Tutankhamun [son of Akhenaten] was also found with an elongated skull. ibid.
Mali in north-west Africa. Deep in a remote valley live the Dogon people who are the descendants of a nomadic tribe that settled here about 1000 A.D. Like Akhenaten’s followers, the Dogon had been forced to leave Egypt because of religious persecution. But what exactly do their creation myths describe? Dogon legend holds that the sky-god Amma made the first living creature known as Nommo. ibid.
How did the Dogon acquire such sophisticated knowledge of astronomy? ibid.
‘This sign is practically an astonomical model that the Dogons could not have invented. Only Sirius A is visible. Sirius B & C is invisible. However, their description of the orbit is correct.’ ibid. expert
Thirty miles south of Gallup, New Mexico, lies the pueblo of Zuni ... Much of the Zuni people’s history is etched into the rock-faces of the surrounding New Mexican desert ... These legends are rooted in the belief that the tribe’s creators and protectors are supernatural beings who came from the sky ... They appear to depict modern space travellers and their astral vehicles. ibid.
Why might these images resemble modern astronauts? If they are aliens, is it possible they are similar to humans with similar limitations? And could they have come from a planet something like Earth? ibid.
Ancient China also shared some of the beliefs that we find in the Egyptian, Native American and Dogon legends. There assert that deities arrived from the heavens. ibid.
Why might these images resemble modern astronauts? If they are aliens, is it possible they are similar to humans, with similar limitations? ibid.
Millions of people around the world believe that in the past we were visited by extraterrestrial beings. But what if it were true? Did ancient aliens really help to shape our history? And if so, why did they come here? And just what was their mission? Ancient Aliens s1e3: The Mission
Here in what is now known as Iraq lies what is commonly regarded by historians and archaeologists as the cradle of civilisation. Between 3,500 and 1,900 B.C. the fertile area between the Tigras and Euphrates rivers was the home of the Sumerian people. The Sumerians also invented the first known writing system by using cuneiform script on clay tablets. In the nineteenth century archaeologists exploring the ancient ruins of Nineveh discovered 22,000 of these clay tablets. When they were later translated the texts described many stories similar to those found in the Judean-Christian Bible. ibid.
Closer comparisons between the Hebrew Bible and the Sumerian texts reveal many similarities, not only in their stories but also in their language. Adam is Hebrew for man. Adamu is what the Sumerians refer to as the First Man, the Sumerian slaves. ibid.
Some African cultures believe that extraterrestrial beings have been visiting the Earth for thousands of years. ibid.
Also located in Peru are the world-famous Nazca lines. While the origins of these ancient geoglyphs remain a mystery, the area in which the lines are located suggests a major excavation took place there, perhaps hundreds of centuries ago. ibid.
The so-called Band of Holes located in the Pisco Valley is a complete mystery ... The holes are about three feet apart and measure six to seven feet in depth. There are thousands of them. ibid.
The television producer and UFO investigator Linda Moulton-Howe has been tracking the mystery of animal mutilation for over thirty years. ibid.
For nearly three thousand years the Mayan civilisation thrived in Central America. Among their many accomplishments, the Ancient Maya invented a remarkably complex and accurate calendar. ibid.
Nabta Playa, Egypt: 500 miles south of Cairo in Egypt’s Nubian Desert sits one of the oldest astronomical sites ever discovered. In 1974 the archaeologist Fred Wendorf almost passed it by before noticing its small stone artefacts and toppled rocks. ibid.
In 1994 the mystery of Nabta Playa took on an even greater significance when Robert Bauval announced a surprising discovery along Egypt’s Giza Plateau. The Great Pyramid contained four long interior shafts. Bauval determined that they were each precisely aligned with specific stars in the sky. ibid.
Crop Circles: Much like the famed Nazca Lines of Peru the designs were only visible from the air. ibid.
‘Some people said they saw light in the fields at night.’ ibid. comment
In 1991 the noted bio-physicist Dr William Levengood put forward a startling new theory. After spending 10 years studying crop circles, sites and samples, he concluded that they were created by a complex energy system which he called a ‘spinning plasma vortex’ that comes down from somewhere high up in the atmosphere. ibid.
Belize: When she came back up, Anna held the top of a strange crystal skull. A second search uncovered a matching jaw. The two-piece skull weighed eleven pounds seven ounces, and appeared to be carved from a single piece of rock crystal. The Skull’s appearance created an immediate sensation amongst the local tribesmen. The Mayan elders believed that in ancient times thirteen crystal skulls were buried in secret places around the world. ibid.
Why would visiting aliens have given a crystal skull to the Mayans? To what purpose? ibid.
The Fermi Paradox as it became known was an attempt to explain the lack of evidence of aliens despite the mathematical probability of their existence. ibid.
United States’ president Thomas Jefferson, Christopher Columbus, Crusaders in the Middle Ages, what did they have in common? There is evidence to suggest they experienced or believed in the possibility of alien encounters. Ancient Aliens s1e4: Closer Encounters
Indus Valley, southern Pakistan, Mohenjo-daro: 44 skeletons were found face-down in the streets, many holding hands. Their faces and body positions suggested they suffered a sudden and violent death? … ‘You find increased levels of radiation [Giorgio]’ … A city that suffered the equivalent of an atomic attack. ibid.
That the story of Sodom & Gomorrah is really a description of a nuclear explosion, similar to the one described in the Hindus’ Mahabharata. ibid.
Does this mean that Noah was the product of artificial insemination, a genetic experiment performed by extraterrestrials? If so, what was the reason for the Great Flood? ibid.
In his 13th century historical work entitled Otia Imperialia Gervase of Tilbury wrote about an aerial craft over the city of Bristol which purportedly caught its anchor in the church steeple. ibid.
According to ancient astronaut theorists the UFO-shaped objects found in medieval paintings aren’t the only evidence of an alien presence during this era. In his book The Gods of Eden the author William Bramley cites private journals and other publications throughout Europe which contain accounts of cigar-shaped flying objects emitting noxious mists. ibid.
Germany 14th April 1561: At dawn the citizens of Nuremberg awoke to what was described in a local news-sheet as ‘a very frightful spectacle’ – various strange objects were spotted in the sky engaged in what appeared to be an aerial battle. ibid.
But in 1731 a series of sightings occurred across Europe that seemed to be so compelling the possibility could no longer be ignored. ibid.
1639: A close encounter over Boston’s muddy river. ibid.
In the north-west of New Mexico lies a vast concentration of ancient ruins known today as Chako Canyan. ibid.
But why would early Native Americans spend so much time building structures at Chaco Canyon along such precise astronomical alignments? ibid.
In his 2006 book The Orion Zone archaeo-astronomer Gary David proposed that the geographical layout of Hopi ruins in the American south-west precisely mirrors the star patterns of a number of constellations. ibid.
In 1795 three Nova Scotia farm boys set out to explore nearby Oak Island after witnessing strange green lights coming from its shore in the middle of the night. The initial excavation stopped at a depth of 30 feet. But since that time over a dozen professional excavations have been attempted. ibid.
But who or what constructed this elaborately designed pit? And perhaps more importantly what if anything lies hidden at the bottom? ibid.
What power the Ark held is the subject of wide speculation. But an even bigger mystery is what happened to the Ark, and where it might be located today. ibid.
In 1896 there were widespread reports of strange airships hovering over various locations in the American south-west. ibid.
Spaceships over Los Angeles. Bodysnatchers controlling our minds. Extraterrestrials making contact. These and other alien-based scenarios have been the plotlines of countless science fiction films and television shows. But what if extraterrestrial beings came back tomorrow? Ancient Aliens s1e5: The Return
But if they exist, where are these alien beings? Did they come to Earth in the past, as Ancient Astonaut theorists suggest, and then leave? If so, will they ever come back? ibid.
The science of radio-astonomy was born. If we couldn’t see aliens in space, maybe we could hear them. ibid.
Los Angeles, 25th February 1942: ‘The sirens started wailing in the middle of the night’ … The 37th Artillery Brigade in Los Angeles fired off a barage of anti-aircraft shells at an unidentified flying object. But what was this strange UFO that the search-lights were focussed on? ibid.
An estimated 14,000 shells were fired at the strange object. And shrapnel rained down from the sky for an hour afterwards. ibid.
Roswell, New Mexico: On 8th July 1947 a UFO sighting was reported that even the United States government had trouble denying. Why? Because this time the report was issued by the US army. One night in early July 1947 a major thunderstorm rolled across New Mexico. The next morning rancher Mack Brazel went to check on the damage. ibid.