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Banks & Banksters (I)
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★ Banks & Banksters (I)

Mac Dre was a hero and an underground legend … But Dre’s festive spirit belayed a troubling past, including five years spent in prison and close ties to the notorious crew of bank robbers known as the Romper Room Gang.  American Gangster s3e9: The Romper Room Gang & Mac Dre  


Bank robbing was becoming an addiction.  ibid.



20,305.  I’ve got a proposition for you, Terry.  The Bank Job 2008 starring Jason Statham & Saffron Burrows & Richard Lintern & James Faulkner & Stephen Campbell Moore & Daniel Mays & Alki David & David Suchet & Georgia Taylor & Michael Jibson & Peter Bowles et al, director Roger Donaldson, her to him


It seems Michael X has managed to keep himself out of jail by threatening to release damning photographs of a certain royal personage.  ibid.  senior government official to Tim


I have it for you.  A bank.  I’ve been seeing this guy.  Runs his own business.  Security systems.  ibid.  her to him


Lloyds Bank Limited.  185 Baker Street.  ibid.  


Terry: A pile of skeletons.


Dave: Let’s hope it’s not the last gang that tried to take this bank.  ibid.


I am a ham radio operator and I think I may be overhearing a robbery in progress.  ibid.


Soon after the robbery Scotland Yard underwent a major purge of corrupt police officers.  A number of senior members of the government resigned following revelations about the activities at Sonia Bern’s brothel.    Michael X was hanged in 1975 in Trinidad for the murder of Gale Benson.  His file in the British National Archive remains classified until the 1st of January 2054.  Porn King Vogel was jailed for eight years for crimes unrelated to the robbery.  Hakim Jamal was murdered in Boston in 1973.  The murders of Guy and Bambas were never solved.  The loot taken from the Baker Street Bank was thought to be in excess of 4 million pounds, more than that of the Great Train Robbery.  Over 100 safe deposit box holders refused to identify their losses from the robbery.  ibid.  caption



Today, three banks in West Berlin were robbed within ten minutes. The Baader Meinhof Complex 2005 [Der Baader Meinhof Komplex] starring Moritz Bleibtreu & Martina Gedeck & Johanna Wokalek & Nadja Uhl & Simon Licht & Alexandra Maria Lara & Susanne Bormann & Bruno Ganz et al, director Uli Edel, news



Leader of a neighbourhood gang he called the Dirty Dozen.  Great Crimes & Trials: John Dillinger Public Enemy No. 1


Bitter and resentful, Dillinger decided to treat this as an education in crime, and in Indiana State Penitentiary he found willing teachers.  From them he compiled a list of banks to rob in the mid-west.  And by the time his sentence was up he had recruited a gang of experts to attack them.  Within three months of his release in 1933 they had robbed their first bank at Daleville, Indiana.  ibid.


In four months they robbed five more banks but Dillinger had been captured.  ibid.


John Dillinger asked casually, ‘What kept you?’  They raced out of a side door and into a waiting car.  Dillinger had his ideal gun.  ibid.


They got away in a fast car.  Dillinger had killed his first man.  As the gang criss-crossed the mid-western states in Dillinger’s first spree of robberies the American public turned a villain into a hero.  ibid.


He became one of the first prisoners to be transported by air.  ibid.


Crown Point Jail, Indiana ... Dillinger stuck his gun, real or replica, into the ribs of a guard ... They walked out of the side entrance.  ibid.


John Dillinger formed a new gang.  ibid.


Public Enemy Number One.  Among the members of the new gang was the notorious Baby Face Nelson.  ibid.


But was it really John Dillinger?  Dillinger’s eyes were blue-grey; the dead man had brown eyes.  Dillinger had several scars; the dead man had none.  Dillinger had never had rheumatic fever; the dead man’s heart showed that he had.  Dillinger had perfect eyesight; the dead man wore prescription glasses.  ibid.



The Listening Bank – they certainly did listen.  Noel Razor Smith, re the habitual robbing of Midlands Banks in the 1970s



Rob a bank … As long as you don’t do it too many times you’re fine.  The Place Beyond the Pines 2013 starring Ryan Gosling & Bradley Cooper & Eva Mendes & Ben Mendelsohn & Dane DeHaan & Emory Cohen & Rose Byrne & Ray Liotta et al, director Derek Cainfrance, Robin to Glanton



My friends and I are making a very large withdrawal from this bank.  Inside Man 2006 starring Denzel Washington & Clive Owen & Jodie Foster & Christopher Plummer & Willem Dafoe et al, director Spike Lee, bank robber


During World War II there was an American working for a bank in Switzerland ... He used his position with the Nazis to enrich himself ... He used his blood money to start a bank.  ibid.  Dalton


You saw Dog Day Afternoon – you’re stalling.  ibid.  Dalton



I intend to rob a bank myself.  And the pay, gentlemen, one hundred thousand pounds each.  The League of Gentlemen 1960 starring Jack Hawkins & Nigel Patrick & Roger Livesey & Richard Attenborough & Bryan Forbes & Norman Bird & Terence Alexander & Richard Attenborough et al, director Basil Dearden



One blue-collar Boston neighbourhood has produced more bank robbers and armoured car thieves than anywhere in the world: Charlestown.  The Town 2010 starring Ben Affleck & Rebecca Hall & Pete Postlethwaite & Jon Hamm & Blake Lively & Jeremy Renner & Chris Cooper & Colm Slaine & Tirus Welliver et al, director Ben Affleck, caption


Bank robbery became like a trade in Charlestown, passed down from father to son.  ibid.  Federal Agent Boston Robbery Task Force



I do borrow from banks.  I mean that is my job.  Buster 1988 starring Phil Collins & Julie Walters & Sheila Hancock & Larry Lamb & Stephanie Lawrence & Ellie Beaven & Ralph Brown & Christopher Ellison & Martin Jarvis & Anthony Quayle et al, director David Green, Buster



Not funny when your nine-year-old kid has a bigger bank account than you.  A Bronx Tale 1993 starring Lillo Brancato junior & Robert De Niro & Chazz Palminteri & Taral Hicks & Francis Capra & Joe Pesci & Clem Caserta & Kathrine Narducci et al, director Robert De Niro, dad to Sonny



Where you gonna find a hundred Gs all in one lump?  This bank is made out of cheesecake.  Larceny Inc 1942 starring Edward G Robinson & Jane Wyman & Broderick Crawford & Jack Carson & Anthony Quinn & Edward Brophy & Harry Davenport & John Qualen & Barbara Jo Allen et al, director Lloyd Bacon, Quinn to Robinson


Let’s crack that bank on Sixth Avenue.  ibid.  sidekick


We’ll just have to borrow the dough our way.  ibid.  Robinson


Below us lies the promised land.  Hello, Dorado.  ibid.



I came straight to the bank from school.  Perfect Friday 1970 starring Ursula Andress & Stanley Baker & David Warner & Patience Collier & T P McKenna & David Waller & Joan Benham & Julian Orchard & Johnny Briggs et al, director Peter Hall, Mr Graham to Mr Williams


I’m going to steal the lot.  ibid.  him to her



Relax.  The money ain’t yours.  It belongs to the bank.  They stole it in the first place.  Dillinger 1991 starring Mark Harmon & Sherilyn Fenn & Will Patton & Bruce Abbott & Tom Bower et al, director Rupert Wainwright, Dillinger to bank teller


I rob banks; I don’t kill people.  ibid.  Dillinger



I don’t kick people out of their houses like you people at the bank do.  Chinatown 1974 starring Faye Dunaway & Jack Nicholson & John Huston & Perry Lopez & Roman Polanski & John Hillerman & Darrell Zwerling & Diane Ladd & Roy Jenson & Richard Bakalyan et al, director Roman Polanski, detective to bankster in barber’ chair



I told my boys you just rob banks and stay out of trouble.  Bloody Mama 1970 starring Shelley Winters & Lisa Jill & Robert Walden & Alex Nicol & Robert De Niro & Pat Hingle & Don Stroud & Diane Varsi & Bruce Dern & Clint Kimbrough et al, director Roger Corman, Ma



Are you getting the most out of life?  Are you satisfied, fulfilled, happy?  Our bank has helped many to a better future.  Death Wish 1974 starring Charles Bronson & Jeff Goldblum & Hope Lange & Vincent Gardenia & William Redfield & Steven Keats & Stuart Margolin & Stephen Elliott & Christopher Guest et al, director Michael Winner, tele advert



Jackson v the National Bank of the United States ... ‘The bank is trying to kill me but I will kill it.’  Ultimate Guide to the Presidents e2: Power to the People, History 2013



We cannot allow our sons and daughters to be sent to die in a banksters’ war.  Anthony J Hilder



This Illuminati, this group who call themselves the Enlightened ones, had gained positions of power though control of the banking system.  Anthony J Hilder



The International Banksters who set up the privately owned Federal Reserve System in 1910 at Jekyll Island, Georgia, did so with the intention of stealing the wealth of this nation.


For nearly a century they have financially raped and robbed our people.  They have engineered our wars, inflated our currency and created the Depression by Design which is bringing our country closer towards the creation of a Hitlerian New World Order.  Anthony J Hilder, Frankenfed: The Monster Among Us, 2010


We want to abolish the Fed.  ibid.