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★ Operations & Projects

SOVEREIGN BORDERS: Australia’s Conservative government came to power two and a half years ago and they basically started doing two things – firstly, they launched what it called Operation Sovereign Borders … the Navy turning boats back … They outsourced the asylum-seeker problem.  BBC news 18th March 2016




STAR FISH PRIME: We suspect that with Operation Star Fish Prime – the explosion of a mega-ton nuclear bomb 248 miles above Earth – NASA was trying to force a corridor through this natural danger zone.  But ended up making matters worse.  David S Percy




STARGATE: During the Cold War however the US government believed so strongly in the possible potential of the power of the mind it set up a program called Stargate to develop psychic intelligence gathering.  Paranatural: Psychic Powers, National Geographic 2013




STOCKADE: Both MI6 and GCHQ were under pressure from the Foreign Office to provide intelligence about French intentions with regard to the pending British application to the European Economic Community ... They used two ciphers ... the low grade one might be vulnerable to the type of attack I had outlined.  Cooper gave his approval, and Operation STOCKADE began.  Peter Wright, Spycatcher p110




STORM 333: Kabul, Afghanistan, 24th December 1979: Operation Storm 333 has just begun.  That is the codename given by the Soviets for the invasion of Afghanistan.  The Terror Routes I: 1979-1993: They Were On the Side of the Angels, Amazon 2011




SUSANNAH: Sometimes, False Flag Operations fail.  Under Operation Susannah in 1954, Israeli military intelligence attempted to carry out a series of False Flag-like bombings in Egypt.  The targets were to be American and British businesses to be blamed on the Muslim Brotherhood … The Operation was cut short before the bloodshed could begin: conspirator Philip Natanson was caught attempting to detonate a bomb in a British-owned theatre.  Counter-Intelligence: Shining a Light on Black Operations s1e3: The Strategy of Tension, 2013 



The Lavon Affair was an Israeli terrorist operation known in Egypt as Operation Susannah in which Egyptian, American and British-owned targets in Egypt were bombed in the summer of 1954.  Missing Links – The Definitive Truth About 9/11




SWAMP: Then the police launched Operation Swamp ’81.  This was an extension of the ‘Sus’ law, an adaptation of a 19th-century vagrancy act, which allowed the police to stop, search and detain anyone they regarded as ‘suspicious’.  In four days they stopped 1,000 people in Brixton, almost all black, and arrested 150.  Mark Steel, Reasons to be Cheerful




TIGER: It involved eight American landing ships packed with troops, and killed nearly eight hundred men.  Wartime Secrets with Harry Harris: Outwitting Hitler, 2009




TITAN: Operation Titan started like just about any other money laundering investigation.  I don’t think anybody anticipated what was gonna happen.  Drug Lords: The Takedown s1e3: Titan, DEA undercover officer, History 2023




TORCH: November 1942: An armada of 200 British and American ships appears off the coast of north Africa.  Operation Torch is about to begin.  Right before the eyes of the local people, 100,000 men pour on to the beaches of Morocco and Algeria.  It is this singular theatre, north Africa, that between 1940 and 1943 was written a famous chapter of the Second World War, the Desert War.  Hitler’s Disastrous Desert War, National Geographic 2022




TRUTH: The ideological war: now, if you can’t control the population by force and you can’t even control it by propaganda the state faces a dilemma and there’s only one thing they can do in that case and that is to go underground, and that’s just what happened during the 1980s: Operation Truth went very well.  Noam Chomsky, Speaks Out! Oh Shut Up Ronnie! Youtube 58.22, 1989 




ULTRA: Bletchley Park at last found a way to read Enigma traffic.  The intelligence it produced was codenamed Ultra.  Bletchley Park: Code-Breakings Forgotten Genius, BBC 2015




URGENT FURY: Invasion of Grenada, October 1983.  Combat Zone: Operation Urgent Fury, 2013




VENONA: The VENONA codebreak became possible because during the early years of the war the Russians ran short of cipher material ... The effort involved in VENONA was enormous.  For years both GCHQ and NSA and MI5 employed teams of researchers scouring the world searching for ‘collateral’; but despite the effort less than 1 per cent of the 200,000 messages we held were ever broken into, and many of those were broken only to the extent of a few words.  Peter Wright, Spycatcher pp179-181




WARRIOR: Attention!  Attention!  Attention!  American forces are here to help.  Remain calm.  We will not tolerate civil disobedience.  Oakland California Marine ‘Operation Warrior’




X: In 1941 Oak Ridge, Tennessee, was still a remote farming area.  Within two years according to classified plans and maps it had been transformed into a secret city.  It was going to be home to one of the biggest secrets in the Second World War.  The US government pretended it didn’t exist.  Because this was part of Project X: the Manhattan Project, the race to build the first atomic bomb.  Lost Worlds: Secret A Bomb Factories, History 2007




YEWTREE: Operation Yewtree  the police investigation into historical sexual abuse  has revealed yet more remarkable cases ... One name when it was made public [Rolf Harris] sent shockwaves around the country and the world.  Crimes that Shook Britain s6e1: Rolf Harris, CI 2015



Operation Yewtree uncovered 214 offences committed by Savile across the country between 1955 and 2009.  However, the police were inundated with accusations relating to other celebrities who were still alive.  National Treasure, National Disgrace, captions, Channel 5 2022