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★ Envy

Envy: see Jealousy & Greed & Ambition & Anger & Wrath & Sin & Vice & Money & Wealth & Property & House & Rival & Rumour

Yes, Prime Minister TV - Socrates - Gore Vidal - William Shakespeare - John Gay - Job 5:2 - Proverbs 27:4 - Ezekiel 35:11 - Wisdom of Solomon 2:24 - Ecclesiasticus 30:24 - Marilyn Monroe - Oliver Stone - Malcolm X - Charles Bukowski - Margaret Thatcher - Heraclitus - Seneca - Barbra Streisand - Richard Brinsley Sheridan - Joseph Epstein - F Scott Fitzgerald - Arthur Schopenhauer - Ovid - Brian Clough - Troy 2004 -




Jim to Sir Humphrey: It’s envy you know.  Dudley is consumed with envy.


Bernard: It’s one of the seven Dudley sins.  Yes, Prime Minister s2e1: Man Overboard, BBC 1986



Envy is the ulcer of the soul.  Socrates



Envy is the central fact of American life.  Gore Vidal, cited Gore Vidal: The United States of Amnesia, 2013



But O! how bitter a thing it is to look into happiness through another man’s eyes.  William Shakespeare, As You Like It V ii 41-42, Orlando



Such men as he be never at heart’s ease,

Whiles they behold a greater than themselves,

And therefore are they very dangerous.

I rather tell thee what is to be feared

Than what I fear, for always I am Caesar.  William Shakespeare, Julius Caesar I ii 207



Envy’s a sharper spur than pay,

No author ever spared a brother,

Wits are gamecocks to one another.  John Gay, Fables, 1727



For wrath killeth the foolish man, and envy slayeth the silly one.  Job 5:2



Wrath is cruel, and anger is outrageous; but who is able to stand before envy?  Proverbs 27:4



Therefore, as I live, saith the Lord God, I will even do according to thine anger, and according to thine envy which thou hast used out of thy hatred against them; and I will make myself known among them, when I have judged thee.  Ezekiel 35:11



Through envy of the devil came death into the world.  Wisdom of Solomon 2:24



Envy and wrath shorten the life.  Ecclesiasticus 30:24              



Success makes so many people hate you.  I wish it wasn’t that way.  It would be wonderful to enjoy success without seeing envy in the eyes of those around you.  Marilyn Monroe 



Never underestimate the power of jealousy and the power of envy to destroy.  Never underestimate that.  Oliver Stone



Envy blinds men and makes it impossible for them to think clearly.  Malcolm X  



Never envy a man his lady.  Behind it all lays a living hell.  Charles Bukowski  



The spirit of envy can destroy; it can never build.  Margaret Thatcher



Our envy always lasts longer than the happiness of those we envy.  Heraclitus



When I think over what I have said, I envy dumb people.  Lucius Annaeus Seneca



Oh God, don’t envy me; I have my own pains.  Barbra Streisand



There is not a passion so strongly rooted in the human heart as envy.  Richard Brinsley Sheridan



Of the seven deadly sins, only envy is no fun at all.  Joseph Epstein



Nothing is as obnoxious as other people’s luck.  F Scott Fitzgerald



To feel envy is human, to savour schadenfreude is devilish.  Arthur Schopenhauer, On Human Nature



Envy feeds on the living, after death it rests, then the honour of a man protects him.  Ovid



I’ve never felt envy in my life ... But I do feel envy when this particular man [Don Revie] has got this particular job.  Brian Clough, interview David Frost 1974



The gods envy us.  They envy us because we’re mortal.  Troy 2004 starring Brad Pitt & Eric Bana & Orlando Bloom & Rose Byrne & Peter O’Toole & Diane Kruger & Brian Cox & Sean Bean & Julie Christie & Saffron Burrows et al, director Wolfgang Petersen Achilles to Briseis