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★ Election

Welcome to computer voting: Diebold electronic voting machines.  No paper trail.  Uncheckable.  ibid.



Latest Florida recount shows Gore won election.  The Pentagraph news report



If you in error remove even one person from the voter rolls its of tremendous significance.  We found errors we were very uncomfortable with; the matches that the State considered a match was not something that we necessarily considered a match.  Sometimes the race, even the gender was not a match.  We were not comfortable.  Pam Iorio, Election Miami, televised interview



On election day I got calls from a lot of people who complained that they had gone to vote and that the local precinct didn’t have their name on the list.  Andy Johnson, WJGR Jacksonville



Was it all just a dream?  Did the last four years not really happen? ... Election night 2000 and everything seemed to be going as planned.  Michael Moore, Fahrenheit 9/11, 2004


The man who was in charge of the decision desk at Fox that night, the man who called it for Bush, was none other than Bush’s first cousin John Ellis.  How does someone like Bush get away with something like this?  Well first it helps if your bother is the governor of the state in question.  Second, make sure the chairman of your campaign is also the votecompt woman and that her state has hired a company [Data Base Technologies] that’s gonna throw voters off the roles who aren’t likely to vote for you.  You can usually tell them by the colour of their skin.  ibid.



Florida: the sunshine state.  Something smells rotten here beneath the orange juice.  The Bush family takes back the White House when Florida goes for George W over Al Gore by a margin thin as the Ace of Spades: just five hundred and thirty-seven votes.  How convenient that the team in charge of this questionable little count is hand-picked by a governor named Jed Bush.  Greg Palast, Bush Family Fortunes


The pollsters called Florida as Al Gore’s state but for some reason George W thinks otherwise.  What does he know?  ibid.


Thousands of black voters were turned away from the voting booth [in Florida] because they were labelled as convicted criminals.  ibid.


The machine ballot count was a shambles.  ibid.


The theft of the American Presidency.  ibid.


The election was signed, sealed and delivered months before anyone entered a polling booth.  ibid.



There’s some kind of list of voters that were being purged so that voters were being removed from the registries by the secretary of state, Katherine Harris, and by Jeb Bush’s office.  Greg Palast, author The Best Democracy Money Can Buy



1The People vs Donald J Trump: Donald J Trump did not win this election; he didn’t win the popular vote and he didn’t win the votes in the states of Michigan, Wisconsin … Those states were stolen.  Greg Palast, Home to the Best Democracy Money Can Buy, Youtube 2016


Vote thievery doesn’t come cheap … These are the creepiest billionaires on the planet.  ibid.


Donald J Trump said this election’s rigged  and he’s right.  ibid.  


‘Over a million people voted twice in this election.’  ibid.  Dick Morris


‘You have people in my opinion that are voting many many times.’  ibid.  Trump


2000 Bush vs Gore: Florida  a different hidden data base of voters secretly tagged for elimination.  ibid.


2000: The Great Felony Voter Purge.  ibid. 


Thousands of mismatched birthdates … Thousands never convicted at all … The number of real felons on Bush’s vote list  zero.  ibid.


Koch  Heritage Foundation  Voter Crosscheck.  ibid.  


[Paul] Singer the Vulture is the No 1 donor to the Republican Party.  ibid.  


They [black voters] waited for hours.  ibid.  


Over 1,000,000 absentee ballots are rejected.  ibid.


Over 3,000,000 of you will not have your votes counted.  ibid.


Horror: The Koch Brothers Bring You the Ultimate in Fear!  ibid.


It’s now lynching by laptop.  ibid.


Ohio: 43,000 black voters have just vanished.  ibid.


June 2013: The US Supreme Court ripped out a key section of the Voting Rights Act … It was Koch money behind the hit.  ibid. 


Is vote suppression just another profit centre?  ibid.



State-wide we had everything from complaints of intimidation, police threatening people with tickets for loitering who happened to be standing in line.  We’ve had reports of people being required to produce multiple pieces of identification when they had a valid registration card.  Thomasina Williams, Attorney NAACP



I don’t think anybody who went to bed last night could imagine waking up this morning and not knowing who the President of the United States is: Al Gore 48,809,906.  George Bush 48,549,563.  Al Gore is the winner of the national popular vote, but the state of Florida, whoever wins there, wins the White House.  NBC Live



To this day there has not been a true state-wide recount as mandated by state law.  Jack Tapper, author Down & Dirty: The Plot to Steal the Presidency



On behalf of the State Elections Canvassing Commission and in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida I hereby declare Governor George W Bush the winner of Florida’s 25 electoral votes for President of the United States.  Katherine Harris



Legal scholars say this is probably the first time in the 210-year history of the United States supreme court that the court limited its ruling to the case in front of it.  Vincent Bugliosi, author The Betrayal of America



Well how can some counties be counted and others not counted without discrimination?  Victoria Wilson



One is the candidate for the very rich, and the other is the candidate for the even richer.  Both candidates are sponsored by the lobby groups of the ruling families.  Many voters feel the need to vote for the lesser of two evils, but they are still voting for evil and supporting a corrupt electoral system.  Both John Kerry and George Bush are members of Yale Universitys Skull & Bones secret brotherhood which is rooted in German freemasonry.  Ring of Power, 2008 



In December 1905 Balfour called a General Election.  For one thing was certain: the Liberals couldnt win it.  Could they not?  Balfour couldnt have been more wrong.  The Liberals successfully positioned themselves as the party of the people.  They campaigned on a manifesto of social welfare, free trade and reform, and they won a landslide victory.  Andrew Marrs Making of Modern Britain, BBC 2009



This is the most dramatic and important democratic decision ever taken by the British people.  But it leaves our country deeply divided.  The Andrew Marr Show 26 June 2016  


This has been the rebellion of the diminished against the cocky, the ignored against the shapers of modern times, and the struggling against the strutting.  ibid.   



I had to be eighteen.  All of us in the tea shop had to be eighteen, the legal age to vote.  There was an election coming up, and the tea shop owner had already sold us.  He had sold our fingerprints – the inky fingerprints which the illiterate person makes on the ballot paper to indicate his vote.  Aravind Adiga, the White Tiger p97


Now the Great Socialist had been the boss of the Darkness for a decade at the time of this election.  His party’s symbol, a pair of hands breaking through handcuffs – symbolizing the poor shaking off the rich – was imprinted in black stencils on the walls of every government office in the Darkness.  Some of the customers at the tea shop said the Great Socialist started off as a good man.  ibid.  p97


You see a total of ninety-three criminal cases – for murder, rape, grand larceny, gun-smuggling, pimping, and many other such minor offences – are pending against the Great Socialist and his ministers at the present time.  ibid.  p97


Now that the date for the elections has been set, and declared on radio, election fever had started spreading again.  These are the three main diseases of this country, sir: typhoid, cholera, and election fever.  This last one is the worst; it makes people talk and talk about things that they have no say in ... Would they do it this time?  Would they beat the Great Socialist and win the elections?  Had they raised enough money of their own, and bribed enough policemen, and bought enough fingerprints of their own, to win?  Like eunuchs discussing the Kama Sutra, the voters discuss the elections in Laxmangarh.  ibid.  p98


Whatever was being done, was being done for our own good.  The Great Socialist’s enemies would try and steal the election from us, the poor, and take the power away from us, the poor, and put those shackles back on our hands that he, the Great Socialist, had so lovingly taken off our hands.  Did we understand?  ibid.  p100