She [May] found a listing for an apartment in Gullspang. Storyville: The Gullspang Miracle: A Nordic Mystery, sister, BBC 2024
We were going to discover things that had been hidden for almost 80 years. ibid.
She is our sister who is dead! … We we told that she had taken her own life on 29th of July 1988 … We believed what we were told. ibid.
A pair of twins had been born in February 1941. ibid. family
I had been given away right after being born. But before that they agreed to keep it secret. ibid. long-lost sister
Then we meet in Gullspang in Sweden more than 1,000 miles away. That’s what I call a miracle. ibid.
Twins had to be kept hidden because the Germans were doing research experiments on twins. ibid. family
This is the first time I’ve seen it documented that I was a foster child. ibid. long-lost sister
Well, she doesn’t … well, eh doesn’t want me to be myself. She objects. She objects to everything I do. She, she dislikes my friends. She thinks I have drinks. She criticizes me all the time … The Wednesday Play: In Two Minds by David Mercer, director Ken Loach, Kate, BBC 1967
Do you listen to her, Mrs Winter? ibid. researcher
I really am wicked. ibid. Kate to researcher
Anyway, when I came back the door was locked … ibid.
Researcher: Abortion.
Mother: Don’t say that word to me. ibid.
When I get better I don’t have those feelings of being somebody else. ibid. Kate
So you asked to go back to the hospital? ibid. researcher
I’ve been a good father, and what have you done? You’ve pushed it all back in my face. Because you’re self-willed. Your mother and me, I mean, she’s a good woman, and I can’t stand to see the effect of what you’re doing, what you do to her – undermining her health. I’m ashamed of you. ibid. father
It would have been me that would have been lumbered with it. ibid. mother
Everything about her [Lee Sabine] was just so over the top. It was all an illusion. Everything we thought we knew turned out to be lies. The Body Next Door I, neighbour, Sky 2024
I had a strange phone call off the housing officer saying one of the tenants in Beddau has found a body. ibid. rozzer
The cause of death was blunt force trauma to the head. ibid.
She [Lee] did love having many male company in her flat. ibid. neighbour
I have no doubt that my mother is capable of murder. Ibid. daughter Jane
I’ve never ever told my story … because people don’t believe it … I can’t believe it’s happened … Her whole life’s been a lie, really. The Body Next Door II, son Steve
My mother was a nasty horrible heartless bitch. ibid. Jane
2015: Police were called here after human remains were found within the grounds. They say a man’s body was found above ground outside the flats concealed in plastic wrapping. ibid. TV news
1969 Auckland, New Zealand: Runaway parents off again. ibid. newspaper headline
They didn’t want us [five children] from the start. ibid. Jane
I was able to recover some slides and derive a DNA sample of Lee Sabine that we were able to compare to the hair that we recovered from the packaging. And we were lucky that when that sample did come back it was positive match for Lee Sabine. So that was a real breakthrough. ibid.
She [Lee Sabine] died from cancer two months ago. ibid. News
She didn’t have a motherly bone in her body. The Body Next Door III, daughter
Could this body have been dead for quite some time, far longer than we initially thought? ibid. rozzer
We found out her name was Ann Evans from Rhonda Valley, south Wales. ibid.
I’m Chris Sabine, son of John Sabine, from the first marriage. I was about one year’s old, my sister was two and a half, when my father abandoned us. ibid. half-brother gives DNA sample
We received the results of the DNA test. The DNA that we derived from Christopher positively identified the victim. It should that it was actually his father, John Sabine. ibid.