For thousands of years Scotland has been the epicentre of other-worldly phenomena. It is home to many mysterious ancient structures. And is a major hotspot for UFO sightings. Ancient Aliens s20e9: Mysteries of Scotland
UFO capital of the world! Bonnybridge is set to feature as the UFO capital of the world on a Japanese prime time TV slot watched by over 24 million people! ibid. local news article Charles Lavery
The Falkirk Triangle: Falkirk-Edinburgh-Glasgow, centered around the small village of Bonnybridge, it boasts the highest concentration of UFO sightings on Earth. ibid.
Since 1992 approximately 300 UFO sightings are reported within the Falkirk Triangle. ibid.
Dechmont, Scotland, 9th November 1979: In the centre of the Falkirk Triangle, just 20 miles from Bonnybridge, forest service surpervisor Bob Taylor walks down a wooded path when he sees something extraordinary in the clearing ahead: a huge object hovering over the forest floor. ibid.
‘What resembled two Second World War sea-mines descended from beneath this object and started rolling across the grass towards him. Then suddenly these objects stopped in front of him and projected these projections towards his person. They grabbed him forcibly at the hips and started to pull him towards this larger object. And then … he lost consciousness. When he regained consciousness, he had a nasty graze under his chin, he had a graze on his head, his clothes were all torn, his jersey was muddy, he felt nauseous, he had a terrible headache.’ ibid. comment
‘We saw the marks on the ground … heavy-duty marks.’ ibid.
Bob Taylor’s account stands out from many others due to the abundance of physical evidence. Including the trousers he was wearing. ibid.
Its [Scotland] rich trove of stone circles that date back over 4,000 years. ibid.
‘Best’ UFO Picture Ever, the Calvine Photo, Found After 30 Years Missing. ibid. Newsweek online article 15th August 2022
Mysterious ancient stones shaped into perfect spheres. Many show clear evidence of being manmade. And some of them completely defy explanation. Why is it that these strange artefact are found in all four corners of the globe? Ancient Aliens s20e10: Mystery of the Stone Spheres
Across the ancient world are mysterious monolithic monuments carved of solid stone. ibid.
Stone spheres: They exist in a vast range of sizes. ibid.
What purpose did they serve? ibid.
Costa Rica, 1939: Workmen find dozens of giant stone spheres. ibid.
How the Bosnian stone spheres were created remains a mystery. ibid.
Many are made of granite. ibid.
Hundreds of stone spheres in Mexico … ‘Sun-baked clay that has been rolled in pyrite dust.’ ibid.
Mysterious spheres that are not from this planet … Expedition off the coast of Papua New Guinea … ibid.
Harvard scientist finds alien artifacts at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean. ibid. Earthcom article 2023
The spheres were found to contain extremely high levels of Beryllium, Lanthanum and Uranium. ibid.
University of Sheffield, England, 2015: Astrobiologist Milton Wainwright and his research team release scientific balloons 25 miles up into the sky. Once a balloon reaches its target altitude, a capture mechanism will collect samples of material within the Earth’s stratosphere. ibid.
‘A tiny sphere … Titanium and Vanadium … It was actually a shell that had now broken, and coming out of it was this strange ooze that they felt was biological in nature.’ ibid. comment
‘There’s no Earth material associated with them. And they are too large to be carried from Earth to these altitudes. They must be incoming from space.’ ibid. Dr Wainwright
In the jungles of central America the Maya people thrived for over two thousand years. The Maya possess knowledge that defies explanation. And new evidence has revealed a civilisation more extraordinary and older than we imagined. Ancient Aliens s20e11: Mysteries of the Maya
Tikal, Palenque, Chichen Itza, Uxmal, Copan: Throughout Central America stand the ruins of the Maya. ibid.
Some of the most impressive architecture in the entire North American continent. And this is just one of their many accomplishments. ibid.
Earliest Mayan writing found in pyramid: Archaeologists excavating a pyramid complex in the Guatemalan jungle have uncovered the earliest example of Mayan writing ever found. ibid. NBC News online article
Copan’ Stele: ‘It all looks very technological in origin.’ ibid. Georgio
Huge Maya Civilisation With Pyramids, Settlements, Ball Courts, Roads and More Discovered By LIDAR in Guatemala. ibid. AncientPages online article 30th December 2022
In the 21st century scientists are attempting to bring every star in the sky within our reach. The concept of stargates dates back thousand of years. And some claim the US government has been pursuing this technology for decades. Ancient Aliens s20e12: Unlocking the Stargates
‘Stargates are a shortcut through space and time.’ ibid. Michio Kaku
Crashed UFOs. Recovered alien entities. Secret programs to study other-worldly technology. For over six decades incredible claims have been made about an extraterrestrial presence on Earth. But the American authorities have gone to great lengths to discret them. Are we nearing the day when whistleblowers will finally be taken seriously, and their accounts proven true? Ancient Aliens s20e13: The Whistleblowers
Washington DC 26th July 2023: On Capitol Hill the House Oversight Committee assembled for a landmark Congressional hearing to record first-hand accounts of UAP activity. ibid.
Just days after resigning, Elizondo shared his story with reporters from The New York Times. ibid.
A long line of whistleblowers who have been coming forward to tell their stories for decades. ibid.
While the purpose of Project Blue Book was to discredit UFOs, over the course of his tenure Hynek grew to question Project Blue Book’s mission. ibid.
For thousands of years humankind has attempted to make contact with beings from beyond Earth. Now in the 21st century the search for extraterrestrial intelligence is ramping up like never before. Ancient Aliens s20e14: The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence
This effort is led by the SETI Institute, established in 1984. ibid.
A mysterious interstellar radio signal has been blinking on and off every 22 minutes for more than 30 years. ibid. online article Natasha Hurley-Walker, The Conversation, 23rd July 2023
Avi Loeb’s Galileo Project Will Search for Evidence of Alien Visitation. ibid. online article Scientific American
Tantalising sign of possible life on faraway world. ibid. online article BBC 12th September 2023
Jacques Vallée, astronomer, computer scientist, best selling author, internet pioneer, and world-renowned UFO researcher. Jacques Vallée was one of the first to suggest the UFO phenomenon dates back thousands of years. Ancient Aliens s20e15: Jacques Vallée: UFO Pioneer
‘Jacques became an invaluable friend and colleague of my father [J Allen Hynek]. ibid. son
Socorro, New Mexico, 24th April 1964: Police Sergeant Lonnie Zamora heard a thunderous roar and saw a flame in the sky to the south-west … Both officers documented that the brush was burning in several places, and the object had left four perpendicular impressions on the ground. ibid.
Jacques Vallée: Anatomy of a Phenomenon: Latest Findings on Unidentified Flying Objects. ibid.
Jacques Vallée: Dimensions: A Casebook of Alien Contact. ibid.
Jacques Vallée & J Allen Hynek: The Edge of Reality: A Progress Report on Unidentified Flying Objects. ibid.
Jacques Vallée: Unidentified Aerial Phenomena: A Strategy for Research. ibid.
Other-worldly visitors who imparted knowledge. Teachers who introduced mankind to earth-changing innovations. And their presence altered the development of human civilisation. Could it be that throughout history our planet has been visited by teachers from the stars? Ancient Aliens s20e16: The Teachers
Is it possible that tens of thousands of years ago human DNA was manipulated by extraterrestrial beings? And if so, did they design us to be like them? ibid.
Deep beneath the sands of Egypt lie 24 enormous stone coffins. And every one of them is empty. What purpose they served remains a mystery. And there are many who believe these giant stone boxes were designed not by humans but by other-worldly visitors. Ancient Aliens s20e17: Egypt’s Giant Tombs
Who or what they contained remains a mystery. ibid.
How they were able to carve them with such precision. ibid.
Just how old is this underground structure? ibid.
Is it possible that the Serapeum was used to house radioactive material? ibid.
For more than four decades award-winning journalist Linda Moulton-Howe has reported on the most mysterious phenomena on Earth, from bizarre animal deaths to crop formations, other-worldly entities, and alien abductions. Ancient Aliens s20e18: The Linda Moulton Howe Files
‘She has taken on topics that other reporters wouldn’t touch, and changed the world.’ ibid. George Knapp
Linda Moulton Howe, 1980: A Strange Harvest. ibid.
Calls began pouring into the [TV] station. ibid.
Linda was able to reach millions of listeners on Coast to Coast. ibid.
Linda launched Earthfiles as an archive for her many years of research and created a website. ibid.
‘Her legacy is that of a pioneer.’ ibid. Giorgio
[For further episodes of Ancient Aliens, viz Extraterrestrials (II) & (III)]