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★ Electricity

Professor Oliver Lodge ... He would set in motion a series of events that would revolutionise the Victorian world of brass and telegraph wire.  Jim Al-Khalili, Shock and Awe 3/3: Revelations & Revolutions


A new age of real understanding was now dawning.  ibid.


Maxwell would prove Faraday correct.  ibid.


Maxwells calculations showed how these fields could be disturbed rather like touching the surface of water with your finger.  ibid.


Lodge had proved that Maxwell was right.  ibid.


Hertz was also testing Maxwells theories.  ibid.


Marconi was no scientist.  But he read all he could of other peoples work.  ibid.


With crystals as detectors now it was possible to broadcast and detect the actual sound of a human voice or music.   ibid.


The very nature of Electricity itself remained unexplained.  ibid.


The beam became known as the Cathode Ray.  ibid.


The strange properties of semi-conductors ... The British had better silicon semi-conductors.  ibid.


Resistance wastes up to 20% of all the electricity we generate.  ibid.


Electricity has changed our world.  ibid.



James Clerk Maxwell would become one of the leading lights of nineteenth century Physics.  His work on electricity and magnetism was one of the great achievements of the age.  Jim Al-Khalili, Light and Dark, BBC 2013


This is the wave equation ... the speed the wave is travelling.  ibid.


300,000 kilometres per second: the speed of light ... an electromagnetic wave.  ibid.



And God said, ‘Let there be light’ and there was light, but the Electricity Board said He would have to wait until Thursday to be connected.  Spike Milligan



If the presence of electricity can be made visible in any part of the circuit, I see no reason why intelligence may not be transmitted instantaneously by electricity.  Samuel Morse



I am an expert of electricity.  My father occupied the chair of applied electricity at the state prison.  W C Fields



Californians devised a system of electricity sales that ignored every dimension of the free market.  P J O’Rourke



What the world needs is a small, compact, flexible fusion technology that could make electricity where and when it is needed.  The existing fusion program is leading to a huge source of centralized power, at a price that nobody except a government can afford.  Freeman Dyson



Electricity is derived from many non-renewable energy sources like oil, natural gas and coal.  Lamar S Smith



They can’t do without electricity.  They can do with less electricity.  Kenneth Lay



At the head of these new discoveries and insights comes the establishment of the facts that electricity is composed of discrete particles of equal size, or quanta, and that light is an electromagnetic wave motion.  Johannes Stark



We will make electricity so cheap that only the rich will burn candles.  Thomas A Edison



Striking the electric chain wherewith we are darkly bound.  Lord Byron, Childe Harold's Pilgrimage IV:23



One can prophesy with a Daniel’s confidence that skilled electricians will settle the battles of the near future.  But this is the least.  In its effect upon war and peace, electricity offers still much greater and more wonderful possibilities.  To stop war by the perfection of engines of destruction alone, might consume centuries and centuries.  Other means must be employed to hasten the end.  Nikola Tesla 



Electric current, after passing into the earth travels to the diametrically opposite region of the same and rebounding from there, returns to its point of departure with virtually undiminished force.  The outgoing and returning currents clash and form nodes and loops similar to those observable on a vibrating cord.  To traverse the entire distance of about twenty-five thousand miles, equal to the circumference of the globe, the current requires a certain time interval, which I have approximately ascertained.  In yielding this knowledge, nature has revealed one of its most precious secrets, of inestimable consequence to man.  So astounding are the facts in this connection, that it would seem as though the Creator, himself, had electrically designed this planet just for the purpose of enabling us to achieve wonders which, before my discovery, could not have been conceived by the wildest imagination.  Nikola Tesla



The progressive development of man is vitally dependent on invention.  Its ultimate purpose is the complete mastery of mind over the real world.  The harnessing of the forces of Nature to human needs.  Nikola Tesla



I quickly became obsessed with the science of electricity.  Nikola Tesla



There is one electrical genius who was nearly forgotten.  A man who dreamt of giving the world an unlimited supply of energy: his name was Nikola Tesla.  And he was the master of lightning.  Tesla: Master of Lightning, PBS 2000


This is the story of a modern Prometheus.  ibid.


It was Tesla who patented the technology for wireless communications that is used in all radio and television broadcasting.  ibid.


The electrical equivalent of the wheel; and all this was achieved with alternating currents.  ibid.


Twenty-two US patents were awarded to Nikola Tesla.  ibid.


The war of the currents was over and Tesla was the winner.  ibid.


Tesla was at the height of social acclaim.  ibid.


Tesla’s life-long obsession: the wireless transmission of energy.  ibid.


To his dying day Tesla believed it could be done.  ibid.


Scientists still disagree on whether beam weapons are realistic.  ibid.



Maxwell’s big ideas was that magnetism and electricity are actually two facets of the same thing.  Stephen Hawking’s Grand Design: The Key to the Cosmos, Discovery 2012



At around a million billion degrees the electromagnetic and the weak force begin to merge.  This merging is called electro-weak-unification.  Through the Wormhole with Morgan Freeman s1e8: What Are We Really Made Of? Science 2010



Until recently we believed that the space between the stars and planets was empty – a vacuum.  We now know it is teeming with charged particles.  We see glowing electric filaments spanning millions of light years.  Thunderbolts of the Gods, Wallace Thornhill, PSTV 2012 


It is possible the predominant force in the universe is not gravity, but something else ... A new theory is being proposed ... It is in fact a synthesis of the disciplines ... The Electric Model offers us a new interpretation of the workings of the universe.  ibid.


The Electric universe on the other hand deals with the electric structure of matter at the atomic level and works its way up.  ibid.


Magnetic fields are threaded through space in all dimensions.  ibid.  



We can summarize electricity, magnetism and gravity into equations one inch long, and thats the power of field theory.  And so I said to myself: I will create a field theory of strings.  And when I did it one day, it was incredible, realizing that on a sheet of paper I can write down an equation which summarized almost all physical knowledge.  Michio Kaku



Tesler who solved the problem by designing the world’s first hydro-electric power station under a waterfall.  James Burke: Connections s2e5: Something For Nothing, BBC 1994


Tesler also came up with a brilliant idea to use electricity for more than just lights and railway signals.  ibid.



Nikola Tesla was one of the most enigmatic but least known scientists of the past century ... So why did he die in poverty?  Was he silenced?  Jamie Theakston, Forbidden History: The Genius of Nikola Tesla, Yesterday 2014



A new technology that soon everyone in the world would want ... Cragside: he [Armstrong] wanted to go electric ... The light-bulb was born ... In 1948 transistors arrived that could do the same job as valves ... Next came silicon ... LED lights …  Everyday Miracles: The Genius of Sofas, Stockings and Scanners I, BBC 2015



Tonight from Drax – the largest power station in Britain.  The Genius of Invention I, BBC 2013


75% of power stations worldwide, including nuclear ones, use steam to generate electricity.  ibid.


1712: the atmospheric steam engine: Thomas Newcomen … His first engine was installed at a coal mine near Birmingham in 1712.  ibid.