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9/11 & 11th September 2001 New York Attacks: Twin Towers
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★ 9/11 & 11th September 2001 New York Attacks: Twin Towers

And they were saying, You guys have got to get out of here; it’s a bomb.  ABC News, Lindsay Grimm



All of a sudden there was this big explosion ... Then when we got to the lobby there was this big explosion.  ABC News, female witness, cited 9/11 Revisited & The Explosive Reality



And there may have been secondary explosions as well.  NBC4, cited Core of Corruption: In the Shadows



At 10:30 I tried to leave the building, but as soon I got outside I heard a second explosion and another rumble, and more smoke and more dust.  NBC Attack on America, female reporter in street, cited Loose Change 2nd edition & 9/11 Mysteries & 9/11 Coincidences & Core of Corruption: In the Shadows & The Ultimate Con



Its coming over the radio.  Get out of the area.  The second Tower is coming down.  Yes, it is about to collapse.  NBC, female rozzer, cited Loose Change 2nd edition & The 9/11 Documentary You Can’t Debunk



The way the structure is collapsing this was the result of something that was planned.  Its not accidental that the first Tower just happened to collapse and then the second Tower just happened to collapse in the same way.  NBC, male commentator, cited The Ultimate Con



Just moments ago I spoke to the Chief of Safety for the New York City Fire Department ... Chief Albert Turrey ... He received word of a possibility of a secondary device  that is another bomb going off.  He tried to get his men out as quickly as he could but he said that there was another explosion which took place; and then an hour after the first hit here  the first crash that took place  he said, ‘There was another explosion that took place in one of the Towers here.’  So according to his theory he thinks that there were actually devices that were planted in the building ... The second device he thinks, he speculates, was probably planted in the building.  NBC News, Pat Dawson, cited Loose Change 2nd edition & Core of Corruption: In the Shadows & The 9/11 Documentary You Can’t Debunk



Well Im in that area, if youre familiar with this area of where West Broadway and Hudson come together right at Chambers.  That would put us about a block and a half away from the site of where the explosion was.  That area has just been evacuated because police have found what they describe as a suspicious device.  And they fear that it might be something that could lead to another explosion.  Obviously theres a real sense of caution here on the part of police.  I spoke with some police officials moments ago, Chris, and they told me that they have reason to believe that one of the explosions at the World Trade Centre, aside from the ones that may been have caused by the impact of the plane with the building, may have been caused by a van that was parked in the building that may have had some type of explosive device in it.  MSNBC, Rick Sanchez, cited 9/11 In Plane Sight the directors cut & Whats the Truth? 



The plane wasnt no airliner or anything it was a twin-engine big grey plane.  MSNBC, male witness, 9/11 In Plane Sight the directors cut



It was just total chaos.  And the bottom of our building was blown out.  NBC, female witness, cited Whats the Truth? 



And as I kept walking to Canal Street I could hear yet another explosion behind me.  NBC, female presenter, cited The Explosive Reality



First one and then the other: some say after secondary explosions.  NBC, male presenter, cited September 11: Evidence to the Contrary



He claimed he met three of the 9/11 hijackers in Shreveport a year before the attacks.  This morning local dentist David Graham is dead after the family says he was poisoned more than two years ago.  At the time Graham was trying to publish a manuscript about meeting three Middle Easterners in Shreveport.  He feared they were planning to bomb Marksdale.  KTBS3 News, cited 9/11 Octopus



It sounded as if you had a hundred of those little blackcap firecrackers and you lit them all off at once.  Thats what it sounded like.  It sounded like the finale of the 4th of July over the East River.  Channel 7 NewsCopter, female witness



There was a secondary explosions and a subsequent collapse.  Channel 11 news, male witness, cited Grave Implications



When youre down there, Dan, you hear smaller secondary explosions going off every fifteen, twenty minutes.  News report



And as we were coming out, we passed the lobby.  There was no lobby.  So I believe the bomb hit the lobby first, and a couple of seconds then the first plane hit.  Female witness, cited Core of Corruption: In the Shadows



It sounded like a subway collision, a bomb.  Female witness



There was a heavy duty explosion.  Witness, televised reaction



Theres been an explosion deep below the 110-storey Towers of the World Trade Centre of New York City.  News report live



All of a sudden there was like bang bang bang bang bang like bullet shots and then all of a sudden three tremendous explosions and everything started coming down.  Male witness interview in hospital, cited Core of Corruption: In the Shadows & Between the Lies



Shortly before the first Tower came down I remember feeling the ground shaking.  I heard a terrible noise; debris just started flying everywhere.  Bradley Mann, cited Richard Gage, Blueprint for Truth



Hours after the attack many smaller explosions rumbled through downtown.  The Explosive Reality



Our office was on the B1 level.  As I was talking to a supervisor, at 8:46 and all of a sudden we hear, Boom!  An explosion so hard that pushed us upwards.  And it came from the basement, between the B2 level and the B3 level.  William Rodriguez, worker & survivor



Very strong  boom!  An explosion so hard that pushed us upwards.  Upwards!  William Rodriguez, 9/11 Scholars Conference Los Angeles



Boom!  I knew that building with my eyes closed.  I could tell you very easily the difference of a sound coming from the top and a sound coming from the bottom.  William Rodriguez



And all of a sudden we heard an explosion.  It was a huge explosion that came from under my feet.  William Rodriguez, cited 9/11 Mysteries



As I stood there on the 33rd floor I heard very strange noises on the 34th floor.  Now the 34th floor was an empty floor, a floor that did not have any kind of walls.  It was a construction floor.  It was totally hollowed out.  There was nothing there.  And I heard very heavy equipment being moved around.  And it sounded like dumpsters with metal wheels being moved around.  William Rodriguez, interview cited 9/11 Mysteries & 9/11 Coincidences



A second or two before the plane hit there was a huge explosion on the sub-level B2 to sub-level B3.  William Rodriguez, news interview, cited 9/11 Truth



There were many explosions.  William Rodriguez, interview cited 9/11 Myths