious objects simply be the product of human imagination, or are they evidence of something more extraordinary?  Ancient Aliens s6e8: Mysterious Relics


The origin of the mysterious Copper Scroll and its true purpose has been puzzling mainstream scholars and archaeologists have more than half a century.  ibid.


The Cathedral of Turin in northern Italy is home to the sacred relic known as the Shroud of Turin, a large piece of linen which when photographed bears the image of what appears to be a crucified man.  ibid.


County Meath, Ireland: On top of this mound known as the Hill of Tara lies the An Lian Fàil or Stone of Destiny.  One of four magical treasures said to have brought to Ireland by mythical dieties.  ibid.  


Could the Black Stone of Mecca and other sacred relics really possess great powers?  ibid.      



Megalithic structures in the middle of the ocean.  Terrifying creatures.  And mysterious events out at sea.  Are the stories of lost civilisations and unreachable paradises just the product of seafarers’ imaginations?  Ancient Aliens s6e9: Aliens and Forbidden Islands


Eye-witness accounts of UFOs have been documented on the Solomon Islands for years.  ibid.   


Captain James Cook was the first to establish Sandy Island on a map in 1774.  And the island still appeared on modern satellite maps until 2013, when it was finally removed based on the findings of the University of Sydney.  But how could an island that had been on maps for over 230 years suddenly disappear with not a trace of it below the ocean waves?  ibid. 


Another island that mysteriously disappeared.  An island that was said to be home to other-worldly beings … 200 miles west of Ireland … an island known as Hy-Brasil.  For more than 600 years sailors across the world have searched for the so-called phantom island.  ibid.  



A Biblical relic with incredible powers.  The power to harm, the power to kill, even the power to talk to God.  But was this mysterious gold chest really of divine origin?  Or might its powers come from some other source?  Ancient Aliens s6e10: Aliens and the Lost Ark


But the Ark of the Covenant wasn’t just for the Ten Commandments.  It was also said to be the Throne of God Himself.  ibid.


The instructions for Ark seem to have quite clear specifications.  But why would God, a spiritual being, require a physical throne here on Earth?  ibid.


The Israelites carried it with them on their 40-year exodus through the desert.  ibid.



Unexplained sightings at 10,000 feet.  Strange creatures on remote cliffs.  And ancient warfare waged above the clouds.  Are the many epic stories set around the worlds highest peaks simply tall tales?  Or could it be possible the mountains have been secretly inhabited by alien civilisations?  Ancient Aliens s6e11: Aliens and Mysterious Mountains


Nepal 2007: One of the world’s greatest archaeological mysteries: the Skycaves of the ancient kingdom of Mustang.  There are over 10,000 of these man-made caves but all over the Mustang region, and many have yet to be explored.  ibid.