One of the main tenets of ancient astronaut theory suggests that a long time ago extraterrestrials changed our genetic make-up through a targeted mutation of our genes essentially in the lab. Giorgio A Tsoukalos, Legendary Times magazine
Our ancestors misinterpreted extraterrestrials as God because that was the only way they could explain away what they had witnessed. Giorgio A Tsoukalos
The Ancient Astronaut Theory tries to establish whether or not extraterrestrials visited Earth in the remote past. Giorgio Tsoukalos
A long long time ago extraterrestrials came here and through a targeted mutation of our genes we became human. Giorgio Tsoukalos
We should finally come to grips with the idea that extraterrestrials had something to do with our development. Giorgio A Tsoukalos
Is it possible that Akhenaten might have been an extraterrestrial hybrid? Giorgio A Tsoukalos
The whole pantheon of gods that we have in ancient Greece consists of nothing else but flesh and blood extraterrestrials who were misinterpreted as being these divine creatures by our ancestors. Giorgio Tsoukalos
The Dzopa allegedly is an extraterrestrial race that has still survived here on planet Earth. Giorgio Tsoukalos
The secret work of the Third Reich and their apparent interests in the occult, ancient wisdom and possibly even advanced extraterrestrial technology … Could there really be a link between extraterrestrial visitors and the Third Reich? Giorgio Tsoukalos, In Search of Aliens s1e2: Nazi Time Travelers
A mysterious weapon known as Die Glocke or The Bell … Project Kronos involved the study of time travel and Die Glocke might have been some part of a time machine. ibid.
I do see a similarity across the globe from megalithic sites where these past cultures explain that they were built by the gods. But were they really gods or extraterrestrials? Jason Martell, author Knowledge Apocalypse
Run for the life! Back to the river! Back to the forest! Run! I want to save you! ET: The Extra-Terrestrial 1982 starring Dee Wallace & Peter Coyote & Robert MacNaughton & Drew Barrymore & Henry Thomas & et al, director Steven Spielberg, boy releases frog
ET, phone home. ibid. little dude
I think it would be a disaster. The extraterrestrials would probably be far in advance of us. The history of advanced races meeting more primitive people on this planet is not very happy, and they were the same species. I think we should keep our heads low. Professor Stephen Hawking
So let me make a prediction – and that is some time by mid-century we might make contact with an intelligent civilisation in outer space. Professor Michio Kaku, address Physics of the Future
Now imagine that this all powerful group comes from another planet. And our rulers are in league with them ... Is this the biggest alien conspiracy of all? The World’s Strangest UFO Stories: The Great Alien Conspiracy, Discovery 2005
Why oh why would governments hide their encounters with aliens? ibid.
Life on Earth came from contact with extraterrestrial life-form. That’s in the Bible. That’s in ancient cultures around the world. So I believe the theory of ancient astronauts is true, and I believe there’s solid evidence there ... Ancient astronauts visited us, visited Earth, thousands upon thousands of years ago and seeded the very civilisation we have today. Dr Bill Birnes
It could well be that ancient astronauts might not be creatures from other planets at all but time travellers. Dr Bill Birnes
A lot of people believe that there is an extraterrestrial and they are saying this creature was captured by the authorities and hidden somewhere. Brazilian news broadcast
There was an Excel spreadsheet and the title was: Non-Terrestrial Officers – names, ranks. Gary McKinnon, Project Camelot interview
The signs are increasing. The lights in the sky will appear red, blue, green, rapidly. Someone is coming from very far and wants to meet the people of the Earth. Meetings have already taken place. But those who have really seen have been silent. Pope John XXII, 1935
There will come a day when we are going to have to realise we are not alone in this universe. Jordan Maxwell, Forbidden Knowledge
They are in fact leading the world. I think that we are being led by other-world intelligences right now. ibid.
There’s over fifty [alien races] and that most of them look human. Jordan Maxwell, Illuminati and the Black Magic Underworld, interview Age of Truth TV, January 2018
The human race is being manipulated by a higher power … There is all over the Earth a domination of the human family, of humans, by extraterrestrial or other world entities you can’t see. ibid.
Where is everybody? Enrico Fermi
Forget About ET. We Really Are Alone ... The new information suggests we could effectively be alone in the universe. There are very few solar systems or planets like ours. Dr Howard Smith, Harvard University, Daily Mail article January 2011
No-one would have believed in the last years of the nineteenth century that this world was being watched, keenly and closely, by intelligences greater than man’s. Who regarded this Earth with envious eyes. Slowly and surely drawing their plans against us. H G Wells, The War of the Worlds
How can I describe it? A monstrous tripod striding over the pine trees, smashing them aside. A walking engine of glittering metal, articulate ropes of steel writhing from it, and the clattering tumult of its passage mingling with the riot of fumbling. ibid.
When I got out in 1989 we had catalogued fifty-seven different species of – you have individuals that look very much like you and myself, that could walk among us and you wouldn’t even notice the difference. The Disclosure Project, National Press Club 2001, witness testimony.
You have various types of what we normally call greys – we didn’t call them greys in the military. But you had at least three types of the greys. You had some that were much taller than we were. The unique thing that I’d like to point out for the most part is that the entities that we did catalogue were in fact humanoid. Now this created a situation with the scientific community was trying to figure out why that would be the case. Because you would expect that if life evolved on other planets, that they would take on some type of other being, so to speak. Not necessarily look humanoid or bipedal such as we are. ibid.
An international team of scientists from the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) is investigating mysterious signal spikes emitting from a 6.3-billion-year-old star in the constellation Hercules — 95 light years away from Earth. The implications are extraordinary and point to the possibility of a civilization far more advanced than our own.
The unusual signal was originally detected on May 15, 2015, by the Russian Academy of Science-operated RATAN-600 radio telescope in Zelenchukskaya, Russia, but was kept secret from the international community. Interstellar space reporter Paul Gilster broke the story after the researchers quietly circulated a paper announcing the detection of ‘a strong signal in the direction of HD164595’. Observer online article 29th August 2016, ‘Not a Drill: SETI Is Investigating a Possible Extraterrestrial Signal from Deep Space’
For decades some have suspected there might be others out there. Beings capable of communicating with us. Even visiting our world. Horizon: Strange Signals from Outer Space, BBC 2017
The Lorimer Burst: ‘This signal that was so bright and apparently so far away it was completely unlike anything they’d seen before.’ ibid. Duncan Lorimer
A deafening lack of any communication from extraterrestrials has become known as the Great Silence. ibid.
The Wow! Signal: the most famous cold case in the search for extraterrestrials. ibid.