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9/11 & 11th September 2001 Pentagon Attack
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★ 9/11 & 11th September 2001 Pentagon Attack

September 11th 2001 9.03 a.m. America is under attack.  At 9.32 a.m. Air Traffic controllers begin tracking a plane heading for Washington DC.  Five minutes later the plane disappears from radar.  This is the story of 9/11 in the American capital.  9/11: Washington Under Attack, History 2012


9.46 a.m.  The Federal Aviation Administration has just shut down US air space.  Nine minutes after impact the west side of the Pentagon is in flames.  And the headquarters of the defence department is now both a disaster scene and a crime scene.  ibid.


10 a.m.  Washington DC: while the Pentagon continues to burn the White House, the Capital and the State Department are all being evacuated.  ibid.


10:20 a.m.  Air Traffic Controllers continues to search the skies for another plane thought to be orbiting the capital.  ibid.


10:28 a.m.  Nearly an hour after a plane hit, the Pentagon Air Force One remains in the skies over Florida.  On board the plane White House reporters watch as the second Trade Centre Tower collapses.  ibid.


Theres a lady who was behind me who said she saw a plane afterwards go behind it, a draw plane, behind it, break off behind it.  There were two planes.  Her and me were interviewed by the FBI.  ibid.  witness


Pentagon: A much more difficult approach close to the ground: seen from above, the Pentagon offers some thirty acres of unobstructed target.  ibid.


Several military and commercial pilots have expressed their scepticism about the [Pentagon plane] manoeuvre … How could an amateur who was deemed unable to fly solo in a Cessna 150, had ‘a poor understanding of the basic principles of aviation’, and had never sat once in the cockpit of a 757, suddenly become able to such a large airliner travelling at top speeds?  ibid.



Pentagon: A much more difficult approach close to the ground: seen from above, the Pentagon offers some thirty acres of unobstructed target.  September 11: The New Pearl Harbor, 2013


Several military and commercial pilots have expressed their scepticism about the [Pentagon plane] manoeuvre … How could an amateur who was deemed unable to fly solo in a Cessna 150, had ‘a poor understanding of the basic principles of aviation’, and had never sat once in the cockpit of a 757, suddenly become able to such a large airliner travelling at top speeds?  ibid.


Pentagon: How could the fuselage, which is the weakest part of the plane, penetrate the facade almost entirely, which part of the wings, stabilizers and the tail, which are relatively stronger, were unable to do so and were shattered in a thousand pieces instead?  Even more mysterious is the disappearance of the engines.  ibid.



Why did the attackers fly of all places into an empty wing of the Pentagon?  9/11 False Flag 2008, Andreas Haub, historian  



This white mystery plane  the doomsday plane  what was it doing over the Pentagon & the White House on 9/11?  9/11: Conspiracy Solved, 2012, Youtube 43.28 



And only the military craft would be allowed to approach the building … The most heavily guarded military building in the world.  Zero: An Investigation into 9/11, 2008, expert lady      



8.20am: American Airlines Flight 77 takes off from Washington’s Dallas Airport on schedule bound for Los Angeles.  With seating for nearly 200 the Boeing 757 is flying light, carrying only 6 crew and 58 passengers.  9/11 Pentagon, History 2020  


American Airlines Flight 77 suddenly deviates from its flight plan and two minutes later its transponder is turned off.  ibid.        


Just before 9am they used the smuggled weapons to subdue the passengers and crew of Flight 77 and turn the aeroplane into a missile.  ibid.


By chance Flight 77 strikes directly into Wedge 1, the only section of the building that’s been upgraded.  ibid.



The loudest noise I have ever head.  Then it went dark.  It was so dark in the room you could not see your hand in front of your face.  Turning Point: 9/11 and the War on Terror II, Pentagon worker, Netflix 2021