A gang that’s brought terror to the streets … the biggest and fastest growing gang on the planet. Ross Kemp on Gangs s2e1: San Salvador, Sky 2006
18th Street v MS-13. ibid.
There are on average eleven murders a day in a population smaller than London. ibid.
El Salvador has officially adopted Bitcoin as legal tender.
A recent poll by YouGov has shown that that 27% of US residents supported the idea of making Bitcoin a legal tender in the United States.
The survey, conducted among 4,912 US adults, also revealed that the younger generation has a more positive attitude towards Bitcoin.
On September 7, El Salvador officially adopted Bitcoin as legal tender, making the cryptocurrency an accepted means of exchange for goods and services. While El Salvador is the smallest country in Central America, its adoption of Bitcoin has made an impression on some larger countries in the region.
Aside from Central America, the news could have an effect on the US, where some advocates are considering the idea of Bitcoin becoming a legal tender. World Economic Forum online article, ‘El Salvador has adopted Bitcoin as official legal tender - but will other countries follow?’
Plunder is no longer a way of life for a group of men in society in El Salvador, and so in just under four years, the legal system no longer allows it, and the moral code in fact glorifies building for, rather than plundering from, the future. Stacy Herbert