Elroy and I continue to search for an archaeologist who would be willing to hear us out about the Code Stone. Secrets of the Viking Stone IV: One Two Three, Archaeology!
‘The DNA testing worked very well’ … We had a suspicion it might be Native American … Since the skull was Native, we had to figure out a way to get the skull back to the Native Americans. Academics have a hard time believing that the Vikings came to Minnesota, but some are open to the idea L’Anse aux Meadows wasn’t the final stop. ibid. expert
L’Anse aux Meadows: ‘It looks like it had the materials you needed to repair ships: that’s why there’s so many rivets found there, and also a place where you could make rivets.’ ibid. Dr Anders Winroth
Whoever did this, that’s the person I would like to meet. It’s the last runemaster. Secrets of the Viking Stone V: Don’t Worry, Be Happy, Dr Winroth
There was no doubt that the stone had been found wrapped in tree roots. And all the witnesses who had signed affidavits regarding the age of the tree stated it was at least twenty-five to thirty years old when Olof found the stone. Secrets of the Viking Stone VI: The Discovery
It [stone] was in the ground before he [Olof] even got here. And we’ve proved that. ibid.
According to Scot, the Knights Templar had been using the hooked X for centuries … The hooked X was carved on other rune stones that had been found right here in these United States. ibid.
Can anyone remember when we used to be explorers? Star Trek IX: Insurrection 1998 starring Patrick Stewart & Jonathan Frakes & Brent Spiner & LeVar Burton & Michael Dorn & Gates McFadden & Marina Sirtis & F Murray Abraham et al, director Jonathan Frakes, Picard
Livingstone was still in the grip of a passion to explore. For almost two years he drove himself on ... He died in Africa. Jeremy Paxman, Empire V: Doing Good, BBC 2012
‘What happened to the HMS Terror and the HMS Erebus? And more importantly, what happened to their crews? Conspiracies Decoded s1e4, Jess Phoenix, science writer, DiscoveryPlus 2022
It appears that the sailors of Franklin’s expedition were eaten, but by who[m]? ibid.
How will the space shuttle be remembered? As a great adventure in human space exploration, or as a fatally flawed white elephant? The Space Shuttle: A Horizon Guide, BBC 2011
That may be the most important thing to understand about humans. It is the unknown that defines our existence. We are constantly searching, not just for answers to our questions, but for new questions. We are explorers. We explore our lives day by day, and we explore the galaxy trying to expand the boundaries of our knowledge. And that is why I am here: not to conquer you with weapons or ideas, but to coexist and learn. Star Trek: Deep Space Nine s1e1: Emissary ***** Sisko
It was 1492 Christopher Columbus set sail from Spain, he discovered America … There must actually be more than that to this rather enigmatic character. Why for example is he celebrated as a national hero in a country he never even visited? James May’s Great Explorers I: Columbus, Channel 5 2025
Were these explorers really heroes or just a bunch of chancers? And is their legacy one of triumph or destruction? ibid.
To sum up, this was a death cruise on a rickety tub sleeping on a sack with a bunk of stinking murderers. ibid.
Good woodworking was matter of life and death for sailors. ibid.
This time Columbus set sail with 17 ships … And his instructions from the Crown were two fold – convert souls and find gold. ibid.
His animals would go on to populate the Americas. ibid.
The story of Sir Walter Raleigh: This is the West Country of England, famous for seafaring and of course for seafarers … The Spanish empire was sending home galleons stuffed with treasure, and that was all that one young Devon lad could dream about. James May’s Great Explorers s1e2: Raleigh
In popular legend Raleigh cuts rather a dashing figure. ibid.
Ireland: At the Siege of Smerwick in 1580 he personally oversaw the massacre of 600 soldiers, women and children. ibid.
The Queen became so enamoured with the handsome Raleigh that their racy behaviour almost caused a scandal. ibid.
So, in April 1584, armed with a wooden stick, two ships prepared to set sail on a reconnaisance voyage for Raleigh’s New World HQ. ibid.
In January 1585, Walter Raleigh was knighted. ibid.
Raleigh’s new colony would descend into chaos and violence. ibid.
The Spanish were also rumoured to be looking for El Dorado … Finally, Raleigh was on an expedition … The Queen was no amused. ibid.
James had him arrested and put on trial for treason … King James was forced to spare him the axe … He was still thrown in the Tower of London … for 13 years. ibid.
The King fell for Raleigh’s patter … given a fleet of ships and off he went to find El Dorado … It sealed Raleigh’s fate. ibid.