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9/11 & 11th September 2001 Pentagon Attack
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★ 9/11 & 11th September 2001 Pentagon Attack

This presentation will feature on the account of one individual: that’s Lloyd England, a taxicab driver who was travelling south on route 27 at the time of the Pentagon attack.  He claims that his windshield was speared by light-pole-number-one by a plane as it headed straight for the Pentagon.  Lloyd England & His Taxicab  The Eye of the Storm    



We saw a huge black cloud of smoke, she said, saying it smelled like cordite or gun smoke.  Gilah Goldsmith, The Guardian



I know from my experience that it would have been highly improbably that even a seasoned American test pilot, a military test pilot, could have flown a T-category aircraft 757 into the first floor of the Pentagon because of a thing called ground effect.  Fred Fox, US Navy retired & commercial pilot American Airlines



On September 12th we were told that if the plane had not made this incredible turn, if it had just headed straight into the Pentagon, it would have crashed into the most high level top secret area of the Pentagon.  It would have crashed into the offices of Donald Rumsfeld and all the top brass.  But instead of flying straight ahead it made this ridiculous turn so that it crashed into an area that had been under construction for weeks before into an area that had been specially reinforced during those weeks to make it more able to withstand just such an attack.  And it crashed into an area that because of the construction was mostly empty.  Justice for 9/11!    



In my professional opinion, based on my years of experience, my study of airline accidents and incidents, it’s my opinion that a Boeing 757 did not hit the Pentagon  there would be an abundance of wreckage.  And that the official sources have not been able to produce the evidence of any wreckage.  Glen Stanish, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, interview 9/11 Ripple Effect



I look at the hole in the Pentagon, and I look at the size of an aeroplane that was supposed to have hit the Pentagon, and I said, the plane does not fit in that hole!  So what did hit the Pentagon?  What hit it?  Where is it?  What’s going on?  Major General Albert Stubblebine, US Army General, cited Zero: An Investigation Into 9/11



It’s not a part from any Rolls Royce engine that I’m familiar with.  John W Brown, spokesperson for Rolls Royce, Indianapolis



What’s unusual about the five frames that the Pentagon released is they don’t show a plane streaking across the Pentagon lawn.  They just show a white vapour trail.  Phil Jayhan, 9/11 researcher, interview 9/11 Ripple Effect



I challenge any pilot, any pilot anywhere  give him a Boeing 757 and tell him to do 400 knots 20 feet above the ground for half a mile.  Can’t do.  It’s aerodynamically impossible.  Nita Sagadevan, pilot & aeronautical engineer, cited Zero: An Investigation into 9/11



Why wasnt the hole as wide as the 757s 124 feet 10 inch wingspan?  Popular Mechanics Magazine performance report



The official trajectory has this plane just skimming the ground at about five hundred miles per hour as it impacts with the building on the ground floor  that turns out to be aerodynamically impossible.  Professor Jim Fetzer, Scholars For 9/11 Truth, interview 9/11 Ripple Effect


The lawn is perfectly smooth  green and smooth  which turns out ironically to be a smoking gun at the Pentagon.  ibid.  



There are lots of oddities ... I have residents of the area call me to say that they told the FBI they heard an explosion in the air before they heard any impact on the ground.  But the FBI refused to write it down.  I have other residents in the area write me and explain to me they were taken to a search area far larger than the officially designated crash zone to look for body parts and aircraft debris, but ... were told by the deputy sheriff taking them that they were to deny it if they mentioned this to anyone ... In fact, it was distributed over eight square miles, which is a scenario consistent with a plane having been shot down in the air but not one that crashed.  Professor Jim Fetzer



It was a combination of a missile plus the small plane delivering the missile.  And the reason you needed a missile is then you can precisely target where it hits.  Jim Fetzer, cited 9/11 Myths



For an amateur who couldn’t even fly a Cessna to manoeuvre the jetliner in such a highly professional manner would have been totally impossible.  Russ Wittenberg, airline pilot



[Flight 77] could not possibly have flown at those speeds which they said it did without going into a high-speed stall.  Russ Wittenberg



The speed, the manoeuvrability, the way that he turned, we all thought in the radar room, all of us experienced air-traffic controllers, that it was a military plane.  Danielle O’Brien, ATC Dulles International Airport, cited Zero: An Investigation into 9/11



With all the evidence readily available at the Pentagon crash site, any unbiased rational investigator could only conclude that a Boeing 757 did not fly into the Pentagon.  Colonel George Nelson, Aircraft Accident Investigator US Air Force, cited Zero: An Investigation into 9/11



One very strange thing that doesnt make sense is the disappearance of various components of this Boeing.  For example, the two engines.  And what about the planes wings  where did they go?  Dario Fo, cited Zero: An Investigation into 9/11



Even if we suppose that such an incompetent pilot had the opportunity to fly a Boeing 757, we still have to ask ourselves how he managed to violate the most heavily protected airspace in the world.  Dario Fo, cited Zero: An Investigation into 9/11



If a plane, any kind of a plane, was coming in towards the Pentagon, why didnt the anti-aircraft missile batteries that are there why didnt they fire to protect the building?  This is after all the most heavily protected building on the planet.  That craft had to have been a military craft, because only the military craft put out the signal ... Only a military craft would be allowed to approach the building.  Barbara Honegger, senior journalist, Department of Defense, cited Zero: An Investigation into 9/11



You’ve got a hole that’s no more than ten foot high and about maybe fifteen to twenty feet wide that we’re expected to believe a multi-ton 757 jet-liner with a wingspan of a hundred and twenty-five feet and a tail height of forty-four feet  that’s four storeys, folks  somehow managed to squeeze into this iddy-biddy hole of the ground floor of the Pentagon.  Jim Marrs, interview 9/11 Ripple Effect



You know as well as I do ... that after every major air disaster, the National Transportation Safety Board conducts an investigation and they take every little scrap and piece of debris from the aeroplane and they take it to some big hanger or warehouse and they try to rebuild it.  They reassemble it to find out what happened.  Show me a photograph of Flight 77 pieced back together.  Jim Marrs, Coast to Coast AM



This dog was searching for people but there are no photos of him finding any of the passengers.  How could a dog not even find one small piece of sixty-four passengers?  How could so many people vanish?  Eric Hufschmid, Painful Deceptions


Perhaps the reason Flight 77 vanished from radar near Ohio was because it landed at a military base in the area.  Then a global hawk may have been sent up to replace it.  ibid.


Where were the witnesses who heard the tremendous noise of its jet engines?  The lack of noise suggests that Flight 77 was actually one of the missing global hawks.  ibid.


Where are the passengers and crew of Flight 77? ... The bodies of the Pentagon employees who died in the attack were shipped to a morg in Virginia, and then they were shipped to a morg in Dover, Delaware.  Why the shuffling of dead bodies?  ibid.



When you look at the left side of the Pentagon [hole] you’ll note there is very little if any smoke damage or heat damage at all.  On the third floor it is very plain to see a file cabinet with a computer monitor: neither of them is damaged.  On the second floor you can see a wooden desk: it hasn’t burned.  And on the first floor a very curious sight indeed: a wooden stool with a book that is laying open: the pages aren’t even singed.  Dave vonKleist, In Plane Site


How does a 757 fit into a sixteen foot hole and leave no wreckage on the front of the building? ... If the 757 hit the Pentagon, where is it?  ibid.



From wingtip to wingtip a 757 is 124 feet 10 inches.  From nose to tail a 757 is 155 feet and 3 inches in length.  And the height is 44 feet and 6 inches ... How does a 757 fit into a 16 feet hole and leave no wreckage on the front of the building?  Dave vonKleist, In Plane Sight the director’s cut



All agree that the damage scene is absolutely inconsistent with a 757 having struck the Pentagon.  It is more consistent however with a smaller jet aircraft hitting the Pentagon, possibly a small jet, or a UAV  an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle  or maybe a global hawk missile.  In this photograph that was taken at the Pentagon we clearly see some sort of an engine rotor, but the question is, is this a rotor from a 757, a Rolls Royce Engine?  Lewis & vonKleist, 9/11 Ripple Effect


The FBI currently possesses over 80 confiscated videos of closed circuit TV recordings of the attack on the Pentagon.  According to a CNN FOIA request, at least one these videos show the impact at the Pentagon.  ibid.


The FBI refuses to release any of these videos to the public, claiming reasons of National Security.  ibid.