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9/11 & 11th September 2001 New York Attacks (I)
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★ 9/11 & 11th September 2001 New York Attacks (I)

I was not involved in the September 11 attacks in the United States nor did I have knowledge of the attacks.  There exists a government within a government within the United States.  The United States should try to trace the perpetrators of these attacks within itself.  Osama bin Laden



The US Government has consistently blamed me for being behind every [attack].  I would like to assure the world that I did not plan the recent attacks, which seems to have been planned by people for personal reasons.  I have been living in the Islamic emirate of Afghanistan and following the leaders’ rules.  The current leader does not allow me to exercise such operations.  Osama bin Laden, statement issued via Al Jazeera within days of attacks



Well it’s very good … Well, it’s not good, but it will generate immediate sympathy for Israel.  Benjamin Netanyahu, cited The Jerusalem Post 12 September 2001



It is a non-controversial fact that the official explanation of the collapse of the World Trade Centre building is false.  Paul Craig Roberts, former assistant secretary US Treasury under Reagan



Even if its the most charitable explanation, and we say it was only incompetence, that that incompetence was so severe, I mean how many warnings do you need?  And not only that, it was followed on 9/11 by a cover up.  Paul Thompson, 9/11 Timeline



As I began researching I noticed this curious phenomena.  That theres a lot of explosive information that has come out in the mainstream press but it comes out buried.  Paul Thompson



Standing around talking before the President joined us, Donald Rumsfeld the Secretary of Defense was talking about bombing Iraq ... We have to go into Afghanistan now.  Richard Clarke, White House counter-terrorism advisor



Your government failed you.  Those entrusted with protecting you have failed you.  And I failed you.  Richard Clarke, White House security adviser 24th March 2004, cited 9/11 Press for Truth



The President in a very intimidating way left us, me and my staff with the clear indication that he wanted us to come back with the word that there was an Iraqi hand behind 9/11 because they had been planning to do something about Iraq from before the time they came into office.  Richard Clarke



Six of the terrorists including Mohamed Atta trained at US military facilities.  Daniel Hopsiker, journalist, cited Zero: An Investigation Into 9/11



It was a double hijacking.  Canadian Intelligence Services found out that al Qaeda was thinking of doing something on 9/11 ... They took advantage of the Muslims.  Captain Sherlock Solves 9/11, Captain Field McConnell & Neil Slade


The aircraft were in fact hijacked electronically through the QRS gyroscope which is a gyro-chip.  ibid.


There were four flights and they all had a decoy aeroplane.  ibid.


June 1-2 2001 Amalgam Virgo: US Military War Game with Canadian Intelligence.  This is the dry run in the summer before 9/11 to show off and test the anti-hijack system being sold to the US.  ibid.



I grabbed my binoculars.  And I could see the Towers from my window, and this is where Im looking.  And all of a sudden down there I see this van parked.  And I see three guys on top of the van.  And I could that they were like happy.  You know, they didnt look shocked to me.  They didnt look shocked.  I thought it was very strange.  Female witness, Missing Links  the Definite Truth About 9/11



It look like theyre [Celebrating Israelis] hooked into this.  It looked like they knew what was going to happen when they were at Liberty State Park.  Witness statement, cited Missing Links  the Definite Truth About 9/11



There was a group of Israelis, some of whom later were revealed as MOSAD assets, who were arrested after cheering and high-fiving and video-taping the crash of the airplanes into the World Trade Towers.  Mike Rivero, editor whatreallyhappened online



The Israeli Foreign Ministry has collected the names of 4,000 Israelis believed to have been in the areas of the World Trade Centre and the Pentagon at the time of the attack.  The Jerusalem Post 12th September 2001, cited Missing Links  The Definitive Truth About 9/11



Range of Hypotheses: 1) The Official Story; 2) Spies Enabled 911; 3) Spies Enhanced 9/11; 4) Spies Enabled & Enhanced; 5) Spies Created The Entire Event.  Ground Zero Minnesota: Rethinking 9/11


Five Israelis were undoubtedly arrested on 9/11 in a white van marked Urban Moving Systems because they had been seen video-taping and celebrating the collapse of Towers I & II so enthusiastically from the Jersey side of the river that citizens called the FBI.  ibid.



9/11: He [Bush] appoints Henry Kissinger: naming Kissinger sets a new standard for cynicism or for being out of touch or for both … Kissinger at least is an expert on the date September 11: it was on that date 1973 that the CIA-assisted overthrow of the democratically elected government of Chile takes place masterminded by Kissinger for Nixon … The White House backs off … The White House chooses all the commissioners … The president and his aides sort to limit its scope, its access and its funding.  The Illuminati Exposed (The Movie), Youtube   



Bush was given hijack intelligence by British Intelligence: Americans were told of the attack threat, say MI5 and MI6, as Marines begin new operation against Al Qaeda.  Andrew Gumbel & Jason Bennetto news article 18th May 2002



Italy Tells of Threat At Genoa Summit.  Los Angeles Times online news article, cited Alex Jones



Taleban warned US of huge attack.  BBC News online news article 7th September 2002, cited Alex Jones



Hijack suspects alive and well.  BBC online headline 23rd September 2001



FBI and US Spy Agents Say Bush Spiked Bin Laden Probes Before 11 September.  BBC online article Gregory Palast 7th November 2001



Taliban warned US of huge attack.  An aide to the former Taliban foreign minister, Wakil Ahmed Muttawakil, has revealed that he was sent to warn American diplomats and the United Nations that Osama bin Laden was due to launch a huge attack on American soil.  BBC online article Kate Clark 7th September 2002



I couldnt believe it when the FBI put me on their list.  They gave my name and date of birth, but I am not a suicide bomber.  I am here.  I am alive.  I have no idea how to fly a plane.  I had nothing to do with this.  Abdulaziz al-Omari, Daily Telegraph 23rd September 2001



Israeli security issued urgent warning to CIA of large-scale terrorist attacks.  Telegraph online article, cited Grave Implications



Rushdies air ban ... The FAA told the authors publisher that US intelligence had given warning of something out there but failed to give any reasons.  Times online article 27th September 2001



Bush told of threat before September 11.  Guardian online article 16th March 2002



Hijackers trailed by CIA before attacks.  Guardian online article 3rd June 2002



Bush warned of hijacking threat before 11 September.  Associated Press online article May 2002



Washington DC – An FBI whistleblower alleges that FBI headquarters rewrote Minneapolis agents pre-9/11 request for surveillance and search warrants for terrorism defendant Zacarias Moussaoui and removed important information before rejecting them, government officials said Friday.


Agent Coleen Rowley wrote that the Minneapolis agents became so frustrated that they began to joke that FBI headquarters was becoming an unwitting accomplice to Osama bin Ladens efforts to attack the United States, the officials said.  Associated Press



Since September 11th more than sixty Israelis have been arrested or detained either under the new Patriot anti-terrorism law or for immigration violations.  A handful of active Israeli military were among those detained, according to investigators who say some of the detainees also failed polygraph questions when asked about alleged surveillance activities against and in the United States.  Fox News, cited Missing Links  the Definite Truth About 9/11



Evidence linking these Israelis to 9/11 is classified.  I cannot tell you about evidence that has been gathered.  It is classified information.  Fox News, witness statement, cited Missing Links  the Definite Truth About 9/11
