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9/11 & 11th September 2001 New York Attacks (I)
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★ 9/11 & 11th September 2001 New York Attacks (I)

9/11 is related to just about everything else, particularly the war against Iraq.  These two things have one aspect very much in common: they are both in my opinion Treason.  Dr Robert Bowman, Institute for Space and Security Studies president



The US government at the highest levels may have committed treason and mass murder by purposely allowing 9/11 to happen.  Dr Robert M Bowman



The reason why 9/11 is not mentioned on Osama bin Laden’s Most Wanted page is because the FBI has no hard evidence connecting bin Laden to 9/11.  Rex Tomb, chief of investigative publicity FBI 



Supposedly a CNN reporter found Osama bin Laden, took a camera crew with him, went into Osama bin Laden’s hideout, interviewed him and his top leadership, and he came out and told everybody  within three weeks Osama bin Laden is going to attack the United States of Israel.  Now don’t you think that’s kind of strange, folks?  You see because the largest Intelligence apparatus in the world with the biggest budget in the history of the world has been looking for Osama bin Laden for years and years and years and can’t find him!  Some dupeless jerked-off reporter with a camera crew waltzes right into his hideout and interviews him!  And I’m telling you be prepared for a major attack.  But it won’t be Osama bin Laden; it will be those behind the New World Order.  I wonder what Osama bin Laden’s targets are supposed to be ... They must do something terrible in order to stop this backlash and regain the sympathy of the mass herds of sheople out there.  Bill Cooper, Hour of the Time broadcast 28th June 2001



When 9/11 happened  cui bono  who benefited?  Afghanistan?  Iraq?  Did any Arab country?  No.  But the Bush Administration was given an open cheque-book with which to take control of the Afghani poppy-fields, the Iraqi oil-fields and the oil-rich and gas-rich Caspian Basin.  And all protest over the two invasions was squashed before it started ... A large portion of al Qaeda funding comes from the Pakistani ISI and it still does.  And yet the ISI is an openly admitted and funded wing of the CIA.  The CIA created hundreds of thousands of extremists and trained them in radical Islamic thinking, and kept a database [al Qaeda] on them all.  All these extremists still receive funding from the CIA channelled to them by the ISI.  They don’t even realise they are really funded by them.  The Big Picture  FINAL    



I see that the Kennedy assassination is showing us the template for what’s going to happen with 9/11 ... It’s not socially acceptable to speak out publicly about 9/11 in polite company, but they’ll wait twenty years and then all the information will come out, and in 40 years we’ll all know that 9/11 was an inside job perpetrated by people within the Bush administration.  It’ll be accepted, but it still won’t be officially acknowledged by leaders, nor will it be in the history books.  Jim Marrs, JFK: Killed by International Bankers, with Alex Jones & Robert Groden   



One of the scenarios in Operation Northwood was to take a regularly scheduled commercial airliner, and take a similar type plane, paint the tail numbers up to resemble that of the commercial airliner, fly it by remote control out over the Caribbean, and by remote control blow it up after sending a tape-recorded message.  Jim Marrs, interview 9/11 Ripple Effect


Theres never been a modern steel-concrete building thats ever collapsed due to fire; not before and not after.  ibid. 



We were told that nineteen Muslim fanatics somehow bypassed our $40,000,000,000 defense, hijacked four planes simultaneously causing their transponders to off almost at the exact same time ... Made their way to New York and crashed into two prominent landmarks ... And all of this under the direction of a Muslim cleric hiding in a cave in Afghanistan with a computer.  Now it thats not about the craziest conspiracy theory Ive ever heard.  Jim Marrs 



If the purpose of the masterminds behind the 9/11 attacks was to curtail American freedom, centralise more power into federal government, and set back the social agenda of the United States, in favour of an open-ended military intelligence build-up, then they succeeded admirably.  Jim Marrs, interview Alex Jones



The day before 9/11 they announced to the media that the Pentagon cannot account for $2.3 trillion.  Ian R Crane, presentation History Cannot Be Permanently Falsified



The tenth anniversary ... People are going to be polarised: either they still accept the official version of events or they have questions.   Ian R Crane, interview On the Edge with AlexG


What we are going to see is the mainstream media pumping out as much as they can to try and support the official narrative, and to try and demonise those and marginalise those of us who question official events.  ibid



The greatest piece of psychological warfare since the Greeks left a wooden horse outside the gates of Troy ... A fantastic construct, it is pure Hollywood.  The tragedy of course is that so many people had to die.  Ian R Crane, 9/11 7/7 The Connexion



People in the two towns where the planes crashed all reported things like their garage doors suddenly started going up and down ... A massive electromagnetic pulse.  Ian R Crane:  On the Edge: Inside Job? The 9/11 Conspiracy Debate


Mohamed Atta actually called his father towards the end of the day of 9/11 or early the next day ... ‘Dad, I’m in a whole world of trouble here.  I think they’re gonna kill me.’  ibid.  


Patsies that were set up to participate in an exercise ... The exercise is absolutely critical in providing the cover.  ibid.



The government version of events is also a conspiracy theory.  Ian Crane, lecture Conway Hall 24th September 2011, ‘Conspiracy Theory v Deep Geopolitics: A Matter of Perception



1998 and 2000: Former President George H W Bush travels to Saudi Arabia on behalf of the privately owned Carlyle Group, the 11th largest defense contractor in the US.  While there he meets privately with the Saudi royal family and the bin Laden family.  


January 2001: The Bush administration orders the FBI and Intelligence agencies to ‘back off’ investigations involving the bin Laden family.  Mike Ruppert, The Truth & Lies of 9/11 


Most of the SECs investigative records of Enron were stored in the World Trade Centre.  ibid.


June 2001: German Intelligence, the BND, warns the CIA and Israel that Middle Eastern terrorists are ‘planning to hijack commercial aircraft to use as weapons to attack important symbols of American and Israeli culture.’  ibid.


Summer 2001: An Iranian man phones US law enforcement to warn of an imminent attack on the World Trade Centre in the week of September 9th.  ibid.



9/11 was not an intelligence failure.  9/11 was an Intelligence success.  It was supposed to happen.  Mike Ruppert



Its clear the Bush administration needed these attacks to rally public support.  And its not the first time its happened in American history.  Mike Ruppert, cited Aftermath: Unanswered Questions from 9/11



The 911 atrocity had a very specific design, a very specific agenda, almost planned with geometric precision.  It was an atrocity; it was an exercise in chaos, but it was to bring about a very preconceived plan: which is to bring in a police state.  To deprive people of their sovereign rights.  But specifically to enter in the Patriot Act, which is unconstitutional, and which the American people need to resist.  Michael Tsarion



In these surreal days there is one truth.  Nothing justified the killing of innocent people in America last week and nothing justifies the killing of innocent people anywhere else.  John Pilger, 2001



I wondered after those images from New York last week whether bin Laden was not as astonished as myself to see them.  Always supposing he watched television.  Or listened to the radio.  Or read a newspaper.  Robert Fisk, The Independent



An aircraft at Eglin AFB would be painted and numbered as an exact duplicate for a civil registered aircraft belonging to a CIA proprietary organisation in the Miami area.  At a designated time the duplicate would be substituted for the actual civil aircraft and would be loaded with the selected passengers, all boarded under carefully prepared aliases.  The actual registered aircraft would be converted to a drone.  Operation Northwoods document



Some day people will look back on 9/11 and sure they will see it as the first terrible act of terrorism committed in the United States by some foreign group, but they might also see 9/11 as the beginning of the disintegration of the American Empire.  Howard Zinn, Liberty Bound 2004



A symbol of economic globalisation.  Professor Niall Ferguson



I think the Islamic version of the Gideons were responsible.  They did it.  David Icke, lecture Brixton Academy



We have nine years of hard scientific evidence that disproves the government theory about what happened on 9/11, and yet people continue to be either oblivious to the fact that this information exists or completely resistant to this information ... Why?  Dr Marti Hopper, televised interview



9/11 was a shock to us all to confront in the twenty-first century a kind of passion and belief that we thought belonged in the history books of medieval theology.  The kind of paradise on offer to a martyr seems so time-bound.  Clearly it is a product of late medieval thinking.  Ian McEwan, interview Professor Richard Dawkins
