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★ Banks & Banksters (I)

The reason they get their bonuses is the same reason everybody else gets their bonus and that is they did exactly as they were asked to do which is effectively to destroy the economy of the respective countries.  Ian R Crane, interview On the Edge, AlexG



There is indeed a global conspiracy going on, and why it is being carried out and concealed is to control the global money system, and hence control of all other subsequent systems of importance down the food chain.  Such as governance and media.  It is important to understand that control of the global money system has been achieved through control of the global central banking system.   And this system is a privately run enterprise.  It is a private business that runs for a profit, and is owned and operated by wealthy international banking dynasties such as the Rothschilds, the Morgans and the Rockefellers.  The Big Picture  FINAL  


For international bankers there is nothing more profitable than war.  ibid.



Nation state as a fundamental unit of man’s organized life has ceased to be the principal creative force: International banks and multinational corporations are acting and planning in terms that are far in advance of the political concepts of the nation-state.  Zbigniew Brzezinski, Between Two Ages, The Technetronic Era, 1971



Depositors all over the country were frightened about the safety of their funds and rushed to withdraw them.  There were runs, there were failures of banks by the droves, and all the time, the Federal Reserve system stood idly by when it had the power and the duty and the responsibility to provide the cash that would have enabled the banks to meet the insistent demands of their depositors without closing their doors.   Milton Friedman



The power to determine the quantity of money ... is too important, too pervasive, to be exercised by a few people, however public-spirited, if there is any feasible alternative.  There is no need for such arbitrary power ... Any system which gives so much power and so much discretion to a few men, that mistakes, excusable or not, can have such far reaching effects, is a bad system.  It is a bad system to believers in freedom just because it gives a few men such power without any effective check by the body politic – this is the key political argument against an independent central bank.  Milton Friedman



The severity of each of the major contractions ... is directly attributable to acts of commission and omission by the Reserve authorities.  Milton Friedman  



Its a grouping of the large corporations in the field of banking who have come together to create agreement between themselves, to limit competition, to preserve their profits, and to make sure no newcomers come in and take away their position.  G Edward Griffin



The Federal Reserve Bank is nothing but a banking fraud and an unlawful crime against civilization.  Why?  Because they ‘create’ the money made out of nothing, and our Uncle Sap Government issues their ‘Federal Reserve Notes’ and stamps our Government approval with no obligation whatever from these Federal Reserve Banks, Individual Banks or National Banks etc.  H L Birum 



The City of London set the whole thing up.  The Federal Reserve Bank of New York is principally owned by five merchant banks in London chartered by the Bank of England.  Eustice Mullins



Through our national bank, the Federal Reserve, we extend book credit which we create from nothing to all local banks ... Thus we bring industry, management and labour into our debt ... and pit management against labour so they will never unite and attack us and usher in a debt-free industrial utopia.  Harold Rosenthal, The Protocols of Zion



Let me control a peoples currency and I care not who makes their laws.  Meyer Nathaniel Rothschild, speech to gathering of world bankers 12th February 1912



The few who can understand the system will either be so interested in its profits, or so dependent on its favors, that there will be no opposition from that class, while on the other hand, the great body of the people, mentally incapable of comprehending the tremendous advantages that capital derives from the system, will bear its burdens without complaint and perhaps without even suspecting that the system is inimical to their interests.  Mayer Amschel Rothschild



It is important to clearly understand the Federal Reserve is a private corporation.  It is about as federal as Federal Express.  It makes its own policies and is under virtually no regulation by the US government.  It is a private bank that loans all currency at interest to the government, completely consistent with the fraudulent central banking model that the country sought to escape from when it declared independence in the American Revolutionary War.  Zeitgeist, 2007



Society today is composed of a series of institutions … There seems to be no system that’s taken for granted and misunderstood as the monetary system.  Zeitgeist addendum, 2008  


The United States government decides it needs some money so it calls up the Federal Reserve and requests say ten billion dollars.  The Fed replies saying sure, we’ll buy ten billion in government bonds from you … In reality, this transaction would occur electronically … In other words, the money was created out of debt.  ibid.


And through this fractional reserve system any one deposit can create nine times its original value … The application of interest … must eventually be returned to a bank with interest as well.  ibid.


A system of modern slavery … How can society ever be debt free?  It can’t.  That’s the point.  ibid.



What’s going on in America today?  Why are we over our heads in debt?  Why can’t the politicians bring debt under control?  William T Still, The Money Masters, 1996 


All of our money is based on government debt ... It lies in reforming our banking system.  ibid.


There’s nothing federal about of the Federal Reserve.  And there are no reserves ... The truth is the Federal Reserve is a private bank owned by private stockholders and run purely for their profit.  ibid.


The Founding Fathers knew the evil of a privately owned national bank.  ibid.


Who controls how much money we have?  ibid.


We must take back the power to issue our own money.  ibid.


In 1913 Congress gave an independent central bank, deceptively named the Federal Reserve, a monopoly over issuing America’s money ... Where did this idea come from?  ibid.


Just who are these money-changers James Madison spoke of?  ibid.


Rome plunged into the doom of the dark ages.  ibid.


Fractional Loan Banking: that is loaning out many times more money than you have assets on deposits ... At least ten times more money than they actually have.  ibid.


Interest was contrary to reason and justice ... A crime called usury.  ibid.


The Tally system was adopted to avoid the monetary manipulation of the goldsmiths.  ibid.


King Henry ordered that tally sticks had to be used to pay the king’s taxes.  ibid.


The money-changers plunged Britain into a series of costly wars.  ibid.


Nearly every nation now has a privately owned central bank.  ibid.


The people pay for it in inflation.  ibid.


The rise of the Rothschilds ... Nathan was clearly the most clever – he was sent to London at the age of twenty-one.  ibid.


Nathan Rothschild later bragged that while he’d been in England he’d increased his original $20,000 stake by 2,500 times.  ibid.


J P Morgan was thought to be the richest man in America.  But after his death it was discovered he was only a lieutenant for the Rothschilds.  ibid.  


It was a totally fiat currency ... The colonies had been drained of gold and silver coin by British taxation.  ibid.


The Bank of America ... It was allowed to practise fractional lending.  ibid.


The bank [of America] was given a monopoly over the American currency.  ibid.  


A new privately owned central bank through Congress called the First Bank of the United States ... The players were the same only the name of the bank was changed.  ibid.


In 1790 less than three years after the constitution had been signed the money-changers struck again.  The newly appointed First Secretary of the Treasury, Alexander Hamilton, proposed a bill to Congress calling for a new privately owned central bank.  ibid.


In 1791 Congress passed the bill and gave it a twenty year charter ... The Rothschilds were the power behind the old bank of the United States ... It was a scam plain and simple.  ibid.


Napoleon’s rise to power ... Napoleon decided France had to break free of debt.  ibid.    


It was not unusual for privately controlled central banks to finance both sides in a war.  ibid.


War is the biggest debt generator in history.  ibid.


Nathan Rothschild came to dominate not only the bond market but the Bank of England as well.  ibid.


The Rothschilds were the richest family in the world bar none ... The rest of the nineteenth century was known as the Age of the Rothschild.  ibid.


One expert estimated that the Rothschild family controlled half the wealth of the world.  ibid.


This bank was called The Second Bank of the United States ... The primary stock-holders remained a secret.  ibid.


The Rothschilds had taken control over the Bank of England and in the new privately owned central bank in America as well.  ibid.


Jackson was determined to kill the bank at the first opportunity.  ibid.


His [Jackson] veto message is one of the great American documents.  ibid.


The bank sharply contracted the money supply by calling in old loans and refusing to extend new ones.  A financial panic ensued followed by a deep depression.  ibid.


Jackson paid up the final instalment of the national debt.  ibid.


It took the money-changers seventy-seven years to undo the damage.  ibid.


The most insidious weapon of the money-changers – fractional reserved banking – remained in use by the numerous state-chartered banks.  ibid.


War to create debt and dependency.  ibid.


Lincoln understood who was really pulling the strings and what was at stake for the American people.  ibid.


From this point on the entire US money supply would be created out of debt.  ibid.


Booth was a mercenary working for international bankers.  ibid.


Not since Lincoln has the US issued debt-free United States’ notes.  These red-seal bills which were issued in 1963 were not a new issue from President Kennedy but merely the old greenbacks reissued year after year.  ibid.


Gold was and always has been scarce.  ibid.