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★ Bureaucracy & Bureaucrat

In the early ’60s R D Laing set up a psychiatric practice in Harley Street in London.  He offered radical new treatments for schizophrenia and quickly became a media celebrity.  But his research into the causes of schizophrenia convinced him that a much wider range of human problems were caused by the pressure-cooker of family life.  Laing decided to investigate how power and control were exercised within the world of normal families.  And to do this he would use the techniques of Game Theory.  ibid.


Laing produced matrices which showed how just as in the Cold War couples use their everyday actions as strategies to control and manipulate each other.  His conclusion was stark.  That what was normally seen as acts of kindness and love were in reality weapons used selfishly to exert power and control.  From this research, Laing argued that the modern family, far from being a nurturing caring institution, was in reality a dark arena where people played continuous selfish games with each other.  ibid.


Laing was radicalised by his findings.  He believed that the struggle for power and control that he had uncovered in the family was inextricably linked to the struggle for power and control in the world.  In a violent and corrupt society the family had become a machine for controlling people.  Laing believed that this was an objective reality revealed by his scientific methods, above all by Game Theory.  But these very methods contained within them bleak, paranoid assumptions about what human beings were really like, assumptions borne out of the hostilities of the Cold War.  ibid.  


The system that was trying to control your mind and destroy your freedom … What Laing and the counter-culture were doing was tearing down Britain’s institutions in the name of freedom.  ibid.  


A group of right-wing economists in America now put forward a theory why this was happening.  At the heart of their idea was Game Theory.  They said that the fundamental reality of life in society was one of millions of people continually watching and strategising against each other, all seeking only their own advantage.  An assumption had become a truth.  The self-interested model of human behaviour that had been developed in the Cold War to make the mathematical equations work had now been adopted by these economists as a fundamental truth about the reality of all human social interaction.  ibid.  


Public Choice theory … James Buchanan: ‘no meaningful concept that could be called the public interest.’  ibid.  


Psychiatry, said Laing, was a fake science used as a system of political control to shore up a violent collapsing society.  Its categories of madness and sanity had no reality.  Madness was simply a convenient label used to lock away those who wanted to break free.  ibid.


All human judgment would be removed and replaced instead by a system based on the power of numbers; they gave up on the idea they could understand the human mind and cure it; instead, American psychiatry created a new set of measurable categories that were only based on the surface behaviour of human beings.  ibid. 


More than 50% of Americans suffered from some type of mental disorder.  ibid. 


This new system of psychological disorders had been created by a an attack on the arrogance and power of the psychiatric elite in the name of freedom.  But what was beginning to emerge from this was a new form of control: the disorders and checklists were becoming a powerful and objective guide to what were the correct and appropriate feelings in an age of individualism and emotion.  ibid. 


In November 1989 the Berlin Wall collapsed and the Cold War was finally over.  A new era of freedom had begun.  The shape that freedom was going to take would be defined by the victors – the West, and as this programme has shown, the idea of freedom that had now become dominant in the West was deeply rooted in the suspicion and paranoia of the Cold War.  ibid.



The whole idea of mass democracy began to be questioned and undermined from inside the political establishment itself.  It began almost unnoticed, hidden behind the wave of enthusiasm after the fall of communism.  But a political scientist called Peter Mair has argued that what happened in the 1990s was that the old idea of democracy started to disappear in the West.  And it was replaced by something else which we haven’t fully comprehended yet or even seen because it is outside the old categories of politics.  Western politicians, Meyer said, literally changed their roles: they gave up being representatives of the people and instead they became the agents of a new bureaucracy which was rising up and promising that it could manage the dangerous and unpredictable force of individualism better than the politicians could ... Individualism and its drive to self-actualisation can corrode and eat away at the collective power of mass democracy.  Peter Mair said the same was now happening in the West.  Adam Curtis, Can’t Get You Out of My Head IV: But What if the People are Stupid? BBC 2021



There’s so much in the 21st century that is stymied by bureaucracy and mediocrity and committee.  Benedict Cumberbatch



Any change is resisted because bureaucrats have a vested interest in the chaos in which they exist.  Richard Nixon 



Today the path of total dictatorship in the United States can be laid by strictly legal means, unseen and unheard by the Congress, the President or the people.  Outwardly we have a constitutional government.  We have operating within our government and political system another body representing another form of government – a bureaucratic elite.  William Jenner, 1954



I live in the Managerial Age, in a world of Admin.  The greatest evil is not now done in those sordid ‘dens of crime’ that Dickens loved to paint.  It is not done even in concentration camps and labour camps.  In those we see its final result.  But it is conceived and ordered (moved, seconded, carried, and minuted) in clean, carpeted, warmed and well-lighted offices, by quiet men with white collars and cut fingernails and smooth-shaven cheeks who do not need to raise their voices.  Hence, naturally enough, my symbol for Hell is something like the bureaucracy of a police state or the office of a thoroughly nasty business concern.  C S Lewis, The Screwtape Letters preface