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  Oak Island (I)  ·  Oak Island (II)  ·  Oakland  ·  Oath  ·  Obama, Barack  ·  Obelisk  ·  Obese & Obesity  ·  Obey & Obedience  ·  Objects  ·  Obligation  ·  Observation  ·  Obsession  ·  Occult  ·  Ocean  ·  Odds  ·  Offence & Offense & Offend  ·  Offer  ·  Office & The Office (TV) & Utopia (TV)  ·  Ohio  ·  Oil  ·  Oklahoma  ·  Oklahoma Bombing  ·  Old & Old Age & Elderly  ·  Old Testament  ·  Olympics & Olympic Games  ·  Oman  ·  Opera  ·  Operation Paperclip & Nazi Rat Line & Odessa File  ·  Operations & Projects  ·  Opinion & Opinion Polls  ·  Opioids & Opiates & Opium  ·  Opportunity  ·  Opposition  ·  Oppression  ·  Optimism  ·  Opus Dei  ·  Oral Sex  ·  Order  ·  Oregon  ·  Organisation  ·  Organise  ·  Orgasm  ·  Orthodox  ·  Orthodox Church  ·  Osiris  ·  Ossuary  ·  Ottomans & Ottoman Empire  ·  Ouija & Ouija Board  ·  Owe  ·  Oxycodone & Oxycontin  ·  Oxygen  

★ Operations & Projects

MOON BLINK: Previous to the publication of the anomalous Lunar report, in 1965 NASA launched Operation Moonblink, a project involving top observatories all over planet Earth.  NASAs goal was to collect data on the large number of luminosities seen flying over the lunar surface.  Operation Moonblink also investigated various large structures which had been photographed by unmanned NASA satellites.  Some of these structures looked suspiciously artificial.  Chris Everard, Secret Space II




MOON DUST: Project Moon Dust had to do really with us collecting space junk.  Things that’d fallen out of the sky.  Robert Young, historian




MOONLIGHT: The Santa Cruz bust [tons of cocaine] was the culmination of Operation Moonlight, which included the cooperation of British intelligence, the Bulgarian police, Washington’s Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), the Spanish police and the Bolivian Special Force.  Misha Glenny, McMafia  




MOSUL:  October 16th 2016 Operation Mosul begins to liberate the city from Isis.  Stacey on the Frontline: Girls, Guns and Isis, BBC 2016




MOTORMAN: The Army had been uneasy about the truce with the IRA.  Yet Bloody Friday presented the opportunity for the British army to counter with its own show of strength, codenamed Operation Motorman.  The Troubles: A Secret History II, BBC 2019




MYTH:  Operation Myth was launched by the Russian dictator Joseph Stalin in December 1945 to investigate the circumstances surrounding Hitler’s death.  Mysteryquest s1e1: Hitlers Escape, History 2009




NEPTUNE SPEAR: Targeting America’s most wanted terrorist, Osama bin Laden.  How did the US find him?  And how did they execute the mission?  Killing Bin Laden, 2011



The world’s most wanted terrorist – Osama bin Laden – was dead.  Within hours news of the clandestine black operation, or black op, spread across the world.  America's Book of Secrets, H2 2014




NICK: To find a defence against nuclear missile attack.  Tesla: Master of Lightning, PBS 2004




NORTHWOODS: In 1962 the joint chiefs of staff drew up and approved what may be the most corrupt plan ever created by the US government.  In the name of anti-communism, they proposed launching a secret and bloody war of terrorism against their own country in order to trick the American public into supporting an ill-conceived war they intended to launch against Cuba.  Counter-Intelligence: Shining a Light on Black Operations s1e3: The Strategy of Tension, 2013 



An aircraft at Eglin AFB would be painted and numbered as an exact duplicate for a civil registered aircraft belonging to a CIA proprietary organisation in the Miami area.  At a designated time the duplicate would be substituted for the actual civil aircraft and would be loaded with the selected passengers, all boarded under carefully prepared aliases.  The actual registered aircraft would be converted to a drone. Operation Northwoods document




OCTOPUS: One operation codenamed Octopus targeted the Russian embassy in Washington (1977).  Spy Craft I: High-Tech Surveillance and an Eye in the Sky, Netflix 2021




OMEGA:  The day after the killing of Virginia Voskerichian, the police announced the creation of a dedicated task-force known as Operation Omega.  It would eventually grow to three-hundred detectives.  Deranged Killers s1e1: Son of Sam, Discovery 2013




OMEGA: The prime minister [Anthony Eden] and the Americans decide to punish him for cutting a deal with the Soviets.  Their response it to mount a covert campaign against Nasser, codenamed Omega.  The Other Side of Suez, BBC 2006




OTTAWA: Pembrokeshire murders, 2006: Encouraged by developments in forensic science, Dyfed/Powys police brought together a small handpicked team of detectives to take a free look at the murders.  The top-secret operation was codenamed Ottawa.  The Pembrokeshire Murders: Catching the Game Show Killer, ITV 2021  




OVERT: A suspected mastermind behind a series of deadly terrorist attacks throughout Europe … He [Abdulla Ahmed Ali] was placed under 24-hour surveillance … The joint investigation was named Operation Overt … Based in the Major Incident Room … the team believed that Ali was setting up a terrorist cell.  Damian Lewis: Spy Wars s1e2: Bombs in the Sky, History 2019 




OXBOROUGH: Jill Dando murder: The largest criminal investigation since the Yorkshire Ripper.  Crimes that Shook Britain s2e2: Jill Dando, CI 2011




PAPERCLIP: In 1946 President Truman approved Project Paperclip, bringing Hitler’s top scientists into the United States. Mind Sciences




PARTY PIECE: The Communist Party of Great Britain ... Secret membership files were stored in the flat of a wealthy Party member in Mayfair ... The burglary was carefully arranged for a time when the occupants were away for a weekend in the Lake District ... Party Piece gave MI5 total access to the Party organization.  Peter Wright, Spycatcher pp54-55




PBSUCCESS: Guatemala, 1954: The Central Intelligence Agency launches an operation codenamed PBSuccess to overthrow the government that is threatening American interests in the region.  It is the first ever mission of its kind.  500 rebels will face off against the President’s army of 6,000.  The CIA has handpicked the next leader of Guatemala, and he is the head of the rebel force.  CIA Declassified s1e10: The Deadly Phantom Coup, 2014




PHOENIX: Miguel’ and Giberto’s [Cali cartel] elaborate plot to kill Escobar fails.  Drug Lords s1e6: The Cali Cartel, Netflix 2018




PIMLICO: Moscow, Soviet Union, 1985, Operation Pimlico: Olev Gordievsky, a Soviet KGB officer, is perhaps one of the greatest spies that ever worked for MI6, British Intelligence.  Spy Ops III: Operation Pimlico, man in the know




PLAN RED: America’s foe in this war was not the Soviet Union or Japan, it was not even Nazi Germany, Plan Red was code for an apocalyptic war with Britain and all her dominions.  The plan emerged from the great depression amid the rise of evil regimes; a time when even some in America had been seduced by dark forces.  Revealed: America’s Planned War On … 2011  




PLATO: The project responsible for Diplomatic relations with the aliens.  This project secured a formal treaty (illegal under the Constitution) with the aliens.  The terms were that the aliens would give us technology.  In return we agreed to keep their presence on earth a secret, not to interfere in any way their actions, and to allow them to abduct humans and animals.  The aliens agreed to furnish MJ-12 with a list of abductees on a periodic basis.  Bill Cooper, lecture ‘A Seminar on Majic 12’




PLUTO: A project to evaluate all UFO/IAC information pertaining to space technology.  Bill Cooper, Operation Majority, material released 31st May 1996    




PRISM: There was anger and confusion over just what kind of access major internet companies were giving the NSA.  Frontline: United States of Secrets III, PBS 2014 


[Operation] Prism was only part of what the NSA was up to.  ibid.   




RAINMAN: Operation Rainman [Liverpool] surveillance … Suddenly, these guys were doing seriously well.  And flaunting it.  And that kind of rankled with us.  So we kind of took that personal.  Liverpool Narcos I: Heroin ***** rozzers, Sky Documentaries 2021




RAFTER: The implications of this new discovery, code-named RAFTER, were enormous.  Not only could we prove beyond any doubt that the Russians were listening to our Watcher frequencies; we could also use the same technique to check the frequencies being listened to on any receiver we could detect inside the Embassy.  Peter Wright, Spycatcher p93