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★ Brainwashing

My entire life is devoted to helping you and helping Johnny.  The Manchurian Candidate 1962 starring Frank Sinatra & Angela Lansbury & Janet Leigh & Laurence Harvey & Henry Silva & James Gregory & Leslie Parris & John McGiver et al, director John Frankenheimer, mother to son


Allow me to introduce our American visitors.  I must ask you to forgive their somewhat lackadaisical manners.  But I have conditioned them.  Or brainwashed them, which I understand is the new American word.  ibid.  Dr Yen Lo


Raymond Shaw is the kindest, bravest, warmest, most wonderful human being I have ever known in my life.  ibid.  Sinatra


Shoot Bobby, Raymond, through the forehead.  ibid.  Dr Yen Lo


I tell you there’s something phony going on.  There’s something phony about me, about Raymond Shaw, about the whole medal of honor business.  ibid.  Sinatra


There are exactly fifty-seven card-carrying members of the Communist Party in the Department of Defense at this time.  ibid.  Senator


Well we are at war.  Its a Cold War.  But it will get worse and worse until every man, woman and child in this country will have to stand up and be counted.  To say whether they are on the side of right and freedom or on the side of the Thomas Jordans of this country.  ibid.  mother to son  


I keep telling you not to think.  ibid.  wife to husband


Its been decided you will be dressed as a priest ... You are to shoot the presidential nominee through the head.  ibid.  mother to son


Defending America even if it means his own death.  Rallying a nation of television viewers into hysteria to sweep us up into the White House with powers that will make Martial Law seem like anarchy.  ibid.



Kuwait 1991 ... It was just before Desert Storm.  The Manchurian Candidate 2004 starring Denzel Washington & Meryl Street & Liev Schreiber & Kimberly Elise & Jon Voight & Vera Farmiga & Jeffrey Wright & Simon McBurney & Bruno Ganz et al, Denzel’s commentary


I have these dreams, sir.  ibid.  Melvin


I believe democracy is not negotiable.  ibid.  Shaw


Somebody got into our heads.  ibid.  Marco


Deep implant behaviour modification.  ibid.  Senator


This isn’t an election; this is a coup.  ibid.  Denzel to Rosy



Governments will do anything to make their armies stronger.  Even experiments on their own soldiers.  From the top secret CIA program M K Ultra, to the paranormal investigations ... Did the US government use psychic powers to spot enemy targets?  Codes and Conspiracies: Experimental Soldiers s2e6


Remote viewing: California 1979 ... Jim Channon ... The First Earth Battalion ... A super-soldier who can employ non-lethal tactics, harness the skills of a hunter.  ibid.


Task Force Delta embraced Channons philosophies.  ibid.


Remote Viewing [of submarines]: ‘There was no correlation whatsoever’.  ibid.  Michio Kaku


Korean War: Hunter coined a new expression: brainwashing.  ibid.


 ‘And so, believing that the Russians and the communists were doing it, the United States embarked upon M K Ultra – a multi-million dollar program to enlist psychics, hypnotists, charlatans, physicists, anyone they could get their hands on to investigate mind control.’  ibid.  Michio Kaku



1960: The Observer was reporting: Spies Brainwashed in Britain: a technique of brainwashing was developed in Britain during the War and used to extract confessions from captured spies.  Document: 16/11/2009, BBC Radio 4


If this letter is to be believed, such methods were being used by the British, not in Britain as The Observer claimed but in Cairo.  ibid.    



Shortly before his assassination, JFK had been warning about a system operating from the shadows.  The Minds of Men, Aaron & Melissa Dykes, 2018  


On April 13 1953 newly appointed CIA director Allen Dulles signed off on M K Ultra, the CIA’s top secret mind-control project.  ibid.


For Dulles it was a … newly declared battle for the minds of men.  ibid.


‘One of the most bizarre episodes in CIA history.’  ibid.  news    


The public wouldn’t even learn of the project’s existence until the mid-70s … sinister experiments taking place under taxpayer funding and behind closed doors.  ibid. 


Dr Cameron wanted to erase, rewrite, and program the mind and the person with all new thoughts and behaviours.  And he used CIA and Rockefeller Foundation funding to do it.  ibid.


MK Ultra itself had 149 sub-projects at least that we know about.  ibid.


Richard Helms … ordered the destruction of all MK Ultra documents.  ibid. 


No trial, no jail time, no explanation beyond the CIA’s need to create Manchurian candidates … M K Ultra was simply a dark corridor in a much larger labyrinth.  ibid.  



The truth about China’s secret indoctrination camps.  Leaked documents reveal how a superpower is trying to brainwash a million people.  We’ve obtained secret government instructions to those who run the camps.  And we confront the Chinese state with our evidence.  Panorama: How to Brainwash a Million People, BBC 2019    


China has built hundreds of them in the last three years … Each of these camps has hundreds of detainees held without charge.  Some hold thousands.  There’s one for every town.  ibid.  


‘Never allow escapes.  Increase discipline and punishment … Strict secrecy … The work policy of the … centres is strong and highly sensitive’.  ibid.  government document



Shortly before his assassination, JFK had been warning about a system operating from the shadows.  The Minds of Men, Aaron & Melissa Dykes, 2018  


On April 13 1953 newly appointed CIA director Allen Dulles signed off on M K Ultra, the CIA’s top secret mind-control project.  ibid.


For Dulles it was a massive into a newly declared battle for the minds of men.  ibid.


‘One of the most bizarre episodes in CIA history.’  ibid.  news    


The public wouldn’t even learn of the project’s existence until the mid-70s … sinister experiments taking place under taxpayer funding and behind closed doors.  ibid. 


Dr Cameron wanted to erase, rewrite, and program the mind and the person with all new thoughts and behaviours.  And he used CIA and Rockefeller Foundation funding to do it.  ibid.


M K Ultra itself had 149 sub-projects at least that we know about.  ibid.


Richard Helms … ordered the destruction of all MK Ultra documents. ibid. 


No trial, no jail time, no explanation beyond the CIA’s need to create Manchurian candidates … M K Ultra was simply a dark corridor in a much larger labyrinth.  ibid.  



Private Institutions Used in CIA Effort to Control Behaviour 25-Year $25 Million Program.  The New York Times 2nd August 1977 article


Drugs Tested by CIA on Mental Patients.  ibid.



The CIA is carrying out mind control on countless numbers of unwitting American victims.  And he even went so far as to say the basic methods that they use in this mind control: hypnosis, drugs and torture.  Fritz Springmeier



Theres a small handful of criminals that are in control of our government, and in control of our country.  Theyre in control of our information.  And theyre suppressing pertinent facts such as mind control.  Cathy OBrien, lecture Trance Formation of America


When this one particular politician came to my father and told him he could receive immunity from prosecution if he would sell me into M K Ultra mind control my father was thrilled.  He agreed to sell me into the project and was trained in how to raise me for M K Ultra.  ibid. 


The abuse that I was enduring under M K Ultra mind control was so extensive that I lost all my awareness.  I lost my ability to reason.  I lost my ability to question anything.  ibid.


When you go outside this country its accepted knowledge that our president is under mind control.  ibid.



Nandor’s deprogramming is taking longer than we thought.  What We Do in the Shadows s3e9: A Farewell, Guillermo, BBC 2021