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9/11 & 11th September 2001 New York Attacks: Twin Towers
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★ 9/11 & 11th September 2001 New York Attacks: Twin Towers

On 9/11 the world witnessed the deadliest terrorist attack ever seen.  It would lead to the biggest crime scene investigation in history, an investigation in which the NYPD’s elite crime scene unit played a prominent role.  9/11 Crime Scene Investigators


What the emergency workers mostly found scattered all over the World Trade Centre rubble field on that first day was shattered human remains.  These were taken to the Morg at the Medical Examiner’s Office.  ibid. 


A dust cloud said to include hazardous particles of asbestos, glass fibres and lead permeated the entire site.  70% of the emergency workers claim to experience respiratory problems as a result of working on the site.  ibid.



Molten metal in the basements of all three buildings and yet all scientists now reasonably agree that the fires were not sufficiently hot to melt the steel, so what is this molten metal?  It is direct evidence for the use of high temperature explosives, such as Thermite.  Thermite produces molten iron as an end product.  Professor Steven E Jones, interview MSNBC



It looks like those core columns were cut.  I started looking at the molten metal.  All three buildings  both Towers, in the rubble in the basement areas, and Building 7  there were these pools of molten metal.  So I started looking through the official reports at what they are saying about the molten metal.  Theyre say nothing.  Wait a minute.  This is important evidence.  Professor Steven E Jones



The results, coupled with visual evidence at the scene such as the flowing yellow-hot liquid metal, provide compelling evidence that Thermite reaction compounds were deliberately placed in both WTC Towers and WTC 7.  Professor Steven E Jones, Journal of 9/11 Studies



Through electron microscope analysis of the molten World Trade Center steel and the iron-rich micro-spheres in the dust, Doctor Jones found exact traces of not only the Thermite explosive compound, but, due to the high sulphur content, Thermate, a patented brand of Thermite used in the demolition industry.  News report, re Professor Steven E Jones



The first plane hits the World Trade Centre.  But this is no accident.  More than three thousand people are killed, but many thousands more survive the attack.  They live with their own memories of this terrible day.  9/11: I Was There



Weve discovered major indications that the Twin Towers were brought down by a sophisticated kind of controlled demolition.  They were blown up from the top down ... The American people deserve to know the truth about what happened to their nation on 9/11.  Jim Fetzer, interview Fox News



There were odd security lapses in Building 1 & 2, the North and South Tower, for the two weeks before the events took place, where large sections of the building were shut down, the employees were sent home, the security apparatus was turned off, and teams of so-called engineers were given access to the building.  Jim Fetzer, cited 9/11 Myths



They not only fell into their own foot-print but they fell in such a way that most of the steel was in thirty-foot segments which made it very easy to load upon vehicles, and most of the steel was in fact very properly removed by an extremely efficient company called Controlled Demolitions.  Jim Fetzer, Conspiracy Theories: JFK, cited 9/11 Wellstone, lecture University of Minnesota



Thermite/Thermate if youre thinking about an alternative explanation that it was done using Thermite/Thermate then you dont even have to think about the melting point of steel.  You dont have to think about the design of the building.  You dont have to know that there were explosions in the sub-basement.  You can have a simple solution to a complex problem.  Jim Fetzer, Evidence For Unconventional Weapons



In the 100-plus years of steel-framed buildings, only three have ever collapsed due to fire.  All three were leased by the same man.  All three fell in exactly the same way, and on the same day ... All three buildings fell at free-fall speed.  9/11 Coincidences 


Firefighters, police officers, emergency personnel, reporters and many other eye witnesses all reported explosives going off inside the buildings.  ibid.


On the morning of 9/11 NORAD was in day two of a week-long terrorist drill exercise called Vigilant Guardian.  This exercise was a simulation of a real terrorist attack on the WTC, involving hijacked airliners.  ibid.  


Thermite: an incendiary used by the military.  Thermite is a compound of iron oxide and aluminium, which when ignited sustains an extreme heat reaction, creating molten iron.  In just two seconds Thermite can reach temperatures over 4,500 degrees Fahrenheit, quite enough to liquefy steel.  ibid.


These core columns were discovered after the collapse.  The angled cut occurs in exactly the manner that shaped charges slice through steel beams to control the way they fall.  ibid.



Fires affect buildings quite differently than controlled demolitions.  Fires by their nature tend to creep from place to place as they run out of fuel, moving fresh new fuel sources, leaving the burnt-out area to cool.  So when collapses do occur ... buildings tend to fall over, they fall asymmetrically, theyre burnt out on one side organically, if you will, they dont fall straight down through the path of greatest resistance ... These buildings exploded.  Richard Gage, 9/11 Blueprint for Truth, founder Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth   


If this is a pancake collapse, were looking for some pancakes down below.  ibid.


Support a new investigation.  Support these people who demand a new investigation: how about two hundred survivors and family members?  A hundred and ten military intelligence law enforcement and government officials.  A hundred and seventy distinguished professors.  A hundred and ten entertainment and media professionals, all endorsing a new probe into 9/11.  ibid. 



The World Trade Center Twin Towers were solidly constructed ... 47 steel core columns and 240 perimeter steel columns.  100,000 ton heat sink: not a hollow steel shaft.  Richard Gage, lecture University of Manitoba


The rubble that is falling inside of the Tower (that is supposedly crushing the structure below) is actually falling at almost the same rate as the rubble that is outside of the Tower which is only falling through the air.  ibid.


The panels are missing ... Where are the Pancakes? ... Where is the rest of the debris?  Where are the 112 floors of gauged steel decking with four inches of concrete ... Wouldnt we expect to see one or two of them at the bottom?  ibid.


Thermate = Fe2O3+2AL + Sulphur  lower melting point and accelerated results.  ibid.


Clarkson University: X-ray fluorescence analysis of samples showed Fe, S, K, Mn (abundant) of the previously molten steel from the monument.  ibid.


Corrosion from atomized Thermate?  Evidence of high temperature corrosion is evident on about 1000 cars near the World trade Center.  ibid.


As you can see this woman upper left is standing in the hole that was supposed to be a raging inferno in the North Tower.  There is no fire.  ibid.


There is plenty of evidence of molten metal ... Structural steel doesnt even begin to melt until around 2,700 degrees  What produced this molten metal? ... Thermite produces molten metal at 4,500 degrees  its an incendiary cutting charge, and there is evidence at all three buildings.  ibid.



We have the evidence of the ten key features of controlled demolition.  Richard Gage, interview KMPH Fox


These spheres have iron, aluminium, fluorine, manganese, very unusual elements associated only with Thermite, and theres small chips of unignited Thermite as well.  This is very high-tech Thermite, nano-Thermite.  Its not found in a cave in Afghanistan.  ibid. 



The videos shown on TV are not consistent with photographs of the Towers.  9/11 Octopus



Why do we see no floor pancaked on top of each other?  9/11 Justice



Thermite is a compound of aluminium and iron oxide.  Once ignited, its not explosive but burns at almost 2,500 degrees  a temperate hot enough to melt steel.  9/11 Conspiracies



It lurched back and forth.  After maybe six to ten movements back and forth for that building it was over.  And it was still standing.  Bill Forney, survivor interview cited Horizon: Fall of the World Trade Centre



As the floors fell down clouds of dust were thrown hundreds of feet horizontally.  Analysis of this dust by the government shows that is was full of concrete: how did the concrete in these Towers pulverise into such a fine dust?  And what caused the dust to be thrown hundreds of feet outward?  9/11: A Closer Look


NASA and the US Geological Survey measured the temperature of the rubble five days after the collapse.  Some areas of the rubble were above the melting point of aluminium.  How can a building fall down and leave such incredibly hot rubble, especially with firemen spraying water on it?  ibid.



It looked like a controlled demolition.  Mike Taylor, cited Richard Gage, Blueprint for Truth



Explosive clouds of dust and debris moving horizontally and vertically upwards as the collapses of WTC I and WTC II are just beginning does not look anything like a heat-induced gravitational collapse mechanism.  Ron Brookman, structural engineer, cited Richard Gage, Blueprint for Truth



How long can you live with concrete in your lungs?  Dave, 9/11 victim, interview 9/11 Truth: The Elephant in the Room