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  Oak Island (I)  ·  Oak Island (II)  ·  Oakland  ·  Oath  ·  Obama, Barack  ·  Obelisk  ·  Obese & Obesity  ·  Obey & Obedience  ·  Objects  ·  Obligation  ·  Observation  ·  Obsession  ·  Occult  ·  Ocean  ·  Odds  ·  Offence & Offense & Offend  ·  Offer  ·  Office & The Office (TV) & Utopia (TV)  ·  Ohio  ·  Oil  ·  Oklahoma  ·  Oklahoma Bombing  ·  Old & Old Age & Elderly  ·  Old Testament  ·  Olympics & Olympic Games  ·  Oman  ·  Opera  ·  Operation Paperclip & Nazi Rat Line & Odessa File  ·  Operations & Projects  ·  Opinion & Opinion Polls  ·  Opioids & Opiates & Opium  ·  Opportunity  ·  Opposition  ·  Oppression  ·  Optimism  ·  Opus Dei  ·  Oral Sex  ·  Order  ·  Oregon  ·  Organisation  ·  Organise  ·  Orgasm  ·  Orthodox  ·  Orthodox Church  ·  Osiris  ·  Ossuary  ·  Ottomans & Ottoman Empire  ·  Ouija & Ouija Board  ·  Owe  ·  Oxycodone & Oxycontin  ·  Oxygen  

★ Operations & Projects

FOXLEY: British snipers were to kill the Führer at his home in the Alps.  Fearing a backlash the British eventually abandoned the operation.  42 Ways to Kill Hitler, History 2019




FRANKTON: Hasler was ordered back to the Combined Operations Headquarters in London.  Here he was given the file on the Bordeaux operation – now christened Operation Frankton.  Timewatch: The Most Courageous Raid of WWII: The Cockleshell Heroes, BBC 2011




GARNET: The project responsible for control of all information and documents regarding this subject [aliens] and accountability of the information and documents.  Bill Cooper, Operation Majority, material released 31st May 1996    




GEMSTONE: Liddy promptly produced a million dollar plan … codenamed Gemstone.  Watergate, BBC 1994




GHOST STORIES: A deep-cover spy-ring of ten Russian agents … The decade-long surveillance would become one of the longest running counter-espionage operations in FBI history.  Damian Lewis: Spy Wars s1e3: Spies Next Door, History 2019  




GRANGE: It is five years since a little girl vanished without trace on a holiday in Portugal.  Why has Madeleine McCann never been found?  Panorama: Madeleine: The Last Hope? BBC 2012


Operation Grange – set up after a direct request from David Cameron.  ibid.




GREENBACK: After some public exposés, the government launched Operation Greenback in 1979 to prosecute money-launderers.  Noam Chomsky, Deterring Democracy




GREENGLOW: When Greenglow ended, the hope of mastering gravity seemed to end with it.  Horizon: Project Greenglow: The Quest for Gravity Control, BBC 2016




GRILL-FLAME: In 1988 David Morehouse, a Major in the United States Army, was assigned to a new post at a top-secret unit of military intelligence.  Discretely housed in two wooden sheds on an Army Base at Fort Mead in Maryland the unit was so clandestine that Morehouse didnt discover what went on there until he met his commanding officer ...  But four months prior to reporting to Fort Mead Morehouses glittering career nearly ended.  During a training exercise in the Jordanian desert a stray round struck him in the head.  The bullet should have killed him but miraculously it lodged in his helmet.  As he lay unconscious on the desert floor Morehouse claimed he had a vision of an angel bearing a message ... After the accident Morehouse began to be haunted by a series of terrifying hallucinations and out-of-body experiences … Morehouse discovered that far from being invalided out of the Army he was being recruited as a psychic spy.  The psychologists suspected that the blow from the bullet had released a latent psychic ability ... For twenty years the US government had invested millions of dollars into a series of ultra-classified projects like Operation Grill-Flame.  Psychics were recruited to gather military intelligence through a process called Remote Viewing ... Having entered an altered state, the remote viewer is ready to begin his assignment.  Strange But True? s4e3: Remote Viewing, ITV 1997




GRUDGE: Eventually I found myself in possession, holding two documents; one called Project Grudge, another one called Operation Majority.  Project Grudge contained the history of alien involvement since around 1936, and it began talking about Germany’s involvement with a crashed disk that they had recovered in 1936 and were attempting to duplicate the technology.  They were not successful despite what all these Nazi hunters want to tell you.  If they had been successful, we would not have won the war, because you cannot beat those weapons!  You cannot out-fly those craft!  You can’t even think about it with conventional aircraft.  If Germany had been successful, we would now have a German flag up in front of this podium.  Bill Cooper, lecture ‘A Seminar on Majic 12’


... It wasn’t until 1947 that we were able to capture a craft, a whole craft, not all together but it was everything.  That occurred near the city of Roswell, New Mexico.  There were dead aliens recovered from the craft.  In Project Grudge I saw photographs of these dead aliens [and] of the craft.  I saw photographs of live aliens.  I saw photographs of autopsies ... of internal organs, I saw photographs of the alien designated EB [or Ebe] who was held in captivity from 1949 until June 2nd 1952 when he died.  I saw the history of what they had been able to put together [at that time], from incidents in the 1800s which involved aliens and their craft.  ibid.



Project [Sign] itself was renamed Grudge. – UFOs & The Military Elite


In 1969 Grudge was terminated and published under the more appealing name of Blue Book.  ibid.  




GRUFF: The first signal we found was codenamed GRUFF.  We picked it up one Tuesday night at ten-thirty.  The Morse signal came in loud and clear, and our receivers immediately detected the whine of a local oscillator as the Russians tuned to the same frequency.  GCHQ analysed GRUFF: it came from the Moscow area and followed a twice-weekly schedule.  Peter Wright, Spycatcher p105




HADES: The secret history of Vietnam was also the chemical war.  The spraying of a deadly poison called Dioxin.  Its aim was to destroy the forests where the Viet-Cong were.  And it was confined to South Vietnam, which America had come to save.  The spraying was called Operation Hades and was hardly reported at the time.  And when it was, it was changed to the more friendly Operation Ranch-Hand ... Dioxin is a thousand times more powerful than Thalidomide.  John Pilger, Vietnam, The Last Battle




HORIZON: There was already a parallel space program, and it had been continuing from even before the time that NASA was created in 1958. October 1958: NASA were incorporated by President Eiseinhower.  The secret space program was run by the Department of Defense.  It took its original form in Project Horizon which was established in 1959: the colonisation of the moon.  Marcus Allen, Nexus Magazine




HUSKY: WWII: Operation Husky is fledged, and this plan is to take the US 7th army and the British 8th army and hit Sicily in the south.  Geoffrey Wawro, University of Texas, interview Wartime Crime s1e6: The Sicilian Connection, Yesterday 2018




INFINITE REACH: President Clinton orders Operation Infinite Reach – the firing of scores of cruise missile at bin Laden’s training camps.  The Hunt for Bin Laden, ITV 2012




INHERENT RESOLVE: HMS Duncan has now begun her role on Operation Inherent Resolve: an international mission to attack Isis-held territory.  Her job is to enforce a ten-mile exclusion zone around the French aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle.  Giving her jets enough space to conduct bombing runs over Syria.  But two Russian warships … are also nearby.  Warship s2e2: Life at Sea, Channel 5 2020  



JAWBREAKER: ‘You are to hunt down Bin Laden and his lieutenants, and then when you kill Bin Laden you cut his head off …’  Spy Ops I: Operation Jawbreaker, Ops dude, Netflix 2023   



JERUSALEM: 1969: After more than ten years in the planning Gaddafi is ready to make his move.  With King Idris out of the country receiving medical treatment in Turkey, the mission he calls Operation Jerusalem is a go … ‘Probably one of the most peaceful coups that has happened in history.  Evolution of Evil s1e1: Gaddafi: Mad Dog of the Middle East, History 2015




JOSHUA: A project to develop a low-frequency pulsed sound generating weapon.  It is said that this weapon would be effective against the alien craft and beam weapons.  Bill Cooper, Operation Majority, material released 31st May 1996